Alwaleed bin Talal owns Four Seasons Hotel in Mandalay Bay Hotel (the hotel the shooter fired from). He also owns Citibank, which picked Obama's cabinet.
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Interesting. Middle East swamp draining? And why did JK go there?
>Alwaleed bin Talal owns Four Seasons Hotel in Mandalay Bay Hotel
Any source for this?
That's a JIDF talking point because Jews/Mossad did Vegas. They're trying to blame Saudi once again just like 9/11.
Vegas has to be related to Islam.
Will we ever find out the truth?
how significant are his holdings in newscorp? isnt that fox news and the WaPo?
Even if the saudis do not own the hotel, the saudi airforce WAS in new vegas during the attack. AND they were the ones that stole that "missing jet that was found inside a mountain in tennessee"
Have a bump of cocaine on me OP
Saudis DO own the Four Season.. Located on 5 top floors of the Mandalay Bay.
The stairwell connecting was beside patsy paddocks room.
Mossad was in LV. Yes.
And Blackwater / Academi.
The whole thing was a black op on black op clusterfuck.
Hence no motive and the yawning memory hole, cause there is no plausible explanation that won't wake and disturb the sheepies.
Newscorpse is Rupert Murdoch.
He is able to hold control of his company due to sheik voting rights.
Murdoch owns a share in the Genie oil field in Syria... The occupied Golan heights.
Other shareholders are dick Cheney and Rothschild.
George whatfuckolopous who just got indicted with Manafort was a heavy behind the scenes guy working on deals regarding the Israeli offshore gas field near Cyprus.
>Saudis DO own the Four Season.. Located on 5 top floors of the Mandalay Bay.
>The stairwell connecting was beside patsy paddocks room.
This really is big. It’s not everyday a 17B prince that owns most of Twitter gets arrested.
can't seem to find Bibi there......................
Maybe that's why trumps twitter went down for -11- minutes the other day?
-11- being a message?
>17B prince that owns most of Twitter gets arrested
WHY though? None of the articles make it clear, very weird
Cuz Bibi is a bitch.
i wish BOTH you mudslimes and kikes would just holocaust yourselves
Trump is making a big comeback!
gl USA hope you all survive at least 2018
How about the US stop initiating, funding, supporting, training and funding the "terrorists"
Or "moderate" rebels or whatever nomenclature is being used this week to cover for the use of a proxy force to seize oil and assts globally ?
I dunno man. It's worked wonders for us in Vietnam, South America, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Syria, and maybe Somalia next.
He's the majority shareholder of the entire Four Seasons chain
This is the CIA.... Saudi Arabia told China they would take the Yuan instead of USD for their Oil...
Less than a month later.
This happens.
Karma is a bitch.
>look at this dood
trump is removing those that have made those choices! MAGA!
Saudi Arabia will still need to take yuans. China is now a bigger and more relevant energy market than the US.
>implying americans have any control whatsoever in their (shadow) goverments dealings
(Well until Trump came long ofcourse)
Doesnt matter. China does not have the capacity to either burn saudi to the ground or help them survive in a very hostile environment.
Seems trump is just squeezing time though just to get things in order because petrodollar wont survive for long
>Implying Trump actually really has control atm.
You're gonna have to wait until after 2018..
>that bottom left qt
now im sad
How long till a bunch of sex slaves are found at the princes places they own. Come on good time line.
arrested for what? also why create the shooting? this is not 9/11 no money was made on this shooting. unless then thought it would take your guns then they would have control.
The chest wound is part of the canonical official narrative. Paddock wasn’t shot in the head, he was shot in the chest. They said there was no damage to his head and the blood came out of his mouth from being shot in the chest.
Suicide from shooting oneself it a bit odd though
Powergrab by CIA?
Would they allow foreign entities to operate on American soil just to spite Trump? Probably.
And we all know how to spot one, right?
>arrested for what?
wtf is going on, you don't just arrest someone worth 17 billion dollars
I think you mean 'paybacks a bitch'
Karma is the idea of balancing right and wrong. And no one on the globe has done more wrongs than the CIA
fake news
Quick anons, is my senpai going to be safe? Anyone keeping watch?!
Should I keep praying super hard and supplying holy energy to all the good defenders?
Do you feel manipulated.
Short reminder that those extremists are our best, almost only, argument against "cultural enrichment" by muslims. The moment we don't have those extremists anymore, the globalists will flood our countries like never seen before and we will be left helpless to stop it.
This purge is totally positive for Israel. It purges their enemies, and the crown prince sent a clear signal with Hariri resigning and attacking Iran, which will be the main target and common enemy.
You're a JIDF shill. Israel is SO FUCKED. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO FUCKED.
USS Liberty.
Pulse Nightclub.
to add to this, the Lebanese PM fled to Saudi Arabia after being receiving death threats from Syria, and by proxy, Iran
I wouldn't care so much for Muslims if they were not violent.
Being wrong about religion is not sufficient for me to oppose them to such a degree.
May i ask you a question?
Holy shit that's amazing
Geffen and Spielberg are child fuckers.
Hollywood is the mouth piece.
My fucking sides
Pool boy.
This goes back
If US cleans up the shithole that is called saudi arabia, ill get an american flag tattooed
What's the significance of Trump urging Aramco IPO?
fucking lol the one liberal organization that defends hate speech
Imperator thread explaining it
Remember early on when Trump was "working" with Paul Ryan? He knew he was dirty and gave him a false sense of security with direction of legislation. It was Trump using Ryan to expand and explore possibilities.
Guys Trump has been infiltrating and infiltrated government. And imagine if the rumors were true about him being asked by a group to run for president???? It would mean that there was a plan to take out the 5th column and they were ready or not to make a strike! Plans for liberation of the people when patriots saw and learned of the wicked rulers behind the veil of "charter"
What is Gaddafi doing in the photo? I thought he died. (2nd from the left)
Both of these guys coming down soon.
wow. I looked it up and it's actually mostly correct. Snopes straight up said it was false, with the grounds being:
>deaths are unrelated
Doesn't disprove anything
>they include Paddock as one of the 7
Shows that its a bad news source, but still doesn't disprove anything
>They initially reported on a guy that didn't actually die.
Snopes admits to all the other deaths being true including "28-year-old Suchomel who passed away in her sleep a week after the massacre... She drew the attention of conspiracy theorists with a now-private Facebook post attributed to her in which she said there was more than one shooter".
It's a shame that most people will just see the FALSE sign at the top of the page and move on.
Which only means that the shooter was not the real shooter.
^ confirmed.
Whenever I read snopes "disproving" something, its just them managing to spin facts while avoiding the argument.
>No money made on the shooting?
You jest, right?
"Bump stocks".
On LV threads anons dissected the plays in the MGM share price and shenanigans.
LV was for sure a 2017 9/11 event... Didn't go quite to plan...
But Mossad and Saudis and several other key players all aligned in the LV event.
>What's the significance of Trump urging Aramco IPO?
yeah, someone explain please
broker negotiate deals make new alliances
Trump told them to clean there shit up or face repercussions. Is this them honoring the deal?
Nice Tay.
According to Imperator, it's him giving permission for them to list on the nyse. Tldr, he made a deal with the Saudis to round up all the guys in KSA associated with corruption over there and here. The arrests today prompted Trump's tweets. Basically, everyone is going to jail. And Trump is about to pull a Batman on all the crooked people in the US
Ive seen snippets of this story around Sup Forums, but what the fuck does it mean? Is Assange Phoenix?
we should meme Nigel Farage as Secretary General of the U.N. and or the head of the E.U. in Brussels. Go Nigel Farage!!!
Mr Mielekowski,, Khazar through Poland...
and was the real target/reason for this 'event' an assassination attempt of one or more VIPs at the JANET air terminal facility directly adjacent to the concert venue??? What is the most current up to date sauce on this??