There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations. And they are all being posted by memeflags.
Did Shareblue get an extra dose of Soros cash or what?
There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations. And they are all being posted by memeflags.
Did Shareblue get an extra dose of Soros cash or what?
Yeah, it's a really obvious forced meme. They all appeared at the same time.
They really don't want the white countries supporting each others. It's international D&C. Pathetic and very transparent.
My feeling exactly.
Nah people just like American butthurt because we're the best at everything, even butthurt.
you stupid underage fucks need it so badly. go back to /r/the_donald
>White Country
Does this mean "day of the rake" and "bin that knife" and all other memes making jokes about other nations were forced by Soros as well?
Yes. George Soros is behind bantz.
it's great. look at you idiots tripping over yourself to defend yourselves like fucking faggots, even after all that shit you talk
That's not racial division.
Bin that knife, btw. You don't want to accidentally cut the TV license inspector.
>the flag
>the photo
Are you even trying anymore Muhammad?
Oh no you sad fuck, this is definately generic Sup Forums memery.
The world fucking HATES the states, I mean we love it, there will always be diamonds in the rough, but for your population size most of your people are well, meme implied.
Canada, Sweden, Russia, China, Australia, Germany, UK, Ireland, France, anywhere in Africa. The list goes on for most countries included, everyone has a good organic meme of retardation/spite/hatred, every country has some people worth characterizing.
muh shareblue shills
Come on, how us your flag.
Don't be shy.
I'm American. Forgot that was on.
Its been dropped to 52% as of a few hours ago btw.
I wish George Soros paid for people to be friends with me.
I am convinced that it is JIDF or some other shilling network at work. One day I was browsing and they just kept getting spammed in a shit ton of threads. They are all forced as hell, don't get me wrong, I think that the occasional "le 56%" banter is alright, but when they get pushed into threads excessively then it is obviously divide and conquer tactics.
LOL whites tearing themselves apart from the inside
It is a funny meme but the anti American posting tonight along with the left pol Nov 4 shit..clearly being raided.
im literally crying. stop.
>wtf i hate the bell curve now
why would shareblue knock our beautiful browning Amerikwa
What's the problem? Everyone gets made fun of here, some more than other.
Did you really think americans wouldn't get memed on? Grow a thicker skin and join the rest of us. Maybe the quality of posts on this board will get better once americunts learn how to take a joke instead of going '''y-yeah but your country...'''
It's mostly that swedish guy. Sitting in his shed with photoshop
do you hate white people?
are you chinese/Muslim?
did your parents get bombed by us?
or you're fucking paranoid. they came from frogtwitter. Some funny eurofags from Salo made them.
>There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations.
it's called meme evolution
First off though, you Europeans should understand something.
We cannot account for every single Mexican who makes it across our 3,145 kilometer border (If I go by your retarded metric system) while it is true that a large portion of the Mexican population immigrating to the United States is Mestizo or Indigenous, Mestizos are partially white, in many cases half white or more. And much of Mexico has white people. 47% I believe. I doubt that it is completely untainted from Indio genetics though.
So yeah, they are literal personifications of your amerimutt meme. So allot of the mexicans or spics as some refer to them as would be some kind of blend of that.
But just knowing now, if you've been following, that we cannot keep track of every last person, it's impossible to decidedly say that the United States is 56% pure. It could be more along the lines of 60-65% pure as it is now. When I say pure I mean mixed european. Many of you consider that a bad thing, but I don't. It's obviously the most superior phenotype for white people. Just mix meds and nords and slavs and aryans. Make the ubermensch.
Your 56% claims are based on shaky statistics and on numbers that we cannot decidedly account for. These numbers may also change massively in a short time span because of our lord and savior Donald Trump, bless his heart, who plans to build a big beautiful wall on the southern border to keep the spics out and who will not succumb to the European tendency of importing Arabs and will likely try to crack down on libshit attempts to do so. Many Mexicans are already going back to Mexico due to certain policy changes.
Your 56% memes cannot last forever and are likely to be more like 66% or even 68% pure when accounting for white Mexican's who wish they were mestizo and claim it in order to gain oppression points. Even ask any Mexican anons, they have their fair share of shitskins but they still have a lot of white europeans.
Don’t be a snowflake. I think the American goblin memes are really funny. If you are white you have nothing to prove.
>pic related
this meme is subversion
half the people posting it are like "lool america doesn't like socialized medicine cause they're niggers"
be careful, euros
Don't get your fee fees hurt. If it chafes you fat fanny so much, come up with a good retort.
>5 variations
You realise that there are plenty of rich white Europeans who despise America right?
I'm not one of them but just letting you know that not every anti-American poster is a poor brown person.
and u just posted all that. learn to laugh at our shitty situation.
I don't get the meme. This isn't Argentina, American whites are not mixed for the most part.
We are more like South Africa, and probably going to get genocided soon too.
Don't take it personal. It's just bantz.
do you not get out much or just live in Wyoming
Mate, it didn't happen for 10 years, why would it happen now? Just give up on 'murrican posters, 90% of them are legit sub 90 IQ, they take everything personally and feel like it's their obligation to throw insults at anyone pointing out flaws with the USA.
>this meme is subversion
damn you guys just can't accept some shit hey that's why Sup Forums is so terrible now
>5 variations
Dumb burger, there are hundred of them, new ones are being made each day. Soros don't pay us for nothing
>MFW I read a story of a Brit being raped by a migrant.
Every white should unite to overthrow the bonds of Jewry and rid the world of them and the subhuman parasites. Then we can go back to our squabbling, of who isn't white and who isn't xyz. Of why Aryans are better then Anglos or how meds aren't really white or whatever argument you wish to make. Whites not banding together is going to be our downfall. Everyone else plays the game of tribalism.
Divide and conquer.
I apologize for burgerbros not being able to handle the bants. altho pic prob related
Many Europeans secretly wish they were American since they spend so much time observing its culture and politics. They know the EU will never reach the power and prestige of the US, so they find justifications for anti-American attitudes. Yeah, a lot of it's pure memes and banter but I see some Euros actually falling for the meme as a legit demerit of the US.
never forget the american Sup Forums meetup
My fav
I mean... go to sleep. Or something. Le 56%. Drunpf impeach.
Its just our turn to take the shit, it always goes around.
for once yanks are on the receiving end of a meme and its non stop crying
I've been on this site for years and every second thread the reply is about the famine. Deal with it you whiney faggots
Tell that to the French mate.
They hate everyone. Including themselves.
>You are paid to post these bantz!
you are not white you fucking mongrel
The funny thing is that the face looks like my neighbor who's like 100 pounds overweight, claims native ancestry, bragged about his dad serving a literal jewish mob, and is an ardent conservative. Dude claimed to have like 5 mini heart attacks and loves Carl's Jr burgers. He's like an all round (no pun intended) Murrican stereotype that came to life.
>50 threads a day posting the memes by African and meme flags
>before that day you rarely saw them and nobody cared
oh right totally just a coincidence and not coordinated at all
everyone just hates the most conservative western country in the world that they couldn't help but post all on the same day
you're either stupid or one of the shills
I suppose this will pass just like the shart in Mart memes
why tf are you niggers so sensitive
Is that a copypasta?
men bond by ripping on each other. i like americans more after seeing the meme
You subhuman mutts are not even white subhumans but mongrel subhumans
Yank can't hack the craic
ork ork ork
It is disrupting the conversation heavily.
>taking “you’re not white” posting to a whole new level.
I know. I'm second gen French-American. I hate everyone of my relatives living there. A cousin of mine has a nigger baby.
It's only a cartoon of Jew boy Greenspan. America is 60% white, but those whites aren't blended with the niggers. A 1/2 breed nigger mamzer is not considered white, but a full nigger.
The cuttiest coming through
This thread on this Mongolian brick collecting board... How will we ever recover from it's utter destruction of brotherly bonds....
Many Europeans secretly wish they were American since they spend so much time observing its culture and politics. They know the EU will never reach the power and prestige of the US, so they find justifications for anti-American attitudes. Yeah, a lot of it's pure memes and banter but I see some Euros actually falling for the meme as a legit demerit of the US.
Oi you got a question asking loicense m8?
>Every white should unite to overthrow the bonds of Jewry and rid the world of them and the subhuman parasites. Then we can go back to our squabbling, of who isn't white and who isn't xyz. Of why Aryans are better then Anglos or how meds aren't really white or whatever argument you wish to make. Whites not banding together is going to be our downfall. Everyone else plays the game of tribalism.
I'm just saying there is no real argument behind the meme. Most of the mestizos are pretty white, and or white enough to be functional citizens. They just need to drop this le reconquista shit and having 6 kids. Then we can talk. I would prefer them to most niggers by miles.
Yeah it's forced, it gets posted so much but it's by Canadians and memeflags
At least spurdo sparde American fatburgerbear was organic and actually funny
oi take a hike we're busy
pretty sure the vast majority posting these unfunny memes are either muslims or lefty shills
no one would laugh at these "memes" unless they're forcing themselves to laugh because they hate America
just like stupid liberal antI trump "comedy" shows like John Oliver and Trevor Noah
Idk what word to call it so I'm gonna call it rage laughing
>56% white
>44% stranger things
It all started with this my 39% friend, the meme is not about making fun of the fact that your whites are a dwindling species but stressing the fact that this trend will continue.
4plebs confirms what you are saying