Can we all agree that antifa is an absolute failure and absolutely failed with their happening?
Can we all agree that antifa is an absolute failure and absolutely failed with their happening?
It was created by LARPers
Antifa didn’t even show ip to their happening
Biggest bunch of limp dick posers in the history of humanity.
I'm sure it'll happen any minute now.
Still curious what the government is doing with that mass disaster exercise though...
did any trash cans die?
Based rubbish receptacles are always the first target of communists
They astroturfed so much outrage that they thought they could get the useful idiots to flood the streets. Too bad nobody believes fake news anymore.
> mfw how anyone didn't see this coming
I honestly thought they'd at least do a few BLM-tier road blockages. Maybe their true plan was to make us get /comfy/ and then give us blue balls yet again.
I was hoping to get to post this today
That NYT ad was just pathetic. We're supposed to believe they had a little Kickstarter for it? I don't think normies were any more convinced than we were about something actually panning out.
There was enough time in between this going public over the news and their parents calling and forbidding them from going, under the penalty of taking their trust fund away.
>The virgin $18mil propoganda campaign vs the chad IRL shitpost
I think our Its Okay To Be White campaign cost about $100 total and accomplished much more than this """"revolution""""
How can you guys say it was a failure? HUNDREDS of people stood around with signs across the country. IT HAS BEGUN!
>mfw no right wight death squads or civil war 2
t. 42 yo snail mail veteran of every meme war before memes since David Duke, Metzger and Pierce
I'm getting too old for this shit.
I remember playing that game
They were never going in the first place.
Refuse fascism and Antifa are completely different groups.
This it was a meme created by altright idiots
We already arrested all of the antifa.
> 150,000 dollar ad in the new york times
> just LARPing
Fuck me, are you a wizard? I was thinking of that same fucking thing, but couldn't be bothered to grab a pic.
they're probably running on nigger time
so maybe a day late?