How do we solve the opioid crisis?
How do we solve the opioid crisis?
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We dont, we let druggies die, and feel good that at the end of the day there a little less garbage in this world
elect a president that doesn't make america want to escape reality
stop the doctors giving them out like candy
More fentynal, less concern. Its a self-solving problem.
>leftypol appears
>Entire race dies
legalize opioids
>How do we solve the opioid crisis?
it solves itself
>pic related
Doing nothing just results in more druggies. Fact.
(((doctors))) are pushing that shit, just like the AMA backed obamacare
there needs to be a purge of the medical profession
>implying that blacks won't kill themselves with the purple drank way before
Kratom is the solution.
So we continue to let the drugs turn parts of our cities in urine, feces, needles and trash filled wastelands? Where raving drug addled homeless walk around making people feel uneasy?
Good, let them die too, anyone with common sense would avoid drugs woth such severe consequences
you let the degenerates die
Make sure only blacks, muslims, and jews get addicted. We need to bring the crack epidemic back to the inner cities
It's not a crisis, it's the weeding out of weak and useless..
Nope, let police batter the fuck out of garbage druggies trying to hurt anyone. Send all druggies to cali and let it degenerate until they finnaly decide to leave america, then go to war, win easily, cali and many druggies are gone
People ought to know better. They're living lessons about what not to do.
With cocaine.
Self-cleaning oven.
The point isn't that druggies die, it's that all the other stuff like theft and violence will forever continue with it.
Who has the video?
Also, stop incentivizing the over-prescription of addictive painkillers
When it comes to drugs i dont care about what race, first would be trying to get rid of idiots. Race would be a later issue
>lefty fag finds time to chime in between bong hits..
>what is shoot to kill
the crisis would best be solved by ensuring that every dose is lethal and that availability remains stable.
Put every addict in a drug island
Maybe give them some bricks and watch them trying to build a town
Make sure there's food so they don't starve and we can watch the development
That's part of the issue actually. The public was flooded with prescription pain killers handed out by doctors, people realized the detrimental effects it has on society then pulled all those prescription drugs off the streets. But the addiction is still there. Doctors stop handing out oxy and people turn to heroin as the only alternative left. It's a complex situation.
Why does this exact post with this exact image keep getting reposted every couple of days
>pokemon image
Are you 8?
Nothing; let the weak be killed. Also, thanks Obama.
LOL these people are fucking dead. golden
fuck off dude i live in california :(
Make heroin cheaper and watch degenerates all nod out of existence?
Some fags started cutting blow with fet.
It's not exactly a contained issue.
>inb4 hurr druggies
Like 99% of people use drugs, stimulants are the go to for productive people.
A huge percentage of successful people are cocaine users.
Drug users aren't all the smelly potheads who sat in the back of English class when you were in high school.
This fucking thread again?
S@$E and H!&E
it will solve itself
When I see images like this I always wonder what Nixon would have done.
Gas chambers disguised as safe injection sites.
Filter the ones who do all the other stuff. Cultural processes will continue. Information will be gathered. Opioids are just another hazard of life for the intelligent to avoid.
If we reduced restrictions on the sale of drugs, people would naturally tend to mitigate harms rather than gravitating towards high-risk substances from limited options.
>Like 99% of people use drugs, stimulants are the go to for productive people.
>A huge percentage of successful people are cocaine users.
>weak willed drug users die
>strong willed drug users use drugs to power themselves up
is this a problem?
We should copy the Netherlands drug rehabilitation programs.
>99 percent use drugs
Okay lets see some stats. Also lets weed out anyone who takes prescription medication and smokes weed, this topic was about hard drugs that can end your life
>successful people are cocaine users
I think youve watched one too many movies, and even so, they have the power to let them do it whenever they want, like they already do, its not shoving drugs down their throats, its not helping them and letting them die off for what they did to themselves
Coffee and alcohol are not drugs because of reasons.
Cocaine doesn't count if you are rich.
Popping pills doesn't count if you were prescribed them.
Perscription drugs aren't degenerate because they're legal. Heroin however is definitely degenerate though. Completely different.
1: Openly encourage the mixing of heroin and fentanyl
2: wait
Roleplaying is fun isnt haha arrggg
Decriminalization of all drugs. Preferably legalization. Keeping drugs illegal only serves to increase the profits of cartels, bootleggers, etc.
Make sure people have reliable and safe means of getting drugs so they don't have to deal with sketchy dealers and they can get the pure stuff that isn't mixed with horse tranquilizer.
If someone overdoses, their buddies shouldn't have to worry about the cops arresting anyone when emergency services are called.
Needle exchange programs.
Less prescriptions. America has more people on pills than any other country.
t. Guy from overdose capital of the United States
Over concentrate or poison so they die after 1 hit you'll see no more druggies im sure
you laugh but you know it's the truth. The real America, the 1800 America, it's DEAD
long prison sentences
>1800 america is dead
Well no shit its 2017.
Ive never heard this before
Not at all, that's how I see it too.
I just can't understand the mentality behind people thinking tainted supplies are a good thing.
The worst users weed themselves out. People who smoke fet patches always end up dead, injecting heroin never ends well, Meth rots your face and makes you crazy. Crack is okay once a year on your birthday, MDMA every 3-4 months to blow off some steam, Cocaine here or there as a pick me up, Pot to chill out and relax once or twice a week when you don't need to be productive.
People are just weak willed and have trouble regulating their vices.
What a guy.
Why did he back down? Why'd he abdicate and not try to survive impeachment? Why didn't he stick to his guns? He was incredibly intelligent but kind of skittish and nervous in demeanor, not to say cowardly.
Legalize every drug. Period. It's nobody's cocksuckin' business what I do, until I start fuckin' killing people god damn it.
We let the white race cleanse itself
it looks like its solving itself desu
seriously let you country collapse. You know that it will, sooner or later. Do it for your heritage. Your grandchildren will thank you.
The world is going to see a major restructuration this century. Trust me.
Hang the Sacklers
>hating on surp
or legalize drugs and have them government controlled with procedures and standards and get marijuana and heroin with the fentdoomsdaychemical off the streets.
only 2 options
>We dont, we let druggies die
*saves your life with narcan*
The Filipino method and banning OD cure drugs.
The heroin epidemics over time end when the needle heads die, letting them OD weekly or Daily (Seattle/Vancouver) and then giving them the cure isn't helping in the long run.
They all need to die.
>Opioid problem
Seems self-correcting
>lol i know he said druggies but im going to compare it to a one time dosage to save a life hahaha wouldnt that be funny goys?
who are you quoting?
It will collapse and we all know that, but i want to have as much fun as i can waiting for it.
What can we do? Most junkies don't want help.
You and your thought process behind your post
is this a video game? like you're only allowed to be saved one time or something?
So we count things we want as drugs and don't count others because reasons?
That's bullshit and a weak argument.
It's all dosage. Caffeine is probably more lethal than cocaine in similar doses.
Prescription meds are the worst thing in existence and is what started the whole opioid crisis in the first place by exposing the general public to synthetic heroin in large numbers
People get way too opinionated about this shit instead of looking at facts. The fact is that everything you were taught about drugs is a lie. The shit your doctor prescribed is probably more dangerous than the shit buddy is busting out in the VIP at the stripclub.
Create facilities to ween people off or quit cold turkey, depending on what strategy is best proven medically.
Make these facilities free, available to anybody, and walk-in.
Honestly this is something that needs to be paid for, otherwise we are basically saying other nations and even our own pharma companies can kill off large sections of the population at will.
More drugs are the cure to the American disease.
That great and all but the whole idea was to let people who let drugs ruin their lives die off with no help, not really that if you use a drug your a bad guy and deserve to die
Death penalty to dealers and manufacturers and forced rehab to users.
Legalize everything
Free subutex or metadon treatment.
Thats atleast what they are doing in Europe.
Never interfere with white trash when they are making a mistake. Have you seen the people that do this shit. Trust me when I say we aren't losing anything of value. This problem will solve itself and it's called O.D.
By creating a better more addictive drug
Oh, that works for me.
I just kinda saw like an irrational hate of anyone who uses illegal drugs.
There's lots of people like that and it's like they totally forgot about prohibition and the fact that everything (((they))) don't want you doing is buried in misinformation.
Congress was cucked and refused to work with him. Even if he survived impeachment he would have just sat around twiddling his thumbs doing nothing. Nixon was a real patriot and viewed that situation as unacceptable for the American populace and fell on the sword (((they))) set out for him just to end the deadlock in Washington.
All good user, its about people like in op pic, people at that level of drug use deserve death, just because you smoke a bowl every weekend or whatever means nothing to me
the opioid epidemic has been going on since the 90s retard
buy from china carfentanil 2 pound sack
>enough to kill 50 million people
put carfentanil in heroin baggies
disperse around city
I'm a loner and moved innawoods and only keep in touch with my friends online but it is fucking ridiculous how many are massive opiate addicts while still all being 1000x more """successful""" than me. Recently I've realized I need to try and reconnect with my old friends and be at least a LITTLE social, and the most recent three convos I've had have been fucking ridiculous. Not gonna copy/paste them since I'm paranoid they'd find them, but some things will be verbatim and the rest will be very close to what they actually say.
I'm a 30 year old NEET for the most part (I work online from my little rental cabin, don't go out and barely can make ends meet) but when I talk to my friends and catch up it's always the same story. They're all affluent and come from the rich parts of NJ, most are trust fund kids now in their late 20s/early 30s, and when catching up the conversation is almost always the following (again, paraphrasing, but based off of three recent FB convos I have open, so not exaggerating)
>"Yeah, I commute to the city and work for Mastercard now...getting some remodeling done on the beach house/lake house I bought last year that my wife and I live in, gonna add a separate room for a sauna, it's gonna be sick...things are going great, and can't wait to get home later and meet with my dealer to get my H, haha."
When I ask them about using opiates on the regular they inevitably say
>"It's just a part of life, it's a cold world, gotta de-stress, you know? And anyway, I'm not in any danger...the few times I've overdosed I've spent a week in a chill rehab facility out west and then when I get back I have a script for Suboxone as well, so it's win/win. You're really like, straight edge, huh? Thought everyone grew out of that after like 20..."
(CONT. 1/2)
>Caffeine is probably more lethal than cocaine in similar doses.
Wow, you are really dull. The LD50 of cocaine is about 96 mg/kg. The LD50 of caffeine is 192 mg/kg. Clearly you don't even know what an LD50 is, otherwise you wouldn't make such a retarded statement.
>The shit your doctor prescribed is probably more dangerous than the shit buddy is busting out in the VIP at the stripclub.
Snorting unknown and unregulated white powder is definitely safer than taking antidepressants? Even in the case of prescription narcotics, there is a prescribed dosage and each pill contains the exact same amount of the drug. That's called United States Pharmacopeia grade. Meanwhile the white powder could contain anything and at an unknown dosage.
Rodrigo Duterte
get rid of juice
The solution is giving people better things to do, i.e. rat heaven.
If anyone has any ideas, I have the time to start up a business around a decent idea.
That just needs a high-pressure hosing off.
Outlaw pharmaceutical ads, which also defunds commie propaganda by $5+B/year.
Ask China.
(2/2 CONT.)
Then when they inevitably ask me about what I do I can feel them judging me and seeing my life as a total waste.
>"You on the internet? Like, from your phone? Oh, from a desktop...and you don't have an office? Your office is in your home? Oh, you rent...but why not just buy a place? And you live...alone? In a...cabin? Seasonal, right, like vacation rental? Oh, year round, uh, I guess that's one way to do it...I've never heard of that town...nope, never heard of the ones you're near either...shit so you're way the fuck up in upstate NY in the middle of nowhere in the the next Unabomber or something? Haha...but seriously bro, why? That sounds lonely as you at least make good money from your computer job thing, like six figures or more? Oh...huh....well, I gotta, good luck man, you uh...take care of yourself...later."
Fucking infuriating. Part of me is astounded how uniform they all are in this shit, part of me wonders how the fuck how they're able to succeed and keep a drug habit, part of me worries about them dying from this shit because even though we lost touch we went to college together and at least used to be friends and part of me wants them to lose everything and totally collapse because of their drug habit, but that last part will never happen because their parents will always quietly pay for super expensive rehab and then they're back at it again afterward. The only way they'd lose everything is if they died, and I feel kind of sick for kind of wishing that'd happen to some of these rich strung out douchebags.
>part of me wonders how the fuck how they're able to succeed and keep a drug habit
Before drugs were illegal, tons of doctors and professionals, wealthy and intelligent people, they'd all take morphine. I've been high on opium many times before, it's great at first but tolerance builds quickly. Once you get a tolerance you just feel normal while on it. You could easily hold a job while high on opiates just so long as you haven't taken a large enough dose that you're nodding. Opiates also don't completely destroy your body and mind like say alcohol or cocaine do. You could be an opi addict for years and appear normal to everyone else. Only thing that might give you way are the pinned pupils, but normies wouldn't notice a detail like that.