It begins

It begins.

Liberals just could not resist.

looks like sanders couldn't resist the snack cart

some people just love snacks, ok?

>inb4 this will make her lose weight to spite the cucks breaking their own moral code
Fatshaming works.

Sarah Hushpuppy Sanders

Good, I fucking hate fatshaming culturally insensitive conservatives.

Are snowflakes mad that someone said that Dogface has a dogface?


I think shes hot, you can fuck her while shes looking at your package and in your eyes at the same time

They are just finally getting on Trump’s level. He set the standard, the media needs to nut up and do shit like this more often. Tell it like it fucking is.

They hate her cuz they ain't her. Prolly has raised better children than any of those mongrel Kikes have.

actually being in the WH works. noticed that trump lost a good 10lbs already?

>tfw she will never step on your balls while giving you that concerned mother look

Yeah, hopefully she does lose some weight and shut them the fuck up. But more likely is that (((they))) think they'll have power again and try "if you can dedicate time to losing weight, why not help nigger babies or help refugees immigrate?"
Libs are predictable as fuck

Bro wtf are you talking about. This is about openly calling out fat, disgusting pigs for what they are without impunity.


she is fat and ugly

Why are they so hipocracy ridden?
And filled with such hate.

>unironic fat shaming
Why so much prejudice? Fatness is a white male construct designed to oppress women of weight, you shitlord.

Good, then you don't get to complain when we call black people niggers from now on

yes, but the fact that liberals called her out on it means its no longer a crime to do so.

I can't be the only one that finds her attractive in a strange way

would bang hard

Post some stories of conservatives fat shaming.
The left loves to do it, you are stupid as it gets.

Whoever has been doing the makeup of the women in the Trump administration lately is doing a great job

Look how much better Sarah looks with proper makeup

Kellyanne looked even better recently too