Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal arrested in corruption crackdown. He has donated money to Clinton and the DNC!!
Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal arrested in corruption crackdown
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The best deals, nobody makes better deals!
Kushner was just in Saudi Arabia. Kushner did this.
>some middle eastern prince got arrested by other middle easterners
I can't think of a bigger non happening
>tfw they are arresting Trump's pals
a true american
They are purging the financers of ISIS/Tali Ban and restoring the King to his former power
How do the jew-loving fuckboys at le_donald justify this?
>restoring the King to his former power
saudi "king" is the financier of ISIS/Taliban together with the US gov.
video related, made several years ago but still hilarious
well, Saudi Arabia and Israel have restored their relations (even though they were already working together behind closed doors) but now they're officially and publicly on the same side.
>Twitter deactivated Trumps account for 10 minutes
>Trump deactivates Twitters biggest stock holder
can we lose something next week, just to remember what its like to lose ? im not sure anymore....
So do leftists suddenly love billionaire Saudi princes now?
So what kind of coup is it?
Military, Religious, what? Who's ordering the arrests?
>bin Laden
it isn't a coup, there's a division between the "elites" of saudi arabia. both sides are jihadi-creating US buddies and own a lot of US assets (including oil fields on US soil)
Trump curse strikes again
Whats the advantage of Tel Aviv over Jerusalem?
If USA moves the embassy to Jerusalem that will basically signify that we recognize Jerusalem to belong completely to Israel. No country in the world recognizes Israeli Jersusalem because they're an illegitimate occupying force.
That's Osama's brother. Which is hilarious considering that the Bin Laden were friends with BOTH the Bush and Clintons. Here is a picture of HW with Bin Laden's dad.
Oh, so why the fuck did Bannon want it?
Because Bannon is a Jewish puppet. He got FIRED from the White House. He's not Trump's ally AT ALL.
Yeah except this one that got arrested got Obama into Harvard and paid for his tuition.
>Yes, Obama IS a muslim
Bannon is a faggot. Support the Generals they are true Patriots.
Daddy Trump is running the show and now, they're taking in all of the 9/11 funding Saudis on the DL. They'll call it "corruption" for now to avoid embarrassment to the king but we know what is really going on. Kushner was just there detailing orders.
>everyone is clearly holding one wrist with the free hand and moving the sword up and down on a clear rhythm
>the Don is just doing an unrelated jig and making no effort to actually blend in or gather what's supposed to be happening
>doesn't give a fuck
Turampu-san a best
o yeah.
That was donald trump's job. He was a business and is his job to get along with everybody.
>Because Bannon is a Jewish puppet. He got FIRED from the White House. He's not Trump's ally AT ALL.
>Yeah except this one that got arrested got Obama into Harvard and paid for his tuition.
First time that I am hearing this.
>He was a business and is his job to get along with everybody.
hey pajeet, stop talking retard.
>america first
>meanwhile he sells the country out to israel and saudi arabia
Yeah it's true. The only person that would deny that is Jewish.
FUCK well that makes the whole picture completely clear now. Muslims really are trying to take over the world
>He was a business and is his job to get along with everybody.
>hey pajeet, stop talking retard.
fuck you eurocuck
other way around bud, it's hillary's backer, most of saudi family wants to build a wall and keep isis faggots and chaos away, they want to build 100 mile wide city etc, they want order not chaos of yemen iran syria etc. some of their family are corrupt and evil as fuck though. now family sees how trump truly is on their side and destroying isis and giving iran notice to back the fuck off they have balls to Neuter family situation.
>Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Alwaleed is the biggest individual foreign investor in the U.S. The 56-year-old Saudi prince wields no political power in the house of Saud, but he is the richest man in Saudi Arabia — and the 26th richest man in the world.
you guys have no clue just how fucking big this.
when will they learn
>How big this is
>Wields no political power
Yeah, whatever pajeet
>eurocuck or muzzie
>has the right to talk shit
is he really this good at playing people?
this one owns half of twitter
I think this is a preview of what to expect here. If these guys can get pinched in the middle east, I can honestly now see it happening here. Only because Trump won lol
Fuck off, nothing's happening
JIDF you’re obvious when you post the same anti bannon bullshit in every thread
Sorry for your loss
are you a stupid shill? aren't you playing me right now?
only a larper or a complete retard would fail to understand the significance
The fucking M A D M A N. Reminder: Trump has the memory of a fucking elephant.
>Crown Prince
So the heir is getting rid of potential rivals? I'm guessing King Salman is on his way out. He is 81 after all.
Wait a second.. Wait a second...
Kushner was the pro American one? I know one was and one wasn't. I did not realize Kushner was /ourguy/
I guess that is why he was made family.
"Between 1991 and 1995, bin Talal came to the rescue of President Donald Trump, whose real estate empire was under strain. Bin Talal purchased a yacht, and invested in Trump's Plaza Hotel."
>dopey prince alwaleed
>0 results
too bad. they won six day war fair and square :p
>MFW Trump can dance better than I can.
You guys are fucked. You dont even know it yet. You're SO FUCKED.
So Saudis can arrest their actual princes, but arresting the clintons or that scum podesta is unimaginable here, right?
He brought the evidence.
>* Donald Trump on 9/11: “You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center”At a Wednesday morning campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Donald Trump takes his relitigation of the Bush administration’s record on 9/11 and Iraq to the next level, seeming to imply that we don’t…realclearpolitics.comThe CIA allowed the 911 hijackers into the US over the fierce objections of the US State Dept.
>* The Visas for Al Qaeda program was established by John Brennen.
>* Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider’s ViewThousands of American soldiers and civil servants have lost their lives in the War on Terror. Innocent citizens of many nations, including Americ…amazon.comDonald Trump knew the secret of 911 from Gen Flynn. Donald Trump told the World that he would expose this secret.
>* Donald Trump had to be stopped, at any cost. No matter what it took. No matter who would have to be discredited or die in the process.
>* Never forget Michael Hastings.Confirmed: Michael Hastings Working on Story About CIA Director John Brennan Before Fatal Car CrashI have to say out front that I’ve had a bad feeling about multiple aspects of Hasting’s ill-timed death in a fiery car crash back in June. Without going all conspiratorial, no one can deny that Mic…
>* New thread starting here. Please RT+ to help us get the message out.
>* So, now you know about the enduring bond between the US Intelligence Agencies and the al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” in Afghanistan.
>* A bond to the very organization then led by Osama bin Laden.
>* A bond that formed the basis of US anti-Russian activities long after the fall of the Soviet Union.
>* A bond that has cost thousands upon thousands of American lives, both military and civillian.
Hahaha, this is the guy that does the kids voice in Bobs burgers
Will Trump go down as the greatest POTUS ever? Looks like he's heading that way. Even more impressive when he has the whole world against him.
Trump curse is absolute real and savage.
there are 15k members of the royal family, makes it a bit easier to get away with locking up a dozen or so
Podesta is on the Saudi Gov't payroll, this is one of the connections that ties in his protection, pedogate and the arrests that have taken place (I believe QAnon is trying to tell us this) I have researched Huma connections, her father works for the Saudi gov't and mother has close ties to the higher up part of that country. Please see my Voat post for more information. MSM articles are linked.
Victory of the light!
Also I've compiled 99% of QAnon and other insiders leaks/crumbs in this article:
because he doesnt give a fuck about useless impoverished sandniggers and its a huge bargaining chip for the israeli kikes to let us start gassing the diaspora kikes without too much kvetching
this is why kushner opposed it
he wants to remain diaspora to benefit on both ends
israeli jews want all the jews there
i want all the jews there
bannon wants all the jews there
because he's an accelerationist
you and i both know the diaspora are far too anti-semitic to live in a desert nation full of jews