Isn't neo-nazism the ultimate "we wuz kangz"?

Isn't neo-nazism the ultimate "we wuz kangz"?

Yes, it is. Especially if Slavs do it.

Yes, though it's still retarded when blacks do it.


Or greeks

Alt-right, conservatism, National socialism, fascism.
neo-nazi, skinhead, kekistan, the anarchy spectrum disorder,

When will Amerimutts learn

>implying enough time has passed for it to be an "ancestor"
fucking retarded lefty morons. LEARN TO MEME

I’m not a nazi I’m an American WASP supremacist.

only for amerisharts

I mean... We Wuz Kangz is the ultimate We Wuz Kangz. But I will agree that Nazi appreciation and unironic worship is on the same tier as niggers and Kangz. The biggest difference is that Nazis actually existed.

I also find it funny that the "right" is so into Loser Worship. Whether it be Nazis or Confederates. We all know how Donny feels about Losers, don't you think he'd be disappointed in you if he knew you looked up to Verified Losers. SAD!

Hol' up cuz... dat be raycis mang! Dey wuz gud bois, dey dindu nuffin!
Muhfuggin raycis and shit. I shud smak da shit outchoo for dat ignant shit famlay.
Bix nood

But anyways let me kno if you need dat dope or dat cookup bruh. I'll be on da cornah all day, avoidin muh kids and never gettin a real job

>Nazi is a genotype
Are you retarded?

>noun. A person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear. A forerunner or predecessor.

It literally fits the definition to a tee. Reveal your meme flag poo.

>agreeing with some ideas is the same as WE WUZ

Neo-Nazi =/= NatSoc

oh shit hol up, I almost forgot to say
>Fuck Trump and Fuck White People

aiight now we good cuz
wait up wait up...

>muhfuggin bix nood n sheeeeiiiit
aiight aiight now we really good

You cannot kill an idea whose time has come as it appears both love for the confederacy and the 3rd Reich is on the rise. Sorry faggot but when life gives you set backs you don’t just give up. Shows your ultimate purpose in life is to truly be the loser

Any Slav who worships Nazis is bullet-worthy.

The meme refers to how they revise history or rely on unconfirmed information to make themselves feel important because of their low self-esteem. Saying that Hitler had a field of intelligent scientists isn't kangz, stating that white men created atlantis is.

There are films and evidence of white Germans expelling other races from their country and redistributing their wealth, whereas there weren’t and sub Saharan Africans in positions of power in Egypt at any time. At least there isn’t any evidence of that.

For some of us they were literally our fucking grandfathers and for others they could have been had our forefathers stayed in Europe. Even if your grandfathers were Allies this is a movement based off of shared ideals and a shared vision, you can disagree with your predecessors, you can follow a different path.

>I also find it funny that the "right" is so into Loser Worship. Whether it be Nazis or Confederates. We all know how Donny feels about Losers, don't you think he'd be disappointed in you if he knew you looked up to Verified Losers. SAD!

Donald Trump is a fucking instrument. He was elected to be something heavy holding the door shut so we have time to build strength.

>If you lose a war that proves your idea wrong lol
>The good guy always wins so if you win you're good!

You cannot be serious.

The whole 'we wuz kangs' meme is rooted in the fact that it isn't true. You're an idiot.

Big talking meme flag little boy. what have you ever "done?" or ever will "do?"
Nothing, you're going to talk about "we need to make a stand!" and "The time has come to do the right thing" or some other gay shit like that on Sup Forums for the rest of your life, while in reality you do absolutely nothing.
And in your impotent rage, the Jews will replace you with massive demographic shifts until eventually they move you onto smaller and smaller reservations like the Indians of days past.

But every day you'll look at your confederate flag in your closet (because you're too much of a pussy to hang it up somewhere publicly visible) and you'll think to yourself "Sorry faggot but when life gives you set backs you don’t just give up. Shows your ultimate purpose in life is to truly be the loser" and you'll think you're being profound and "doing" something. But you aren't and you won't. And your statement didn't even really mean anything. It barely even sounded cool.

Also you think love for blah blah whatever is on the rise, but that is just because you spend too much time here.

PS Confederates = Lost the Civil War
Nazis = Lost WWII
So how are you not glorifying losers?

haha youre a dumb nigger

Yes. Yes, it is.

Awesome shill thread shareblue 10/10

Oh shit. You just totally destroyed me in one sentence... a dumb nigger?? Fuck. its over, goodbye Sup Forums I've been thoroughly embarrassed and now I'm never coming back here for fear that just seeing this site will trigger my PTSD from your comment.

Dumb nigger... how could you? My anal cavity hurts so much right now that I have to stand, possibly for the rest of my life.

Also, I'm not a nigger... I'm a Jew BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

But we actually wuz, also nazis are worse than niggers, just saying

I'm Croatian and my great grandfather ran away to Argentina and my family doesn't talk about it in detail.

I'm not a Neo-Nazi cause that's dumb, but I have no problem with actual Nazis. They tried their best.

>muh memes

>Also, I'm not a nigger... I'm a Jew

I'm not quite sure what you're
pls clarify bb

Whereabouts in Austria are you from? When I was in high school I went on a trip to Graz with my German class for 3 weeks. (This was like more than 10 years ago too)
It was incredible. Such a beautiful country. I actually want to move there, I still talk to the chick that I hooked up with there and we kind of casually talk about me moving to Graz to live with her.
I would really need to brush up on my Deutsch because it's been years and years since I've spoken any at all (and I was barely any good at it back then too haha)


I get that its a joke and shit and I also thought that mlpol was fucking hilarious too.
But arent bronies typically like the most degenerate group of weirdo creeps in the history of mankind?
No offense to any degenerate weirdo creeps that might be lurking ITT (myself being counted among that number), but that was the impression I was always under

pic completely unrelated