Is it fair to judge all homosexuals based on the actions of a handful of degenerates?
Is it fair to judge all homosexuals based on the actions of a handful of degenerates?
Other urls found in this thread:
All fags are degenerates
all of them are degenerate
anal sex is degenerate
sex with men is inherently degenerate
Faggotry is against evolution. So is Racemixing and allowing beta males to breed.
Only if you're Jewish.
Explain why 25% of swans couple with other males... and steal eggs from straight nests.
Nothing is fair
Fuck you
You really think he's gay?
>against evolution
Read "Sex at dawn".
>a handful
>>a handful
>>>a handful
>>>>a handful
>Its a op wants Mike's big dick episode.
original sinning christ killer and pedo
Being a homosexual is a degenerate act
I had no idea his dad died.
The degeneracy comes from the act of homosexuality
shut the fuck up go get kicked out of paradise and breed some nephilim for your daddy the serpent again
almost all fags have pedophile tendencies.
88% of you are pedos. all we've done today is talk sex and dicks as always. depending on the framing. most go well. from foreskin threads on down. then you gotta make 52 jew memo threads to keep larping and getting paid and sucking baby dicks like the isis fuckers you are. back to the joe rogan dick thread for me. enjoy your tits and alimony and diseases bottom bitch half a woman and faggot
This, except for the autistic nazi anime-girl pic.
Read on fag lover.
pussy cuck clam bitch. everything is fake. all you do is write feminist cliterature. and project. you cant know what anybody or everybody does. adam and eve caused all deaths and all sins. period. none of this shit exists in Heaven. everything spiritual is a male. the president you put in is an inbred jew pedo sodomite degenerate of the highest order. get nuked and indicted
>is it fair to judge everyone for the flaws of the few
No, but that doesnt mean we wont do it anyway, also being a fag is degenerate by definition
Exibit A: Unhinged mentally unstable faggot who loses his shit when self reflecting on his pedophile urges.
complete dissonance. just like being born the better gender and constantly grovelling and whining about women and then you do dumpster blowjobs anyways. all this freudian garbage. you dont even know what degeneracy means. all op are fags. since we've all been op's at least once, what does that mean? even the other boards recognise this. this is a faceless satanic echo chamber and literally nobody supports you
miney crafta?
nope. epstein trial. anti gay putin his best friend. a pedo. so i saw your lines written like this since the epstein trial. then the pisstapes probably underage. then grabbem. then grabs ivanka. so i dont put up with it. too bad for you. you waste your time. go lay the vaginas we made cheap for you. you never do this. NOICE. imma go watch the new south park and star trek now. enjoy being jelly over my amazing sex life and penis. youre a feminist. thats it. all feminists are miserable and think im selfish. my self esteem is mine. not yours. not my problen. why dont you shut your jewish vagina mouth for once you mofo
Stuffing your dick where a dude poops and pretendung it's normal?
truvada. memes. im bored. wrong gender. truvada doesnt work on you. these barely even get reactions outta anybody anymore. talk to the ground. talk inside a cave. your sister's massive goop hole
you do it too and then fuck periods and God knows whatever else
he has a gf, I actually watch his lets plays and sometimes he has her on
>no bully for being a faggot
he has like a 15 inch dick and so many men slobber over it. gays have bigger penors. he might have a gf but all men are at least bi. women too. nothing new under sun. freud is a shit head
>look at you, you're all retarded
At least i'm not a fag
i just got thru saying we're all fags. since that's all you ever fucken say youre a fucken faggot too and a yeast enabler. kys. you have no balls. youre a walking empty husk liar duped for 6000 years now
Enjoy your shit dick degenerate pedo. Enjoy having no family and dying of AIDs. Youre a failure to your family and your bloodline.
>when a simple unreasonable comment makes you more butthurt than around 10 years of being a fag
ive countered this about 2,154 times in these. youre godless. you know nothing. go live. let me live. stop looking at me. it's not your job. you have no kids. youre an ignorant hypocrite. i just told you only you scientifically have aids now but youre a kike and a broken record. either that or go die before karma makes a gay kill you one day
they are all degen
I like watching Mike stream, but only when it's older games.
Also, he sometimes pisses me off with how he plays. Like, he's too fucking slow sometimes. I'm not saying he has to speedrun, but he sometimes spends too much time in one fucking area.
the fuck are you? a deity? why is muh dick a may may but muh vagina is not? why do jews hate the male gender so much? weak sumbitch
Voluntarily giving up the means to your reproduction and pretending it's normal.
Nope, but you can judge the community or at least groups with in the community for not upholding societal norms in regards to promoting public sexuality in general. i.e. gay pride parade organizers and supporters for dildo floats and perverted costuming. Although a minority, our society frowns upon such displays, whether gay or straight.
Periods from my monogamous girls clean pussy not shit chute.
some broad once came on here and said her man and her couldnt have a kid. maybe 65 said "do a surrogacy". a few others now say theyll do it too and live with boys. point being. read the bible. read science about this stuff. everything you say is to keep me. to make you feel better. and about women. it aint gon happen. if you wanna hairsplit about still involving women with a turkey baster then move onto artificial eggs and wombs. made
only from men. if that isnt good enough then nothing left matters. none of this matters anyways. adoption is viable. widows. and gays. and the barren. are lied about. and youre not supposed to make fun of them. reproduction is why adam and eve are dead anyways
absolutely disgusting. no vaginas are clean. they gape. assholes are two muscles that close on selves and nothing stores that low. unlike you
And being gay will be the reason you die one day
Overt and or perverted displays of sex in public are degenerate and should be frowned upon whether gay or straight. perversion is perversion. It is not OK for perversion to be displayed in public, we all know that and uphold it on a daily basis.
muh dick and muh vagina are degenreate topics to discuss in a public forum without adequate preparation and notice so those who rather not discuss or view can avoid the area or gathering.
It can not be done out of the blue or you should be subject to obscenity laws.
I want to suck Mike's big 10inch cock
oooooooo. thanks serpent seed. marry Christ you dumb twat. youre going to live forever eh baron?
I'm sorry my dood....
Do your thing. I'm doing mine....
thanks for bringing it up as always. bye. i got lots of things to do. youre holding me back. as i go. keep context people. these women will start losing it now
Fuck off poof my arse is full, of poo
By forum, I do not mean Sup Forums, I mean on the street or public plaza/park/business.
They are all faggots
You can judges them as individuals and have the same result
no worries. i find it fun and i like talking about what i do and stuff. i worry when i leave these things but whatever. make up what some of you might make up. not my first rodeo. ive been shown many times in all aspects that im a okay
Reminder to ignore fags. They crave the attention badly.
I'm as far from being christian as you are from the middle east mr. colon slurping fudgepacker
old bullshit. as soon as you posted it too much everything came crashing down and applied only to you guys. deal
that means nothing. you talk out of your ass. Christ is life. not this board and your pagan lies. fucking snot drinking protozoa munching fungus huffer. i dont make threads about you. i should. but who cares. do you do same? no. why? because youre fucked and a lesser bitchass faggot
If that is a private event, that gif is fine. If that is a strip club that notifies you such acts will happen, fine. If in public without warning, arrest and incarceration. That is vile and disgusting.
I'm gonna give as many (you)'s as i want thank you very much
pic related, its me
don't be elitist he seems pretty good at games and when he's failing he usually has some pretty good perseverance and gets it done, he cant be compared to someone like the spic from until we win series though
that 'gf' looks like that tranny Laura Loomer
Daily reminder neither the anus or the mouth are classified as reproductive organs.
>handful of degenerates
buddy,all of then are degenerates,unless for some reason as a great american you unironically believe that getting in the ass by another man is for some reason not degenerate
those people should be ignored until they neck themselves
Give me the pussy any day anyway. How made it to clean itself.
what's his name?
>snot drinking protozoa munching fungus huffer
>fucked bitchass faggot
Is this that fag that bottomfeeds off the Angry VIdeo Game Nerd?
not my problem you "believe" everything you read so you can post shit for jews we've all seen before. gotta earn them shekels. dumb nigger
What a time to be alive, eh?
him and james have been a team from the inception of AVGN, just cause he isn't the main star doesn't mean he's a bottom feeder
>yfw his dick is 10 inches soft
this post is more long term and interesting than this one. and we all know this
the only answer is no. stacy.
how many times a day do you check your google alert, mike?
He never stops
your're just jealous I have a gigadong
Why has almost every religion in the world been against faggotry? Why have all the ones that supported died off?
Did they know something we don't?
In your ass you mean
Probably not, I judge them based on available information related to their demographic.
Mike's doodle is known to be massive
church used to endorse our marriages back when we sold our shoes and lived in caves. then plato and aquinas fucked it up. you just were fed bad interpretations because satan rules the air. this highlight in this pic is further backed up in other extra biblical sources. in bible too. if you want me to ignore that and focus only on me ive done this also many times and dont feel like it. david was bi. start with that. then ignore leviticus in light of Christ. then ignore frogs so youre not a reprobate. then study ruth and naomi and the centurion and born eunuchs and the ethiopian and the 144,000. how and why Christ came the way He did. how He lived. etc etc etc etc
Mike is a cuck and so is ROFLROLFE. Rolfe is having anothger kid with that stupid cunt. Just wait till she takes him to the cleaners and takes his kids away. What do you imagine his net worth is?
But how do you know he's actually him?
we dont. we fantasise about it so we can pull other people's huge uncut foreskin dicks and ponder what they smell like. attach it to him. an e celeb. see real dick pics of real celebs. and it keeps up his infamy. however. he has non shooped looking pics of him wearing pants and yeah. it's gorilla sized
I know some homos. They are good dudes. And I know some others that are not. They fuck 15 year old trafficked boys in those hot tub clubs. It's a mixed bag.
>posting shit like this and still saying fags are not degenerate
they are all degenerate fags
>he never talks about himself only me and despises honesty unlike me whom has honesty up his ass
>all heteros are noice may mays
>rape their children
Homosexuality *is* degenerate. Next question?