It’s that time of the week again lads
Posts your best poos
It’s that time of the week again lads
Posts your best poos
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>It’s that time of the week again lads
i dont have many or cant find them
Memes aside, I'd still support the poos over the pakis if it ever comes down to it
this cant be real
I love the memes about POO IN LOO but Indian posters who aren't butthurt about the meme are actually decent posters.
will kindly offer to rape next week
So when i see pedos on periscope going open pls its just Indians?
>be poolina
>be making poo patties to roll the children in for good luck
>get hit JFK'd by a frozen chunk of poo ejected by Airpoo India
they can't escape it can they?
poos are the most based developing future pooperpower i hope they obliterate the chinks in bhutan and push the border all the way past tibet
I love these ones
Poo in the loo?
Sexually aggressive poos always make me laugh.
>I'd still support the poos over the pakis
Yeah, i 2nd that
I wouldn't talk shit about Jindar Muhal lad, I bet he can shit in multiple streets at the singh time
Someone shoop his bicep coming out of another squatting poo in loo
>a fucking wagon wheel
>bitch lasagna
Can any Indian translate on what he was trying to say?
I used to smear feces on bathroom walls of my college campus and called myself " the shitman " or "fecal phantom " I also managed to get my roommate kicked out of college because I posted about it but used his information @ poopreport I emailed the site admin and gave him my roomates name then he wrote a book about it and posted my roomates info haha... I also used to wipe my butt with my roomates toothbrush and once spied on him fucking his girlfriend.
>"Toilets first, temples later".
ever told a poo to curry up?
gets me everytime
>i want to fuck she
ye or paki
I used to act like Alexander when I was 16 and I hate myself for it. Whiteknighting is the worst way to win a woman's affection. If Pajeet was a white Chad he'd have that girl's panties soaking wet.
Talk shit get shit on
Bitch lasagna
The white knight is what makes this one
No one noticed the beta male white knighting her? That's the best part of this; that the Indian is the most alpha of the two of them.
that's so sad
that's nauseating
The sliver at the bottom with >80% all throughout is the state of Kerala. Majority Christian and 98% literacy rate. Coincidence?
God damn that pisses me the fuck off. I had a girl to something similar to me but I didn't spend nearly as much money on her. Worst thing I did was pick her up from her house and drive her to the mall where she jumped into her boyfriend's car (who was 10 years older than her) to get fucked. God I was such a fucking idiot back then.
I know dude, im from Kerala thats why i am shilling for it so that i wont be associated with north Indian streetshitters and tamil abos
Same here. I hate being associated with those degenerates
I hate poos. Not as much as niggers though.
What was this guy thinking, thinking he can whiteknight against the almighty poojeet.
Yes when fidget spinners became a thing months ago I clicked on a girls periscope to see what the shit the spinny things were. Suffice to say there were about 50 different poos in the chat trying to get her naked. This girl was like 10. I hope pakistan and Pooland nuke each other off the map.
Christians adopt Christian culture. Who would have thought?
it's weird because i use interpals a lot and it's full of creepy internationals trying to get teenage white girls to show them their tits but the sleaze game is absolutely dominated by turks and algerians, poos are almost completely unrepresented there... i guess they just focus their efforts on facebook
lasagna - vagina