Left will now try to spin the Nov. 4 """""Happening""""" as a ploy to make us look like we fell for some sort of bait.
But this was no bait. This was a legitimate organizational failure on the part of the left. They took out a full-page ad in the NYT in order to psych everyone up for this, and it was a big damn nothingburger.
Tactics include concern trolling, where they pose as Sup Forums trying to act like we need to change tactics after being embarrassed by not showing up to a rally that didn't happen.
Remember: Nov. 4th didn't happen because the left couldn't get their balls together.
Looks like America isn't interested in overthrowing the government with Soros' commie shills. We are winning the culture wars.
Robert Miller
Trust me, I'm laffin' at antifaggots.
Kayden Turner
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Antifa. Thier political views are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marx and Engels most of the slogans will go over a typical person’s head. There’s also Antifa’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into thier personalties- thier personal philosophy draws heavily from Leninist literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these slogans, to realise that they’re not just slogans - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Antifa truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the dilectic in Antifa's existential catchphrase “Bash the Fash,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Trotsky’s political epic "The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects". I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Antifa's genius Revolution unfolds itself on their street corners. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Antifa tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for a transexual's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 privlige points of my own beforehand. Nothin personnel comrade.
Landon Young
>balls together. Trannys don't have balls.
Jaxson Martinez
It didnt fucking happen because nobody cares for these faggots anymore. Trump has got shit done that helped tons of people, whilst Antifa did nothing but to shit their own beds and behave like mentally deranged lunatics on live TV. This shit was advertised for Months now, Revolution, Overthrow and so on and so forth, and no one fucking showed up. Either they were all scared, which is fucking pathetic, concidering all the "bash the fash" bs or their normie support has pretty much vanished which is even more pathetic.
William Carter
what are you talking about
you were all shitting bricks until today just see the last alex jones videos
your paranoia just got exposed
Logan Rodriguez
Is antifa the world's first postmodern revolution? As in, its an abstract kind of rebellion.
Asher Myers
This, it was far more than a one page add. On reddit there were threads with pastbins full of addresses for white people. It was some weird shit
Adrian Price
Low-quality shilling.
Cameron Rivera
Liam Long
wtf are they openly planning on attacking whites now? lmao saved it too
Austin Brooks
holy fucking shit
Colton Clark
Heil 4 Hitlers
Juan Turner
It failed because they know they couldn’t hide behind and among the army of pussy hat brigade which are probably demoralized af rn
Pic unrelated
Wyatt Campbell
KEK well meme'd friend
10/10 kek
Jayden Hughes
Jace Ross
So tired of winning already
Jackson Rivera
Grayson Scott
The police pressance was impressive. I wouldnt want to fight em. Those motherfuckers are big and organized.
Jason Reed
Nobody likes the left, even leftists. Lmao alt-right is the most popular right now. People show up to altright events from both sides. The left is boring and old. The Altright are young new and fresh.
The left knows the altright is more fun.
Asher Morris
>claim that you will resist trump at any cost >the cost is too great >#theresistance is routed
Jaxon Hughes
I never gave a shit about this over-hyped meme and I still don't care since absolutely nothing happened. Stop posting this gay shit already, you humongous faggot.
Jason King
Ive been saying it would be a nothing burger since the start. Insurrections dont take full page ads.
James Jones
Eli Russell
Luis Howard
Chase Collins
I have a theory that the reason Antifa didn't show up is because they had to get jobs.
Landon Lee
>epic troll xd >yeah I didn't want the 150k that were paid in that ad anyway
Jacob King
I was kind of hoping they would follow through, the meme potential was off the charts.
Today was still fairly entertaining though. saudi coup and the continuation of IOKTBW has made it a good day.
Jason Robinson
great purple revolution soros much new world government
Isaac Mitchell
Daniel Price
seems like they are lulling us into complacency. This is a long term op RevCom is running a là Occupy, keep watching this is only the beginning. Don't let them bait you and laugh at them as much as possible. Mockery is our friend. Win the Normies, Don't beat the Commies
Easton Wood
I sort of believe this event was a practice to see how much real support existed for antifa outside paid agitators, Berkley, and online posters not residing in the states.
Sort of the litmus test of whether or not an actual significant amount of people existed for real revolution to take place. Antifa is a dangerous organization but in the U.S. their numbers are pretty sparse compared to Europe, right now they're just a benign pack of shitheads.
Sebastian Cook
Pretty much this. They really have no pull outside of the super leftist shitholes like Berkeley. I do think this event was planned way in advance since it's roughly the anniversary of when Trump was elected. For Soros and co, it was part of a plan to get him impeached. They thought they could do more damage to him than they actually did.
And now the Saudis are going to jail. The Zionists' number is up.
Ayden Campbell
The nights not over lets just wait to see if the edgier ones come out late at night
Oliver Powell
but in fairness, no one reads the nyt, a full-page ad probably costs south of ten grand, and the nyt probably COMPED it
Nicholas Roberts
memekin I've been waiting all day for something to happen
Easton Clark
Can't bait left, too smart. Not gonna fall for obvious dumb setups like this for years to come. Vegas happened. We know we not safe in numbers.
Brandon Mitchell
yes. Them losing is actually winning in their eyes.
Chase Martin
Antifa continues to meme themselves out of existence, feels good.
Anthony Price
Levi Hughes
Remember, remember, the 4th(5th?) of November Just the same as any other day in another month such as September
Eli Torres
user, please. The leftists said a couple of days ago you were gonna say exactly that.
Thomas Foster
>The gets are strong as antifa crumbles
Joseph Young
>1 post by this ID
NYT's public pricing schedule puts a full page at at $150k
More evidence: antifa mass produced a shitload of signs and transported them to the location, but nobody showed up to use them
Blake Thompson
You fucking rapturefags never learn eh?
Austin Howard
More evidence: a tiny number of faggots actually showing up, just so few that nobody noticed them, leftists even pretend they don't exist because they are embarassed at the turnout.
Evan Price
Perhaps its a ploy, to make us doubt their true organizational skills. Remember how quickly Charlotesville was brought about.
Christian Fisher
More evidence:
Antifa faggot showing up with weapons, got disarmed by the police. So few showed up that leftists pretend they never planned anything - psychopathic, ever-lying leftists.
Just your regular Alinsky tactic - when you suffer a setback, try to turn it around and pitch it as something positive.
Antifa's own web page declaring ownership of the ad.
They have invested too much in the "IT WAS INTENTIONALLY NOTHING, WE TROLLED YOU" narrative to give it up quickly, so I suggest saving the evidence above. Should also be some youtube videos.
Mason Allen
Keep trying, little one.
Brandon Reyes
Have any of those pastebins, specifically any indicating Missouri? Would like to know if me or my family is on the list. Maybe link me to the reddit page itself instead of the pastebin itself so some faggot mod doesn't b& you for "doxxing".
Ayden Morris
More evidence:
Antifa did show up. There's just virtually nobody retarded enough to be Antifa.
Leo James
Confirmed Veteran.
Xavier Wood
Its real. Its a full page ad in the new york times.
We need to start a hastag to make fun of this antifa fail.
Or i guess we could just keep posting its okay to be white signs and ignore this crap now
Charles Brown
>Go Home Nazi Scum! whoareyoutalkingto
Adam Bailey
Someone tell me if I’m wrong here. All this November fourth shit started when a bunch of retards were standing in the middle of a highway in California saying “nov 4th it begins.” That’s it. Everything after that as far as the talk of revolution and riots and all that shit was purely speculation and hearsay trying to figure out what begins nov. 4th. Basically everyone who thinks that antifa is anything more than a meme invented this November 4th revolution based on some people standing around with signs. The ones who actually showed up probably just did it because they thought they were supposed to
Noah Nelson
is that unicorn a very ugly dude or a very ugly girl also >nerf axe
Luis Cook
I expected it would turn out to be nothing when they couldn't even find enough people to hold the signs when they stopped traffic to hype the upcoming protest.
Thomas Jackson
Damn stormtroopers.
Andrew Phillips
>someone tell me if I'm wrong here, but present complete leftist shill narrative precisely as it was described above
See refutation:
A full-page NYT ad is $150k. Leftists hate work, so making bundles and bundles of signposts with nobody showing up to use them is not their understanding of "troll".
Now comes the damage control - "WE DELIBERATELY FAILED TO TROLL YOU"
Matthew Walker
You're wrong-ish, there's an organization that put the protests today together, it was a planned thing. As far as today being some kind of antifa revolution or whatever though, that part was speculation. As far as I can tell today was never intended to be more than just another "booo, trump" protest, albeit one they expected to be bigger than it ended up being.
Jacob Rodriguez
I think turnout was supposed to be a lot bigger. But mueller's investigation isn't going how they thought it would AT ALL But then this stuff about hillary clinton came out and its becoming increasingly difficult to defend the left. the "it's okay to be white" campaign redpilled thousands across the country. Even the left leaning sites have to start admitting Manafort's shit wasn't related to Trump at all. Oh, yeah, and the whole pedowood thing we've been screaming about is coming to fruition. Spacey, Weinstein, (((feldman?)))
With all of the failings of the left it's starting to take a massive amount of delusion to be enraged at trump, but not several key players on the left.
Colton Fisher
>Now comes the damage control - "WE DELIBERATELY FAILED TO TROLL YOU"
Sorry, not native English.
Hunter Price
>As far as today being some kind of antifa revolution or whatever though, that part was speculation. As far as I can tell today was never intended to be more than just another "booo, trump" protest
Who will gather in cities and towns across the country .A movement of protests that continue every day and night, growing until we become millions.... determined not to stop until this regime is driven from power
>never intended to be more than just another "boo trump" protest
yeah, no.
Narrative shift: Okay, it was deliberately planned, BUT WE INTENDED IT TO BE SMALL, SO BY IT BEING SMALL WE SUCCEEDED.
Nolan Gomez
anticap wearing nike shoes
Elijah Fisher
Please gas your petty existence once your next doomsday prediction gets BTFO again, yeah?
Connor Cruz
>A movement of protests Right there. Point out where they claimed it was going to be anything more severe
>BUT WE INTENDED IT TO BE SMALL Like I just said, they didn't intend it to be this pathetically small, but I also don't see any evidence that they intended it to be any more than just impotently walking around with signs
Kayden Roberts
Someone seems butthurt.
Nicholas Thomas
Really good Youre going to be assigned to undercover reconassiance and inflitrate their few remaining ranks when we finish our Fashy takeover Youre going places kid Will contact you in the am Keep your blinds open
Isaiah Thomas
Fucking libtards. Folded up like a $2 dollar suitcase. Many such cases.
Juan Richardson
Just got back from /leftypol/ and had the fastest thread on the site until the mods shoah'd it. Commies are cowards online and offline.
Isaiah Stewart
>Like I just said, they didn't intend it to be this pathetically small, but I also don't see any evidence that they intended it to be any more than just impotently walking around with signs
"Who will gather in cities and towns across the country" "A movement of protests that continue every day and night, growing util we become millions.. .determined not to stop until this regime is driven from power"
whilst you say: >I also don't see any evidence that they intended it to be any more than just impotently walking around
So on one hand what they actually said: A movement of millions that will force the Trump/Pence regime from power.
Your "interpretation" of this is that they never intended to be more than just a small number walking around with signs.
This is not a reasonable interpretation. Just sociopathic leftists doing damage control and proving Breivik right.
Aiden White
>Your "interpretation" of this is that they never intended to be more than just a small number walking around with signs. >small number Why do you keep repeatedly claiming that I say things that are the opposite of what I say? I know english isn't your native language but do you have a learning disability as well?
Juan Murphy
Jacob Hughes
>A....a right wing troll paid for that ad...uh... down with the bourgeoisie...
Jackson Taylor
You’re not even quoting anything “antifa” related. It’s that refusefascism dot org shit. Hence the lack of black and red flags. Facemasks. Etc
Asher Williams
Could be a psych out, act like it was a nothing urgent today so everyone let's their guard down, then strike tomorrow
Christopher Sanchez
It is the 5th of November tomorrow, but will anybody bother to remember?
Ryder Allen
>You're just quoting "REFUSE FASCISM" >not anything ANTIFA related
So first present entire shill narrative precisely as OP described it would be here: Then insist that "REFUSE FASCISM" doesn't in any way relate to "ANTIFA" here: "Antifa" isn't a membership organization, faggot. It's an umbrella term for leftist movements that present themselves as fighting "fascism".
Jack Price
Oh noo nooo nooo noooooo huuu huhuuuuu
Logan Murphy
>"Antifa" isn't a membership organization, faggot. It's an umbrella term for leftist movements that present themselves as fighting "fascism". Ok so then antifa can describe both a group of leftists who come to riots armed with pepper spray, kicking over trash cans, burning cars, etc. and it can also describe a group of leftists who show up in groups of 20 chanting gay slogans holding gay signs. Good thing da habbening today was organized by the second group hmm?
Gabriel Richardson
I was in philly all day for a play and dinner. Nothing here. Lol. Photo op at best then they ran. If they even showed.
Leo Flores
Also, I’m not some kind of antifa shill. Which, I know, is something an antifa shill would day. I’m a run of the mill gun loving, Commie hating, right-leaning lolbertarian who just happens to not believe everything put out by infowars and posted on Facebook and I think antifa is a fucking meme with zero organization and only poses an actual threat to the Based stickman type of people who go to their little rallies to troll them
William Russell
Nothingburger jfc not urgent
Dylan Young
What an odd coincidence, my dude
Blake Gomez
Now that the lack of public support for pants-fa's foreigner-backed communist revolution is apparent, the arrests can begin.
Hudson Adams
well memed!
Zachary Turner
It costs between $100K to $150K to run a full page ad in the New York Times.
Someone with deep pockets is funding the rioters.
Andrew Jenkins
> ATX police arrested over 150 Antifa in black block garb as they arrived
They weren't fucking around.
Hunter Ross
Owen Perry
These aren't two distinct groups.
Antifa is on a spectrum. They all hate the US and worship violence-using communists going back in history.
But most of them are too pussy to use violence themselves, some could use violence if it was hyped enough to them, and a few would use violence any chance they get.
The woman in the picture above has a baseball bat because she loves the idea of violence, but she's one of those unlikely to carry it out.
Antifa shouldn't be underestimated. It's a movement that lets angry yound kids focus all their hatred into the single word 'fascism'. It goes back probably 100 years. The Soviet Union was "fighting fascists", and any Soviet / Communist fight across the world against the capitalist West was a fight against "fascism". "Antifa" is basically the militant wing of communism.
Given this, it's really hard to predict how large and violent a gathering will become. It turns out that antifa themselves wanted this to be huge, but it turned out tiny and fizzled out.
>Good thing da habbening today was organized by the second group hmm?
Sounds like a shitty attempt at scaremongering. The most violent antifa are currently facing federal charges for rioting, and Eric Clanton is about to have a black man rape his ass over and over. There's nothing pacifying a white antifa like the hands of a black man gripping his ass and ramming his rod in there over and over for months and years (unless he likes it and wants it which probably surprisingly many do)
>After 1941, "fascist" was used in the Soviet Union to describe virtually any anti-Soviet activity or opinion. According to Marxism–Leninism, fascism was the "final phase of crisis of bourgeoisie", which "in fascism sought refuge" from "inherent contradictions of capitalism". As a result of this approach, it was almost every Western capitalist country that was "fascist", with the Third Reich being just the "most reactionary" one.[2][3] After 1941, "fascist" was used in Soviet Union to describe virtually any anti-Soviet activity: for example, the international investigation on Katyn massacre was described as "fascist libel"[4] and the Warsaw Uprising as "illegal and organised by fascists".[5] Communist Służba Bezpieczeństwa described Trotskyism, Titoism and imperialism as "variants of fascism".
This is literally the same "antifascism" as in the US today. Same ideas, same concepts, same anti-Western anti-capitalist attitude, it's the continuation of the Soviet Union and East Germany still existing today.