What happened to all the daily China hate threads? What happened to the Mexican webms user, or the Vietnamese SINK THE CHINKS user, or the China Red Pills user, and all the others? Did they get permabanned? Killed by Chinese spies? Bribed by rich chinks? WTF it's fucking weird how those threads just suddenly stopped overnight.
China hate thread
because they clog up Sup Forums and belong on Sup Forums t឵bh
Then ignore them, Xiao Wang.
How about instead you make a thread for relevant political discussion f឵am
Where the fuck do you think you are, Xiao Wang? Take a look around you. 3/4 of the posts on Sup Forums aren't exactly related to "relevant political discussion".
What's the difference between chinks and pajeets again?
Daily reminder China is actually a pretty nice country and people just spam the same 20 webms of car crashes and impoverished degeneracy that is inevitable in a country of 1.4 billion
currently watching advchina on youtube. it's not all bad, but they're definitely subhuman and need to be nuked.
i guess ill just leave this here.
Fucking chinks
Chinks: KUNG POO
>Pajeets: POO IN THE LOO
16+ lanes going in all directions with 10 cars and 2 trucks on the road...
He's probably just insane. Even chinks don't do this shit, unless it's a dog
>tfw when no chinese QT's around shitting in front of my apartment
im pretty sure they use the bugs to get rid of dead skin tissue
delete this
We shit on our new superior masters like we once shit on our americunt masters
Pol red pill world - 2028
What in the...
watch out folks. the same 20 videos coming up to represent a nation of 1.4 billion
Fucking hot
Divide and conquer, sage and hide
this some old school run Dmc shit, lurk more reddick queer bait
Then why do none of the Chinese people I went to grad school with AND none of the CHinese people I work with have ANY desire to go back to China?
Dip Sum Moar
who the fuck is being divided here?
In English amigo
Fucking hell reddick fag, this shit 15th Century pol post
Slide thread sage
Pin wheeled that mother fucker
wtf - gotta go eye bleach now
What are ghost cities for 200, Alex?
Nigger that webm reminded me of 15th century meme I posted
look at China...what a horrible country
A farcical play on Dim Sum + Lurk More
This shit is OLD, the people of pol fap to this
What the fuck. They are actually fucking savages
None of the white people I know have any desire to go back to Europe either, what's your point?
I remember seeing this one a long time ago when tube8 still had scat. I just felt like talking about it
Will you look at this terrible country:
Anyone have a list of all the rare flags in this site?
Because everybody realized amerishits are a worst cancer on this world than the chinks
1488 is 13th century you queer bait sperm burping bro tier fag
Subhumans ruin countries
thats India
Typical insecure American, scared that the yellow peril was real all along and that the era of American hegemony is coming to a close.
That's the thing that annoys me about chinks. They reap the benefits of living in a Western country and they have no plans to leave, yet they get all assmad the moment you start making valid criticisms about their homeland. The thing is that Westerners make a shitload of criticisms about our own countries, we are way more critical about our own countries than other countries, and that leads to improvements and change. Yet with the chinks they get all defensive the moment you so much as make a comment about China that isn't praise. Seriously, fuck the chinks and their shitty censorship and their brainwashed sheep mentality.
Look at China...what a dirty nation. How do people even live there
Eat a bag of dicks
new fag..as in homosexual not the cigarette
they cant even build properly
Americunts ruined the west, the chinks naturally are going to be richer from their huge population, only insecure americans are scared because now they're realising that American will eventually lose it's superpower status. Their entire fucking birth as a nation started with the founding fathers WHO FUCKING MIXED WITH NIGGERS, no fucking respect for Americans, atleast they tried to keep niggers and spics out of their country but after the kikes came they fucked up severely.
Lel chink detected. I'm not the one posting the webms faggot. Go eat a dog
they are awful at that.
let us talk about it then... did you see the maniacs video from Russia or that sick fag montreal fag that ate the dead ass meat of his lover?
great filename
it's the same with amerifats like you, you dickbag
you faggots get butthurt about people hating your own country that leads to improvement and change
there's nothing wrong with burning the american flag if it's the symbol of white supremacy
Sometimes you just gotta rip the band-aid off, user
Maybe that kid needed some discipline
but they have high IQ
MY point is that US must be pretty damn good compared to these other countries, then. And america has a ton wrong with it. Look at half the cities and how dirty, decrepit and poor they are. An dpeople want to come here>>???1
Now that nov 4 revolution was a big nothing burger we start seeing these threads again. Thank god if I had to read one more antifa happening thread I was going to neck myself. I mean I should anyway but Christmas is coming and my mom would be sad!
HIt round object with flat hammer
I wonder who taught these chinamen to forge?
that was part of a controlled demolition went wrong. the building was evacuated already.
>maniacs video from Russia
The Ukrainian boys who killed that wheelchair man with a screwdriver?
>montreal fag that ate the dead ass meat of his lover
I did not see that one
>>Tibet was always part China!