First, a little history. Back in 1958 ARPA was formed by President Eisenhower as an effort to ensure the United States leads the way in technology, especially military technology. Sputnik freaked everyone out, and so the agency was formed to organize the government, industry, and academia towards pushing the cutting edge as far as it will go. We've done some crazy stuff. We're called DARPA now, but we basically invented the Internet, experiment with brain-machine interfaces, build cool looking stealth ships and autonomous vehicles, and basically anything else you can think of in the last 60 years we've had a hand in. We are pretty much responsible for modern warfare. When a US President orders a drone strike on some terrorist's cousin's wedding, it's made possible by a number of technologies we developed.
During the Nixon Administration, a number of people in the government became very concerned that the Soviets were developing methods of sabotaging the homeland's ability to fight wars over extended periods. Things were not going well for us in Vietnam, and it was widely understood that Soviet agents had been stirring up domestic unrest as a means to weaken us politically, economically, and militarily. There was also significant concern that there would be sabotage to our infrastructure and our long term ability supply an army in the field. Remember that only a couple decades prior, the Soviet Union saw the United States basically logistics the Third Reich to death, and then later carried out a huge airlift operation to keep Berlin supplied during the 1948-1949 blockade. The US is blessed with excellent agriculture and anything that can threaten that, or make it difficult to move significant supplies to theaters of war, was considered a serious strategic goal of the Soviet Union.
Then came the Rasool and Schneider prediction in 1971 that large increases of aerosols (of the sort that were occurring then) could reduce the surface temperature of the planet significantly. This would cause a crash in American agriculture, would make winters more severe, and generally degrade the ability of the United States to fight a large scale land war in Europe against the Soviet Union. The Soviets, meanwhile, were used to fighting in winter. This prospect was greatly concerning to the DoD and the Nixon administration. In Vietnam, the United States had already used weather warfare, in the form of cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, so it was not inconceivable that our adversaries might attempt to do the same to us. ARPA was quietly tasked with developing means of climate control and counteracting any efforts by the Soviet Union to affect the growing season in the United States or disrupt supply lines, and research was done on ways in which emerging understanding of the Earth's climate could be weaponized against the Soviet Union or any other communist country. Large localized releases of certain gases, cloud seeding, photoionization lasers, and other technologies of dispersal and weather direction were explored. At the same time we attempted to prevent the Soviet Union from pursuing such technologies. In 1972, we formally renounced the use of climate modification as a means of warfare, and began diplomatic efforts to form a treaty banning it.
Reports in 1974 and 1975 on global cooling only spurred a greater diversion of the defense budget towards DARPA projects related to weather modification and weather defense, while at the same time we began negotiations with the USSR that led to UN Resolution 31/72, which banned weather warfare in 1978.
Parker Reed
It should really go without saying that just because a thing is banned in use, doesn't mean nation states don't continue research and development on new weapon systems and defense systems against hypothetical weapon systems created by adversaries. Nobody really trusts anyone else, and the Soviets were known to cheat. DARPA continued research on a number of fronts and made significant strides throughout the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. The biggest well-known development in the 1990s was the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, begun just a year before the Soviet Union's collapse, but work had already been done since the 1970s on ionospheric heaters, such as EISCAT. Ostensibly HAARP was an ionosphere communications and radio surveillance research project, and that work was done too, but more importantly it was a project to better understand interactions in the ionosphere with radio waves and how these can be used in climate and weather effects. It was known since the 1930s that Luxemburg-Gorsky effects can be created by cross modulation of radio waves, affecting conductivity. Ionospheric perturbations associated with lightning can be predicted, modeled, and ultimately be controlled through high powered EM radiation. Positive breakdown initiation can be generated with remarkable precision using modern day ground and satellite-based radio transmitters, and even a relatively low powered laser can ionize nitrogen channels in the atmosphere to direct electric charges. Of course if you have control over the ionosphere and can direct electrical charges, you can control wind currents electromagnetically and create entire storms.
Jack Harris
>DARPAnon here. Oh hell... why not at this point.
Robert Johnson
For decades, the holy grail of weather warfare was to effect climate in a strategic way, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States became faced with small rogue states and terrorist organizations instead of massed tank armies rolling through Europe. Defending against Soviet sabotage of agriculture and artificial super-hurricanes sinking carrier groups no longer was the priority. Instead, weather warfare is being weaponized against individuals and small groups. Imagine, instead of a drone strike, a lightning bolt comes out of the sky and strikes a terrorist leader dead, and any nearby civilian casualties are blamed on an act of allah instead of the great satan. Imagine a lightning bolt striking a communications dish in a low-intensity conflict, disrupting enemy command and control without risking manned or expensive unmanned aerial assets in a heavily defended hostile territory. Anons, I am here to tell you that not only does the United States possess this capability, but it has already used it. HAARP is shut down, but it was just a research platform. A fully weaponized global system is online, and it has already taken lives.
Kevin Baker
The Deep State is very real, and until very recently, these weather control systems developed by my agency were under control of elements of the intelligence community still loyal to former President Obama. Remember how this past hurricane season seemed especially harsh? It was the goal of these political operatives to sabotage President Trump's administration using our own weather weapons against the United States. They hoped to turn President Trump's base against him, first by hitting Texas with Hurricane Harvey, then hitting Florida with Hurricane Irma. Both of these states went to Donald Trump in the electoral college. They sought to seek "Trump's Katrina" when they foolishly believed his response to the disasters would be poor, and victimize Trump's own base. The response was not what they expected. Pictures and video of white males, Trump voters, heroically acting to help people the Left thinks Trump voters are racist or sexist against, worked against the Left's narrative. President Trump's visits to these disaster areas made him look like a compassionate, caring person, and his disaster response efforts were excellent, even in the begrudging opinion of many Leftists in the media.
Jack Walker
So, the Left decided they would try one more time, with Hurricane Maria. By attacking Puerto Rico, the Deep State had two objectives in mind. First, make President Trump look like a racist, and second, stir up Puerto Rican politics so that there'd be a renewed push for statehood (guaranteeing new Democrat votes in the Electoral College) and an exodus of liberal Puerto Ricans to Florida where they could help tip Florida blue in 2020. Remember all that stuff about the Jones Act? Remember the fake press conferences where it was claimed supplies weren't arriving on the island, even as ships were backed up trying to get into port while Puerto Rican unions and the Democratic leadership there were preventing supplies from moving inland? Yeah. All staged. Those who weren't in on it told the truth about what was really going on, and all of a sudden the media stopped talking about it.
Okay, enough history. After Hurricane Maria, the loyalists managed to wrest control of the various weapon platforms one by one (they really have to work in concert so even a little sabotage from loyalists can throw a wrench in the Deep State's plans). To be fair, President Trump didn't really buy the idea that we had this capability and he wasn't really briefed on anything even close to the full capability when he first took office. The man understands conventional weapons but weather control seemed pretty farfetched to him. After Maria, when it was suggested the weather weapons be directed at the President himself, effectively a coup, and it was at that point that a general revolt took place within the intelligence community and final control was seized by loyalists to the President. He's since been fully briefed. A number of individuals have been quietly dealt with in the secret courts, and the DoD under General Mattis now has full operational control.
Matthew King
Now, understand, the United States is still under treaty not to use these weapons in an offensive capability against other nations. Technically what the Deep State did, and wanted to do domestically, isn't a war crime, because the storm systems were directed against domestic targets. If President Trump were to order a lightning strike against Kim Jong-un, for example, we'd be in treaty violation. As you know, President Trump is not a fan of treaties that jeopardize American security or prosperity, so I believe he might use this weapon against North Korea, Iran, or other adversaries if there was no other legal way to go about it. Terrorist groups, he most certainly would use the weapon against, as they are non-state actors and not a party to the ENMOD. At least it's a gray area. President Bush and President Obama both could have used the weapons in the War on Terror, but Bush was a big believer in air strikes and coalitions, and Obama simply lacked the will to fight the war seriously with every means at his disposal. President Trump, I believe, is different.
Owen Thompson
Domestically, President Trump has a completely free hand. As you know, he's become more dissatisfied with the DOJ and his other political enemies obstructing, fomenting rebellion, and committing violence unopposed. He is a man of faith and I believe he would hesitate to commit outright assassination of his political foes, particularly in such a way that would imitate the smiting power of God. That said, he's frustrated. Things are moving too slowly. The corrupt are going unpunished. He ran on a platform of restoring justice to the United States, and his supporters aren't seeing much of that. It's possible, perhaps as soon as he returns from his overseas trip, he will give authorization for the use of the weather weapon systems, to bring about the sort of justice that many will view as divine retribution. No one would suspect foul play, outside of those handful of foreign nations who have a detection capability, none of which want to publicly reveal their own capabilities in this realm. Remember President Trump is a businessman. He appreciates getting things done on time and under budget. Trials of certain traitors are costly, both in time and taxpayer money, and as you know from his recent tweets, he's a believer in the death penalty. Most of all, President Trump wants to get things done, and if there are obstacles to that he can remove with the power of Zeus and Thor, he has the capability, and I think the will, to do that.
Joseph Williams
K. Can we get a real winter this year, please?
Carson Powell
Can we get some snow for Christmas in the UK ?
Ryder Hughes
That would be a violation of ENMOD, unless President Trump works out a new treaty exemption with the UK. I think he's busy with more pressing foreign matters, don't you?
James Cook
>pol than Christmas snow,
Jacob Cooper
A more serious answer would be no not really. making Europe colder would force *migrants* to leave as seen in Finland
Matthew Baker
>Trump may resort to smiting the deep state with lightning Whatever gets the job done...
Ian Williams
The hurricanes were no mistake, Dahnald.
With the power of the fabled Atlantigates, we could wash away the untrue conservatives wherever they may be.
Christian Cooper
So you're saying Trump can create an ACTUAL twitter storm... if he wanted?
Alexander Bell
Hudson Lopez
My attention span isn't long enough to read all of this
People are finding out where these underground laboratories are.
Christopher Davis
During the 2003 invasion of Iraq there "just happened" to occur one of the worst sandstorms in recent history.
Henry Walker
hey Blumpf can you make it warmer here in seattle? shit cold sucks
Parker Clark
DARPAnon can you tell us more about 1) man-made earthquakes, e.g. Mexico earthquakes etc. Man-made? Do we possess this capability? If so, what is it based on, and how is it deployed? 2) NorCal fires were man-made? Can you tell us more about the technology used? Lasers mounted on aircrafts? or from a satellite? Also, is President Trump aware of those being man-made?
Jace Wilson
>take an ordinary microwave >make it a trillion times more powerful >point it at the sky weather modification 101
Hunter Sullivan
>Mr. President, your clearance came through, you are now authorized to order the weather machine's operations. What are your orders sir? >Spam a big beautiful pepe in that hurricane >right away sir!
Tyler Davis
I see the containment grid over at /x/ failed again....
Bentley Hughes
That was actually funny. Have a Trump Troll Face on me.
Ryan Lee
Henry Brown
larp my shit up
Benjamin Brooks
1) There's no capability I know of that will effect the tectonic plates. That's a non-trivial energy problem. 2) It's possible the fires were man-made, but I don't know of any domestic operation to cause them. The best theory I heard was Mexican cartels trying to take out the California marijuana producers, who have been quite devastated. Lightning strikes can be caused by radio cross modulations from multiple high powered sources at specific ranges. This is easiest done on the ground but mobile and orbital platforms can work, especially for aiming. These create a higher conductivity (air is a pretty good insulator) to build up a charge (ionosphere is naturally charged anyway) which can then be directed through an ionizing laser. The laser platform can be pretty small, it's not like laser weapons used against missiles. I am not a party to whatever briefings President Trump may get on cartel activity or whatever the forest service tells him.
Andrew Wood
I've actually noticed that since he took office there has been almost no "chem trials" over my portion of California.
Chase Garcia
So where are other countries on this tech? If the basis of weather control is simply blasting EM waves in the sky, surely China or Russia, even North Korea is not far behind.
Hunter Howard
Why didn't the deep state assassinate Trump when they could use have used the weather and hit the president with a lighting?They could have faked his death by making it seem like an unfortunate event
Ethan Evans
I ain't reading that wall of text. Also Al Gore invented the internet you dumbshit larper.