This thread is for people in countries that rule the world. Only countries with more than 1 active aircraft carrier may post in this thread.
Planetary dominance thread
Good evening, lads.
It sure does feel good to call all the shots on this planet.
How can Euro bois even compete?
Arent aircraft carriers obsolete with todays missiles?
really tho, that thread the other day "Do you really need 11 carriers" was pretty funny. We need 50.
It feels good to be on the winning team
>lainposting flaggot
out with it
Not unless they have nuclear warheads.
I said active not under construction. Countries are only just now trying to compete after mass cuckening of europe and Asia that was WW2.Too late europoors.
FYI, Russia doesn't build aircraft carriers. They found it cheaper to just build intercontinental missles. That is why the stealth F-22 and F-35 were built, to evade Russian radar and take out their missle systems. Both have a lot of financial and intelligence community scandal attached. Spy drama problems I guess. Comey was FBI but also exec at Lockheed. Paddock was former Lockheed. Area 51 is near Vegas of course where stealth planes are tested etc. Lot of problems. Loooot of problems.
You think aircraft carriers cant sink? (from missiles)
Nuke is not normal warfare, it's global suicide.
No one uses a nuke.
Within 5-6 years this whole anti-ship missile scare will be over and we'll get a CIWS system with 10x the range and intercept capability out of it.
This is a missile that was designed to shoot down incoming RVs in their final seconds of flight using 1960s-era technology. We could probably build one that's several times better today.
don’t remind us
Aircrafter carriers and their fleets have missiles too. Better missles than you that will destroy your missiles from far at seas.
If you're talking about those Chinese Silkworm anti ship missiles then no. Those things are pieces of shit and would only serve to piss off the commander of the fleet even more.
You'd have to get lucky with a submarine or use a tactical nuke to take out a carrier 100% nowadays.
A United States carrier group is just about the most well defended thing on earth.
it's a threat but we're mitigating it with both electronic and physical countermeasures.
And all that military power goes to protecting this
wow nice antique collection
Someone's jelly hiding behind the meme flag
Death to all mudsharks.
This is why we need an all-male gay society. Women are weak and useless.
An invasion of Finland is an impossibility. There would be a rifle and EBIN behind every snow flake.
Charlie Wilson did 9/11. Stop arming muzzies.
Railguns and verticle takeoff jets arent becoming obsolete any time soon leaf
Serious question. What is the point of having the biggest military when your values and culture are shit? All that power is just defending your shitness, and worse, imposing that shitness on others.
>What is the point of having the biggest military when your values and culture are shit?
Because war tends to make your culture and values not shit
World War 3 when?
I think that the swedes have some anti ship missiles.
Where my jewish allies at?
Isn't that the windmill of friendship from /mlpol/?
oooh those are nice let me get my dildo to celebrate
20 years from now we're going to see a generation of faggots with colostomy bags.
goatse doesn't need one though
>1 active carrier
>that ramp
Shiplets have no verticle take off.
>hrr drr lets go trillions in debt so we can brag about how much we can defend our degenerate culture
the post
Topkek kys Ping America ain't paying no fucking debt. Come take it.
muh carrier killer missiles is a meme. greater speed = harder for missiles to differentiate countermeasures from the target = memetier
>come take it
>shack in a major city cost $700k
you are one dumb bastard
>tfw live in Norfolk where they are built
I see them frequently, aircraft carriers are cool as fuck
Why are we so cocky? Do we really think that we will be the exception to precedent and that hubris will not be our downfall?
well w-we have a base in s-somalia...
freedomburger checking in, my radar detects a horde of eurocucks incoming to this thread.
>living in a major city
Nigger/kike detected
What happened to you Turkey
You used to own the world, chico
Carriers are great for subjugating minor powers and proxy conflicts. Essentially, policing a world empire like America has.
Only regional powers can really afford to use those kinds of missiles. What stops that from being done is what Uncle Sam does to you and everyone you love if you hit one of his carriers.
Posting in thread because I live in a willing vassal state of the empire which pretty much counts as membership.
I hate this stupid fucking meme
educate yourself, burger, that list is flat tops, means aircraft and helicopter carriers.
oh sweetie
50? What are you, some kind of unamerican faggot? We need at least 100, 150 if none of them are airships.
>It sure does feel good to call all the shots on this planet
Good to know that Rocket Man has your permission to launch his toys.
>implying we'll let them live
>Spends billions in their armed forces to feel "safe"
>Most of these forces end up protecting countries that despise you instead of your own people
>Gets shot by a gun nut in the mall/school/etc
Good work, fatties.
Debt doesn't matter if we spend most of the imaginary money on things that make collection impossible once we say "fuck off"
>attempting to hide the fact that you don't have your facts down by changing the topic
A roach motel of your own making
>communist flag
Opinion discarded.
They'll all die of superAIDS by then
>People ITT legit believe that carriers are unsinkable
>forest nigger with 0 count em 0 aircraft carriers tries to mince words about lesser carriers
Which by the way even counting lesser germany still has 0. How does it feel living in a dickless nation? Do you still manage to feel some pride living in the posternation for mad losers?
They are if they have a ramp and only five aircraft
It does indeet feel good to call the shots where ever you go. And having butthurt in your wake of ppl envying you :)
That's only for commies annon they're our goiys :)
Thank you loyal subject :D
I'm not even the person you're responding to, dumbass.
Damn it feels good to be world hegemon.
Where are the shit flinging euro's bringing up how were controlled by jews every other sentence?
>has kids
>muslim grandkids
[desire to pilot mode intensifies]
Things are going so fast now its not 100% reasonable to compare us to previous super powers if you ask me.
canada counts too
when it comes down to it the us loves us more than isreal
I don't really think that it is reasonable to compare us to anything before 1900, certainly. I also don't necessarily think that we need to use previous superpowers as precedent either. We can look to instances where hubris was our folly and consider the consequences had those mistakes been scaled globally.
I'm trying to think if I have ever seen a president pucker his asshole any tighter for the establishment cock. No I can't think of one.
You're fucking stupid.
Lets just take a second and laugh at the absolute shit state of the Rooskies navy.
>EU flag
GTFO. you faggots don't rule anything but a bunch of migrants and cuckboys.
>The ramp when no vtols
What the actual fuck is this...
its supposed to look like that
>Ruling anything but lands that were given to them after WW1 and 2 for being losers.