So considering how well the "It's okay to be white" campaign has/is going, I got the idea to take it further with this reverse racemixing propaganda. Every time we see it in public, it's always portrayed as white woman, non-white man - Why don't we change it up a bit and see how they like it the other way around?
I'll drop some simple designs below.
doing gods work f឵am
10/10 idea, make some more
yes good idea
Fucked up the image size/colour grade on OP, bear with me, trying to get a good version.
Who has a problem with white men and non-white women? I've only seen it with jealous asian males.
Looks like she's stepping on his balls anyway. Get a pic where the guy looks very dominant over her.
I do because the men who do it are universally blue-pilled faggots.
you guys are okay
I do, if it ain't white it ain't right
^ These are the only 3 I've done so far. If the thread goes well I'll make more tonight. Send in any material you have too, every little helps.
while i see what your getting at, genetically, its more of less the same right?
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah no
The goal of this isn't to get people to race mix, it's to gauge the reaction from minorities. I guarantee you they'll be torn down like the "it's okay to be white" ones were.
How about really old white guys and really young looking asian chicks?
You are retarded.
Only the first one is a hot negress cunt, DELET the other 2 and have more attractive negros
Fuck off subversive Jew.
That's stupid you're going to make you're enemies' propaganda for them just so it can be slightly off point?
black women are so fucking gross.
that thing doesn't even look human
Try find professional photos like above with the criteria you mention. If you do I'll make it, but 90% are instagram-esque pictures that don't look right on a poster.
That is just stupid. We never see it this way because nobody finds black chicks attractive. Not even blacks. The left is not going to be outraged, it is not helping us, if people take it seriously. Bad idea. Sage
If we weren't in a position of decline, I wouldn't have an issue, but right now we need to keep our numbers up and prevent Le 56% Face from becoming the norm.
If that fails, we can adopt jew tactics and form tight-knit diaspora communities.
Do not stray from th original message. Do not promote race-mixing posters. How hard is it to stick to the original posters. Why are you so fucking retarded and think your "stroke of genious" is anything besides a real stroke.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with her fucking cranium
racemixing dilute the blood and leads to the end of the white race
fucking retarded
how can you go from god-tier IOTBW to this this dreary attempt to stir up controversy (and it fucking wont) is beyond me
we need to purge these redditors
>Why are you so fucking retarded and think your "stroke of genious" is anything besides a real stroke.
lmao, pretty much
its also will be very good to portray one white male with two/three nigresses.
It will blow the shit out of liberals
This is a shit idea you fucking mick
>Because "Say No To Racism" is such rampant propaganda that it'll actually backfire...
Every single fucking media portrayal of interracial couples is a white woman and shitskin man - Instead of just larping about racial purity, without doing anything about it, why can't we just have fun with making fun of stealing minorities women? Jesus Christ it's not like this is actually going to convince people to race mix...
Sounds like a great idea fellow goy.
Reverse race mixing propaganda is something we should definitely exploit
oh yeah, they'll get totally assblasted because they care a lot about strict dating matches between the races(????)
they dont give a fuck
you guys are projecting your own ideology onto them
shills out in force
Stupidest idea ever. It doesn't matter if non white women are propagandised to race mix with white men, because non whites have positive birth rates. However you will lower white birth rates as this will propagandise white men to breed with non whites, rather than whites. In addition, white women might see the "say no to racism" bit and agree with the fundamental idea. In short your plan to propagandise other races to race mix will backfire horribly.
Yeah, we can also make white men polygamous at this picture.
What part of "white" do you not understand?
>*sits down to watch any show and gawks at a white woman being fucked by some nigger*
Yes good goys! Critique and do nothing in return. I swear to God some of you are fully autistic.
because you didn't even consider how normies will react you fucking mick
IOTBW has like 90% white normie support
1% of normies will care about this
it'll piss off black guys and thereby splinter the left
back to stormfront, doing the same tired as shit they peddle out on a daily basis, mr. Aryan Brotherhood
leave effective subversion to us
yeah dude, it'll piss off 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 blacks.
~1-2% of the american population.
holy shit we've got a winner here
That's not a man. And if he is, she's stepping into his balls.
are you a shill or just stupid?
>reverse racemixing
you can't un-mongrel your progeny
I'll tell you exactly how they'll react:
>Yes, I shouldn't be judged being attracted to white guys
>What's wrong Jamal? Why are you so upset about a poster that's against racism?
>Why are you tearing down a anti-racism poster Jamal?
If you honestly fucking think that normies will start race mixing because of a poster saying "Say No To Racism", then you are absolutely retarded.
I love these memes. It started at Sup Forums of course.
>"gotta have my token nigger to prove I'm not a racist"
>Yes, I shouldn't be judged being attracted to white guys
okay, now replace that with "being attracted to black guys" you stupid son of a bitch
you think just because it shows a white male/black female that's THE ONLY pair it would be interpreted by the viewer to be in support of
no. stacey would think "that's right, racism is wrong! can't wait to fuck jamal this weekend"
goddamn sub-70 IQ gorilla
This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on Sup Forums. Liberals are 100% ok with race mixing between black women and white men. You are literally just making liberal posters now.
>"hur dur her foot is placed in a different manner than I prefer"
Go find me some photo shoot pictures of attractive black women with attractive white men on a white expanse background that isn't covered with a watermark, you stupid fucking cunt.
Hey it works. I've been pointing to my 2 black roommates from college for years to "prove" I'm not racist, people eat that shit up.
there are a lot of black women, white men commercials here (California)
You know how in marketing they teach you.
Never use negatives because human brains don’t understand them.
Racism isn’t okey = racism is okey
That’s how the brains sees it
If you’d change the text on all of them that would be dandy
>"Say no to racism"
Where the is there a black guy on the posters, you stupid fucking ape?
"Trumpstaffel" was worse
but we always have one of these threads once in a while. where the OP is just completely retarded and doesnt belong here
This is retarded. Kys
read it again, potatonigger:
>you think just because it shows a white male/black female that's THE ONLY pair it would be interpreted by the viewer to be in support of
wow thats a dumb idea
kill yourself
haha fair enough. I'm going to start making posters that say 'Women deserve equal pay!', that will destroy feminism haha
This is fucking Hilarious. DO IT! The niggers will flip their shit.
Are you actually fucking retarded? Read the OP you stupid cunt. White girls already see this shit every single day on TV shows, films, music videos etc... I suggest we push the opposite a bit, to see how niggers like us manipulating their women, you have a chimp out and literally take sides with the kikes. A1 logic, you autistic faggot.
Look. A normie will not even care about the skincolor. You need to have a crertain viewpoint for this. What a normie sees is a couple and a message with tells him "dont be racist". He tells himself " oh, i guess it is racist to be against interracial relationships. I dont really care, i am not a racist so i still dont care. " Now what exatcly do we gain from this? ( Remember we do not want ANY interracial relationships).
Yes. Not everyone on here is anti-coal burning like you, you actual racist fuck.
>I suggest we push the opposite a bit, to see how niggers like us manipulating their women
like i said upthread, 1 in 5 cares. that's 1-2% of the american population. that's "who gives a fuck" tier
you think this is a new idea that hasn't been done before you faggot?
you're the only kike in the thread
No they wont. WTF. They dont even like black woman.
Counter race mixing by promoting race mixing!
Brilliant! Try it it your country and tell us how it works.
Americans do not attempt until we have gained scientific data.
are you me?
i literally thought about this yesterday
you know it's going to trigger the shit out of niggers
good shit user lets get this started
Yes because everyone is exposed to massive corporations saying "Women DON'T deserve equal pay" everyday, aren't they? Hang yourself.
Fuck this. This board has a collective IQ of 80. So many of you larp as psychological experts whilst still being a virgin and talk to women biannually. As long as we have so many retards who equate teasing of the enemy with fraternizing, we are never going to go anywhere. Full stop.
the shilling, my god
you're right, you don't belong here
wow, look at those arms. self harm?
>This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on Sup Forums.
So you've only just arrived. Welcome.
How many of you don't understand the most basic concept of posters?
IMAGE: White man and black woman purposefully used to tease minorities that their women worship us.
>"1 in 5 cares"
And you somehow believe the other 4 will start popping out brown babies. Hilarious.
It just comes across as a simple message pro racemixing. Nobody is going to pick up the gendered undertones. i guarantee it. Also there are already a few adds that do this but not many because black woman are DISGUSTING.
Not a bad idea
You most likely wank to cartoon girls or traps, and you actually have the audacity to tell me I don't belong here. You're single handily going to save the white race by cumming into your body pillow.
You're still missing the point that liberals white or black don't have any problem with reverse racemixing. So they would just see the poster and think, oh look that's nice.
Don't people get enough of this racemixing every fucking minute of every fucking day through the electric jew?
Okay I've seen a lot of dumb things, but this Irish plan is one of the silliest.
>Jesus Christ it's not like this is actually going to convince people to race mix...
Yeah it'll be ineffective just like the BM/WF propaganda
Fuck off retard
Hey assfucks that think his idea won't work. Wtf are you doing posting here? If it won't work nothing changes. If it does, great. Fucking faggots
And another thing. This just comes across as if you anons feel threatened by black man. No woman in the right mind would choose a black man over a even decent looking white man, unless you are fat or stupid.
yikes, get it together
For the millionith time, the point of this isn't to encourage anyone of race mixing, it's to piss off male niggers, the exact same way you get pissed off when you see this shit on tv. I can't even comprehend how people aren't following this elementary concept.
OP and everyone vehemently defending OP's idea such as the britbong are JIDF.
>guys wut if we promote racemixing but just uinstead of a nigger man it's a white man xdd
Anyone who thinks that is a good idea is underaged or just plain retarded (AKA Reddit).
switch back to your mick flag
Make one with Monica.
>This bleaches the nigger
>Compares an A4 poster posted locally to a global agenda pushed by the worlds 1% who control media, porn, film and music.
O F F Y O U R S E L F.
Thanks for confirming this is JIDF or a couple trolls with proxies.
Learn how to shill you retarded Spede.
Asian Male, White Female.
Australian Aboriginal Male, White Female
Inbred White Male, White Female.
>genuinely being this paranoid
And I wonder why you are completely misunderstanding the concept...
This is such a dumb fucking idea. Maybe the average iq in potato land really is 90