Why is it so hard for the US to join the rest of the industrialized world when it comes to universal healthcare? Why are guns a right, but access to good healthcare is not? Why don't republicans realize that a healthy population is a more productive one?
Why is it so hard for the US to join the rest of the industrialized world when it comes to universal healthcare...
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>Why is it so hard for the US to join the rest of the industrialized world when it comes to universal healthcare?
until you have a solid plan of sustainability for 350 million+ people, shut the fuck up about universal healthcare in the united states.
If your friend jump off a cliff, do you jump too?
Still waiting for the government to give me my taxpayer funded gun
>Uses a 'its ok because everyone else is doing it' argument
Oh boy, really dodged a bullet there. Glad they thought Hilary would win.
I dont want to pay for strangers expenses, only my own and my immediate family.
>why do people keep talking about this Bill of Rights and why have I never heard about it?
Mysteries abound.
>mostly homogeneous nations
>le 52% meme
That's why. A universal healthcare system in the US would collapse under its own weight from the sheer amount of minority leeches in less than a month. "muh socialism" is just an excuse people use because they're afraid of sounding like racists.
>countries without true freedom
Makes sense. I enjoyed the freedom of choosing not having healthcare before Obamacare, I took great care of myself and was never sick, have thousands saved in savings for emergencies medical or otherwise
>Universal healthcare would be unsustainable in the richest country in the world
Really makes you think
>"universal healthcare"
Ok retard
We can start by not charging $12 for each of those little paper cups nurses give you when they administer pills
this. WTF is the relationship between buying guns and socialist polices?
> Why are guns a right, but access to good healthcare is not?
Because rights that depend on other people doing something FOR you are illegitimate. The right to bear arms isn't a right to be provided with arms.
>Why are guns a right, but access to good healthcare is not?
This analogy shows how stupid UHC's proponents are. You are as free to buy healthcare as you are to buy a gun.
Because socialism doesn't work
>Why are guns a right, but access to good healthcare is not?
Guns aren't socialized fool
Because cocaine is illegal.
But only affordable to those with wealth.
Niggers already abuse what safety net the USA has when it comes to healthcare, which drives up costs of care and tax dollars required to prop the shit system up. I have actually seen a negress in the ER for a fucking headache that turned out to be from not drinking enough water. Another time one showed up just because they had a runny nose.
Also, jews and catholics have such a stranglehold on the American healthcare system, and they don't want to lose those sweet shekles.
We're not communists
Because government is inherently inefficient, since they don't have to worry about running out of customers.
other countries have what you would consider moochers as well. And yet, their universal healthcare system is cheaper than the shit you are offering.
I can attest to the fact that nhs is utter fucking garbage
so is getting a 50k bill for having cancer.
>I dont want to pay for strangers expenses, only my own and my immediate family.
What if universal coverage dropped your cost to 50% of what it is now? That is while paying for your own and someone else you now only pay half as much overall?
According to the OCED the UK has the worst healthcare system in all developed countries.
"Hospitals are now so short-staffed and underequipped that people are also dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment"
I'd be interested as to how other countries are doing with their universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare =/= free state run healthcare. I don't think any European country has "free" healthcare, just mandatory insurance. Also guns are just as much a right as healthcare. You can own guns, but you have to pay for them yourself. Same goes for healthcare, even in countries with universal healthcare.
You don't have the right to be given a gun for free. You have the right to arm yourself with one.
Because we have morbidly obese people and transgenders that would end up racking up 999,999 dolllars per person.
MOST people wouldn't do that but Americans take advantage of everything free.
Remember we're not 99% white like countries in that pic. We have Mexi, Nig, Poo, Asia, etc that all like taking advantage of everything free.
But you already do pay for others with insurance, where do you think Iinsurance companies get their money from?
america is proof that multi-racial societies are a disaster, nobody wants to take care of each other when we're all different races
Because everyone else sucks major dong when it comes to everything else.
>Why is it so hard for the US
Brown people, the answer is always brown people.
You are paying for their expenses already, and their expenses and your own expenses are more expensive than they would be if we brought the prices down with single payer.
>nobody wants to take care of each other when we're all different races
Sweden has universal healthcare, the diverse country of hell you usually use as an argument.
How many of those countries have over 300 million people in them?
Healthcare is a product, not a right faggot
Prices are like that because of how fucked up the industry is
>low supply of doctors
>insanely expensive regulation
>etc etc
If there was a real healthcare market, you could just compare prices between different providers like ANY other industry
When the rest of those countries pays for their military defence, then we'll talk.
>not dying is a privilege
mfw they don't put Argentina
>muh republican
learn how to ask a question without b8fagging or kys nigger
>would end up racking up 999,999 dolllars per person.
Because health care costs are too high, because our current health care system allows it to be.
That doesn't matter
this is also a really good point.
they have universal healthcare because they don't have to maintain thousands of planes, an entire fleet, a large army and thousands of tanks.
we do that for them.
when will bernie denounce the jews who run the fed so we have money for UHC?
oh wait thats right hes a jew.
yup, corruption funnels most money towards special interest groups
healthcare is a fucking scam
why do you, as a commie, want to empower these rich bastards even more?
Itd be fine without fatties and niggers, otherwise fuck socialised healthcare.
>Look, everyone is doing it
Soy boy logic always trigger me
>people stop dying
Pretty odd that neither Russia nor China appear on that list, the only countries with comparable populations and economies to the US.
Really activates those almonds.
they have way less moochers and before 2 years ago barely any niggers and shitskins were going to those countries
>access to good healthcare
We do have access to good healthcare.
Maybe your idea could fix it. However those other countries in the OP image, their idea is proven to fix it. The US spends 70-100% more than any of those countries per capita.
The argument against it is 'i would rather pay more just to ensure nothing i spend goes to other people'.
pick and choose an insurance company is just part of the deal. In the end you need a system where everyone is covered regardless of their sitution. And everyone has to join that system, it doesn't work when you single out ill people.
>only America has immigrants
okay buddy.
in the US we have spics and niggers, just wait 10 years until your ethnically homogeneous societies are overrun with arabs. also, each of those countries have their own healthcare systems. when there is a successful EU healthcare system, then you can compare apples to apples.
Funny there are no african countries on that list
>second world countries
None of those countries have a massive underclass of niggers and spics who would bankrupt the system.
Not to mention nearly every one of those countries has its defense subsidized by our military. It's easy to spend tons of money when big brother America is protecting them
It is not a good point. They are paying less per capita than we are. You can look at that entirely in a vacuum. As long as our health care prices are inflated there is a problem
The pic is right, its not a radical idea, socialism is mainstream.
Freedom, individuality and the free market certainly are radical ideas in this day and age
Are you so stupid that you cannot differentiate a right from an entitlement.
You cannot have a "right" to other people's labor. That's slavery. Even if paid by taxes, you're just diffusing slavery.
Look at this way:
Wouldn't be better to slave all doctors and nurses, then get free healthcare for everyone?
Of course we'll give them appropriate houses, healthy meals, and maybe an allowance. They could live near the hospital.
Because we would also have to provide all of Mexico with health care.
1)What measures will you implement to prevent the hordes of illegals from abusing the universal health care system?
2)How onerous will the cost of this enforcement this be?
3)Why not implement this in Mexico first?
You don't have the right to get healthcare for free. You have the right to purchase it.
they had universal healthcare and were 99% swedish for forever up until 2 years ago, now they are still 70% swedish
So is receiving sub par treatment by overworked staff in mrsa filled hospitals
So’s waiting an hour for an ambulance while you watch a women spazzing out having a stroke and anyeurism. All because the emergency service operator has decided she’s having a migraine and isn’t high enough priority for an actual ambulance
Call for a tramp OD’ing on smack though? 10 minute wait for an ambulance
I’m still forced to pay for my healthcare. In fact it’s illegal for me not to
I literally fear I won’t even receive it when it matters most though
It’s a fucking disgrace
>The United States is the only nation that doesn't have a monarch! It's 1800 for crying out loud!
Mexico does have socialized healthcare m8
>any public service is equal to slavery
holy crap the autism
>According to the OCED the UK has the worst healthcare system in all developed countries.
>"Hospitals are now so short-staffed and underequipped that people are also dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment"
Except that's not what the article says.
Or rather, it does say that, but then it goes on to admit that what it /actually/ means by that is that Brits are a bunch of alcoholic fatties and this is driving up death rates. Then right at the bottom of the article it admits that waiting times are well below OECD averages, out of pocket spending on healthcare is very low, and screening for cancer is above average.
Basically, the Independent is a left-wing newspaper that wants to push for more NHS funding, so it needs a 'crisis' in the NHS in order to catch people's attention. In reality, the NHS by most indicators is still one of the world's best healthcare systems.
Try reading all the way to the bottom of your own linked article next time.
>less moochers
Literally doesnt matter. You can look at it as an incredibly simple system. When everyone is covered there is ONLY the total cost of healthcare for all people, divided by all people. Thats it. Doesn't matter where the money come from. They pay less, everyone pays less than us.
Nice proxy Canadian. Sage
ur a dumbass holyyyyy shit dude srsly, if you think those countries prior to 2010 have anywhere EVEN CLOSE to Americas immigrant percentages you are a mongoloid
>hold on just doing some comparison shopping for which hospital will be cheaper to treat this gunshot wound to my head
The truth is that healthcare quality would decline dramatically for all of those people who currently have employer sponsored health care.
It would only improve for the small percentage of people who currently do not have health care, and even that is debatable. Those people already get services if they show up at the ER, they just can't get prescription drugs or other forms of health care.
So universal healthcare would decrease the quality of healthcare for most people, and increase it marginally only for those who currently do not have it, many of these people being super high cost individuals (e.g. homeless drug addicts, people too obese to work, life long smokers). these are facts.
>So’s waiting an hour for an ambulance
that never happens in a 1st world country. The NHS is not a waiting room hell hole you idiots portray it as.
>only America has mass immigration, way more than Europe
In a free market with low prices due to high competition you wouldn't have to care which hospital you get taken to.
Kind of like when you want to eat fast food it doesn't matter where you go because they are all cheap.
>bankrupt the system
No no no. Look, everyone is already getting healthcare. You walk into a hospital you get treatment, welfare already exists, over a third of the country is already on 'government' health insurance via medicare either because they are government employees or disabled or retired or something.
You are already paying, and we, as a country, are paying a lot more than we should be.
Under any of those systems in the OP image you would be paying less total than you do today, for health care. You, personally. The taxes you pay to sustain this system would amount to less than the taxes you already pay into the existing government healthcare+your own health care.
Is there a better solution than what those countries are doing? Maybe. But its proven to work, so either prove something else is better or stop resisting adopting something that is absolutely guaranteed to at least make things better.
I support it but SK does NOT have universal healthcare. That much I know.
>everyone pays less than us.
Why do you think that's due to socialized medicine?
black people dont pay into our system tho they only mooch so it does matter, they legit dont pay taxes 80% of the time so unless we are back to 80%+ white none of this will work
it doesn't fix shit, denmark and the countries that bernie fucknut love to quote including mine aren't the utopias he wants you to believe they are
>For one : they're much more homogenous than the US
>Wait times to see specialists are in the 5+ months, if you need glasses they give you cheapest bottle bottoms that are actually dangerous to drive with
>You still have to pay most drugs, only a small % is carried by the """""""""""""free""""""""""""""" healthcare
>every year the % that's covered is lower and lower, which causes people to buy "mutuelles" which are PRIVATE health insurance meant to cover what the """""free"""""" healthcare won't
Think about that for a second you shit brained socialist rats, many of the countries you praise for having universal healthcare have most people pay out of pocket because it's not good enough
out of here with that stupid fucking bullshit
I’m telling you that I’ve literally watched this
Last week in the hotel I work, a guy that fell down a flight of stairs and cracked his head open had an hour wait for a fucking ambulance
>Under any of those systems in the OP image you would be paying less total than you do today, for health care. You, personally. The taxes you pay to sustain this system would amount to less than the taxes you already pay into the existing government healthcare
The problem is there aren't enough taxpayers to sustain the system
> Why are guns a right
because you can't protest a tyrant out of office
>but access to good healthcare is not?
Of course it's a right. You have the right to pay for all the great healthcare you want. Oh, did you think someone should have to pay for you to exercise your rights? Buy me a gun, then we'll talk.
Helping degenerate weak low lifes to live long lives and reproduce is dysgenic. It is highly valuable to a nation to enact hygenic policies to keep the average specimen strong, resilient, adaptable, intelligent, and survivable. Universal healthcare and treating "human life" as the ultimate priority of a nations policy is the dysgenic equivalent of bleeding in a pool while you're HIV+
You have access to healthcare, you just have to pay for it. Just like how the government doesn't buy you a gun, you have to go out and buy one yourself. Nobody is preventing you.
But they put us.
Read Daily Mail and learn of the Horror Story Socialist health care is, same for Cuba and Canada
You haven't a clue what you are talking about.
Go read a book or two and then come back and try to discuss this stuff with your betters. You're just making yourself look like an idiot.
>small percentage
You mean 25 million people?
>they just can't get prescription drugs or other forms of health care.
>it's fine if you can't afford a medicine because when your foot dies we have the ER taking care of you
>and we, as a country, are paying a lot more than we should be.
That I can agree on. You pay more per person for healthcare without providing basic care to everyone, something most 1st world countries do.
I don't think this means what you think it means...
The predicate to your argument is false, your argument is invalid. None of the nationalized healthcare systems are self-sustaining. They're all either increasing in cost, or facing huge problems with lack of capacity.
A capitalistic approach on the other hand is completely self-sustaining and self-optimizing. It's not even really a debate, that's the nature of the free market.
>In the end you need a system where everyone is covered regardless of their sitution.
Overpriced hospitals will be out of business in a free market and replaced by solutions that can actually stay in business by being competitively priced. So anywhere you go should be relatively affordable, unless you somehow get shot in a rich area(which would never happen)
I’ve spent thousands of dollars and most of my adult life becoming a physician and I’m not willing to work for pennies. Nether is anyone entitled to healthcare. Most of my patients, and most of those across the country, suffer from chronic conditions; avoidable illness - diabetes, heart disease, COPD. I don’t want to subsidize other people’s bad choices, neither do I want to subsidize childcare for children that are not my own.
>healthy population is a more productive one
USA blows the entire world out in GDP
and of course specialists aren't covered in full either, and the ones that will see you quickly (a week or so) are expensive and not covered at all
the problem with america is that the government is controlled by a bunch of corrupt pos that give zero fucks about quality and zero fucks about spending intelligently, therefore they pay they friends 100x over, no matter how shit the service provided is
free market is the only humane solution, and the US doesn't have that because of the gov
so fix your shit america, when i come over in a couple years i want that good ass capitalist free market healthcare up and running
Because in many of those systems it is because of that. That is the entire point of single payer, it creates the collective bargaining power to drive prices down.
Doesnt matter, they are already, right now, getting treatment. You are already paying for it, only you are paying twice what you should be for both you and them.
>arent utopias
no shit, nowhere is a utopia. That doesnt mean you cant improve on things.
>out of pocket
You think people dont end up paying out of pocket here too? The difference is our system allows things to cost a lot more than they cost for you.
Some people don't want to pay for niggers and trannies medical bills
>OP forgets that the USA has the largest population compared to all of these other small ass countries and that socialized healthcare cannot care for the 323.1 million people that currently live here especially since most of america's population is middle class.
How much is ShariaBlue paying you to do this anyway?
>In the end you need a system where everyone is covered regardless of their sitution
imagine applying this same logic to fire insurance or vehicle insurance
>I bought a car and can't afford everything that goes with it, the government should buy it for me instead