What's the purpose of world domination?

Why would any globalist conspiracy (be it the Jews, the banksters, the Illuminati, etc) want to take over the entire globe?

Let's consider the Jews, for example. Say they succeed in turning the entire world into a culture-less farm of dumb brown slaves. What would the Jews/Israel benefit from this? Money? Products? Resources? Even if these things where what they were after, what would be the point if any and all competing countries were under their control? And supposing they needed these things to make something, or build something, either figuratively or literally, what would it be?

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They don't think about anything but getting there. They don't know what the fuck they'll do but whether they like it or not they think that's their mission.

jesus christ, user. so you even Matrix ?

Is that a Jojo's referece?

Hm, so you say it's purely ideologically driven, not practically driven? Surely they would've thought of this? Perhaps realized that all this time and effort spend coordinating world control is.... pointless?

No, but to what are you referring?

Taysacs is an exclusively Jewish mental disorder akin to depraved greed.
They lose their minds every time they get a glimpse of total control.
This is what has always brought them down in the past.

Maybe like to dominate the world or sumfing I dunno really desu

If you have to ask you will never understand

It's Deus Ex

And it's not even MJ12 that's the logo of the Illuminati

Because it's there.
Conquest is in every man's blood.

give it a shot.

Satan wants to be god of God's creation, he's a prick you see
That's why all the elites are Into satanic occult stuff,they are his earthly lemmings

The end result is destruction of the world. They want to bring their messiah into it and only through destroying it will this occur.

They are totally insane.

No, it is the logo for MJ12. deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Majestic_12

pic is the logo for the Illuminati

Today's false Jews have an inherent desire to manipulate and control others. But they are weak and get BTFO every time. So, they want the world to themselves so they are not opposed. The motivation is simply racism or Jewish Supremacy.

Better organization. Not necessarily a bad thing.

The vision is a broken-cultured world with all armies sundered. No more rallying cries forever. A permanent atomistic peace over a poorly-reproducing drone population, with no associations among the drones great enough to challenge leadership, and all this achieved through cultural engineering that in its final form is to become self-enforcing.
Peace, and quite utilitarian, within its own logic.
After all, who needs progress? In the long-run, we are all dead anyways. No serious, practical thinker bothers trying to fight death itself. Better to just strip from the drones the troublesome specters of intelligence great enough to comprehend death. They won't suffer when they're no longer smart enough to think about it.

Why hunt for your food when you can domesticate it?

An interesting thought, that like how say, blacks are predisposed to violence, Jews are predisposed to control. It's funny, my Jewish friend often has control over the decisions and actions made in our entire friends group...

destroy the white race

Yeah man. Today's fake Jews, the Khazars, were ancient merchants and business people. They created a vast empire based in fucking over other people peddling their merchandise and taking over their banking. Just like they do today.

So what you're describing is a nihilistic global suicide path? Is there any logic behind that other than nihilism? All that effort just to organize the end of the entire human race?

this kind of sums it up

Jews are absolutely playing to win. (((They))) control the entire global nuclear arsenal. The plan is to enslave the white race once and for all as prophesied by the Talmud. North Korea is a false flag to takedown the United States military. Watch Joel Skousen's documentary strategic relocation

why do beavers build dams?

Universe domination

So that no one else does the same and stomps out them. Controlling resources is only a means to an end. The goal is controlling people to prevent being controlled.

>cultural engineering that in its final form is to become self-enforcing.

This never happens user. When the working class can no longer carry the upper class and the under class, everything will fall apart and a new era will rise up to take over this one.

They would inherit the world and shape it as they see fit you moron.


Can't live in a house when you burn it down, user.

I think the sad truth we'll discover is that progress comes through strife.

We'll have to invent an artificial means of perpetuating conflict in a controlled manner.


>Hey you guys, why do you eat food? Hunh? Hunh? Ever think about that? Checkmate, pol btfo.

I agree with this. But better organization to what end?

Controlling(or eliminating) the population, food supplies, resources and technology advancement is why you would want to control the world. Ego's sometimes are a factor depending on who you ask.

[KB threads(take the time to read all OP's)]:

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2) archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Various Shill/

A very good point. I wonder if it is because of this that maintaining a one-world government is impossible, because it's design either reduces strife to the point that progress is starved from it, or because it would be oppressive enough to cause revolution, destroying the system, and starting anew.

>make everyone but (((them))) equally poor through communism and socialism
>concentrate technology in the hands of the (((elite)))
>institute totalitarian governments the world over
>make free speech illegal
>make self defense and gun ownership illegal
>destroy the family
>destroy identity
>make the entire world atheistic, hedonistic moral relativists
>use the rest of the world as slave labor
>use superior technology and vast wealth to build colonies on the Moon
>eventually, colonize the stars using slaves from Earth
>upload (((them)))selves into computers or hook (((their))) brains up to achieve immortality
>continue forever
The sad part is that people will allow this to happen and willingly vote for it. They'll demand equality and diversity and an end to "evil" ideas like nationalism. They'll destroy families because they want to just have sex with strangers all the time, convince themselves that everyone should become transgender and sterile, and vote for stronger and stronger gun control under the guise of "public safety." Spurred on by the corporate-owned media, they will do exactly what they are expected to do. The minority that resists, unless it can rally the people, will become a smaller and smaller fraction of the population until eventually the "resistance" will be controlled opposition as well. Free speech will look like Germany's free speech - you can say whatever you like, as long as it's approved by the government, and most people will approve. People will be kept in debt their entire lives, everyone will go to college for no reason, and they will still demand more immigrants from low IQ countries and for white people to not have children. Party politics will become extreme and controlled even more than it is today. The Internet will become censored by a transnational council much like the UN in the name of fighting extremism.
Much of this has already happened. Screenshot this post and look at it again in 50 years.

Also the ultimate endgame is to either wipe every-single-human that is not part of their club, or to make humans in a such trapped state (transhumanism) that they will be unable to ever plot against the elite. You don't have total victory before your enemies are dead or captured.

The game theory: if you don't try wipe out everyone else as soon as you can, someone else might try doing it and your people will be dead. That's why it's in everyone's survival interest to kill off everyone. Likely to be a bio- or nanoweapon.

If I'm honest, this theory makes the most sense. The purpose of controlling the world is to facilitate transcendence. I suppose this would be simpler than trying to get dozens of squabbling nations to work together towards the same end.

What if no one really has an answer and talking about it only makes it worse? There must be a way to shut up and still make sense so that others can be inspired in a positive way.

This particular world government will collapse when the 'working class' (IE: Taxpayers) cannot support the upper class and the lower class. Look at Latin America or Europe as an example of this process playing out, with declining GDPs due to a shrinking taxbase. Whether one world government is impossible in general, is another topic entirely.

After the point in which Jews dominate the world each jew will have 2600 goyim slaves
After this point there will be mass death accross the globe
These are the worlds of a rabbi

It's something to do.

>We'll have to invent an artificial means of perpetuating conflict in a controlled manner.
what do you think is happening right now, you fucking white male?

I see. But... what if there was only two classes, the tiny ruling elite class, and the massive slave class?

Its a protective measure. Rule the world and you'll be able to prevent other countries from taking your spot. Kinda like the US

That's precisely what worries me about a one-world government. How are you going to hog-tie all the young men who want to conquer? Should you?

One-world government needs to be based on something that actually works practically -- like the internet, for example.

That's the fatal flaw of this whole strategy and the reason why I don't join the secret societies and work toward the new order. The elite are utterly incapable of making a profit from Third World labor.

>"You see user, we're going to import all these people who are going to replace the workforce."
>"You see user, we're going to give all these free benefits to sustain the people who are going to replace you."
>"You see user, I'm not intelligent enough to understand that once I replace you, I cannot sustain the people I've imported in anymore, nor can I even sustain myself either because I depended on you to sustain me."

Globalists truly, in their heart of hearts, believe wealth is unlimited and can be printed on demand. So people like the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers don't understand they are only accelerating the collapse of their society rather than addressing the problems of their society. Whether they in particular survive, who knows? But the world that carried them will be utterly gone.

I mean, for fuck's sake, the GDP of Mexico is less than Texas. There is a 'vast' slave class to exploit, and somehow, the tiny ruling class make only a fraction of the wealth than they do in Texas.

I know. I'm a naughty white male. It's crazy I'm regarded as some sort of villain by the DoD when I just want to make love and cuddle. The government won't allow that. They want to extract what they can from your head even if they do not understand it.

>Why would any globalist conspiracy (be it the Jews, the banksters, the Illuminati, etc) want to take over the entire globe?

They have plans and ideas that require shaping the society to get what they want.

Laws are a good way to do that.

By having a new world order you make the laws apply to the entire world.

The ones not affected, are the ones that already know the harms those laws will cause at the future, or that have enought power and money to avoid it.

The ancestors of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers shouldn't be ruling. We need to come up with a new system for deciding who rules things. I'm not saying strip these people of their wealth and throw them in jail, but they need to fade out of the picture because they are not their ancestors.

Nepotism will not bring us forward.

security. the plutocrats want to make themselves immune to the whims of nation states and democracy in genera

Unite the world under one flag to conquer all other worlds, it's humanities greatest dream

They don't care about enslaving us. They just want us dead. Mass immigration and false flag terrorist attacks are just ways of expanding the police surveillance state until Marshall law gets put in place. Then we'll be cordoned off and exterminated in FEMA camps, unless of course you're Jewish in which case you'll be the inheritors. As diabolical as it sounds, that's what's happening.

What's really fucking ironic is that elites in the past HAVE made TREMENDOUS fortunes on the backs of a 'vast slave class.' The Romans, the Caliphates, the European monarchs. But the Masonic elite can't even do slavery right, something as barbaric as literally Mesopotamia. Emperor Augustus would have no problem making Syrian refugees 'work' through oppression of Islam and forced labor at the penalty of beatings and death. So what makes you think our elite can handle something more complicated, like interstellar space empires or dealing with climate change, if they can't even manage their own 'slaves' they've brought in?

If they want us dead, then they'll succeed in killing alot of us when the world collapses.

>Globalists truly, in their heart of hearts, believe wealth is unlimited and can be printed on demand. So people like the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers don't understand they are only accelerating the collapse of their society rather than addressing the problems of their society.

They're fully aware of what they're doing, you nonce. The Nazis didn't try to exterminate them for shits and giggles

An understandable and perhaps noble goal. But if were to assume that the current events are connected to a globalist conspiracy, whats the benefit of your united-earth being entirely populated by stupid, culture-less, brown people?

>If they want us dead, then they'll succeed in killing alot of us when the world collapses.

Exactly. That's the plan. Kill off all the whites and Israel inherits the earth. Why else do you think Trumps daughter married into the tribe? They're planning something big for us, just wait. Joel Skousen's figured it out on his world affairs brief .

So what happened to them in ww2 never happens again.
Shame too

What if life itself is just a struggle and our society mimics it, some people realize this through their vast intelligence and try to even the field a bit for a weaker one. They then get hated for it by the mediocre and substrong.

>why I don't join the secret societies and work toward the new order.

If not LARP, please elaborate?

On a side note, why do you think Germany is being forced to take all the Syrian immigrants? To rub it in the faces of the descendants of the Aryan race, of course. White women being bred out of existence is the apogee of Jewish scornfulness. Why else do you think the porn industry is so heavily dominated by Jews?

I believe he was speaking hypothetically.

If not..... then yes, I'd like to hear more.

>tfw people posting on a Vietnamese shoemaking board don't know what the most popular Chinese cartoon in existence is.

What's absolutely fucking ironic is that they even made an entire movie about how to deal with declining demographics, and it flew right over the heads of the 'best and brightest' minds this side of Satan.

In the 22nd and 23rd centuries, after this shitshow comes to an end, artificial wombs seeded with 120 IQ embryos will be the definitive solution to a declining demographic scenario. The Elites just needed to proactively invent the technology (which we are already close to having even without their support,) but they were too caught up in some Luciferian fantasy about pitting the races against each other than looking at the problem rationally.

It's just so fucked user.

Why are Jews evil?

>why do you think Germany is being forced to take all the Syrian immigrants?

Because native Germans are fiercely industrious and cunning. They pose a threat to the conspiracy, so they must be eliminated, or genetically degenerated.

Does there even need to be a specific goal?

Couldn't sick instinct, or "because we can" explain the motivation? Most people act in ways not being able to explain 'why'.

there's information being occulted from you
they occult it because, why? not enough room? the need to exclude? what we don't know is what is hurting us. ayyylmaos. maybe. saturn worship. maybe. nazi antarctica. maybe. these seem to be the three things that keep coming up here. the reality we know is a lie. knowing you are living in a reality where you are lied to doesn't change things. it just adds anger, resentment; hence, Sup Forums.
why do you think a leader is telling us to "do something."?
it's in our hands. it's going to be harder to organize after the throttling, after the blackout.
why has no autistic motherfucker ever infiltrated one of these secret societies and given the masses what they need to hear?
8,000 people are up there sneering at the rest of us 7.5 billion. Paying lackeys to lie to underlings who lie to their underlings who lie to their underlings who lie to... and so on and so on and it makes its way to the masses eventually.
everyone here most certainly falls under "sheep"
knowing doesn't change anything if you don't do anything about it.
and it's going to become increasingly easier to "not do anything about it."
Why does Sup Forums not set out on its ultimate goal to find the truth of what is being occulted.
Who knows?
This war is complete infiltration of secret societies now. Finding out the truth.
Seek and Ye Shall Find.
Have Faith
But Seek.
Here's a start: How about we destroy Social Media.
It is ruining humans.

the hando


I indirectly asked my Jewish friend this, and he says it's a combination of culture, tribalism, genetics, and a grudge against their enemies.

Ugh. I almost want to give you credit for using "occulted" correctly in a sentence, but the practical occult is anything people can't comprehend. You're only using it in the most masturbatory sense, based on what you think people can't comprehend.

>How about we destroy Social Media. It is ruining humans.

The negative impacts on people is not even controversial.

Reducing the use of normie social media is something Sup Forums can promote for health purposes, while serving its own agenda. Social media is bad in ways both known and unknown

Genesis 11.

Also Genesis 3.22

The conspirators belong to the ancient mystery religion of Babylon. Their goal is as old as legend (tower or Babel, Atlantis).

Not going to spoon feed you. Read a fucking book, nigger.

While I do agree that humanity is known to act according to whimsical feelings, as opposed to straight logic, I feel as if such a grand task as global domination requires proper motivation, something tangible and reasonable.

Aj already gave u the big enchilada

>I'm not going to spoon feed you
>spoon feeds me with image text anyways

Why, thank you :^)


Consider as well the mental disorders that have cropped up in industrialised society, and particularly in high IQ people. Have you ever met someone with OCD or ADHD with a high IQ? They think themselves into trouble and can cause mayhem in their own lives, and others.

I bring these things up only to look for explanations that involve less speculation. It would likely be a combination of the discussed causes in any case

We might need a revolution. Things may have gotten too nepotistic.

We might need a new system to decide who runs things. That's all. But perhaps I'm reading things wrong. Somebody will have to show me how things are really done.

Heyyy, I never considered mental illness. I think one very powerful, rich, and smart man with a mental illness could orchestrate a globalist conspiracy. That's actually a very good point, user.


Their god wants the world totally controlled. That's why they were chosen in the first place.

>Be chads
>Score Babes

Humanity acts how they're programmed to act, unfortunately. Most people are not programmed to act creatively. That's a fact. These people must be controlled, of course.

That would be ironic as fuck.

>Rebel against God utilizing Free Will.
>Deny others the same by coercing them against their Free Will.

There can be no peace until someone wins. The UN is too weak and the EU is too authoritarian, only the rule of a nationstate comes close to bridging the gap.

Complete access to a planets resources, just think of what you nation could accomplishe if it had that access. That's the future I want to reach, on of global American domination. We are already so close, only a few more players need to be defeated.

socialism goy.
for socialism.


An idealist would say sports fulfill that need.

By that I mean people are controlled explosions. You cannot suffocate them, but you also have to know how to nurture them.

Jews are psychopathic parasites. And a parasite is going to look for increasingly more easier to control hosts.

well that's why they're trying to control opinions and the action of common man through any means necessary
>social engineering through media and enforcing sjw culture neuters the men psychologically
>hormones and substances in food cause us to be unhealthy, stupid and again, essentially neutered
>they hope to take control of the mind a step further in the future and pull everyone into a VR "heaven" of their own doing which will essentially imprison people's free will

that's really the goal, absolute control and crushing any chance of opposition, it's well under way and our only hope is that some jewish overlord will be benevolent or that they will get bored and fuck off leaving us goyim to our own devices

SPORtS SPORTS SPORTS is the ultimate normalfag pastime for a reason, my man.

So you can speed up the process to make humans become gods

if i was at the top i'd be pretty fucking on board with this too. the richest fuckers have never interacted with normal people, never truly experience normal lives, to them we might as well be robots or animals. it's not even a jewish thing necessarily, just human condition

It's not complex. They want world domination because:
>striving for more power is one of the basic motivations of any organism
>having power is fun and makes you able to realize anything (build a spacecraft, a golden castle, genetically manipulate some animal to have it birth a dragon,...)
>having completely subjugated the world's population or killed everyone that is not in your tribe, you can stop worrying about power games and start enjoying yourself
>you have permanently secured the existence of you and your people
>the whole world would be your safari
World domination is one of the most rational things one could wish for, I don't get what your problems are?

What makes you think your globalist overlords give a fuck about you?

Communists believe that Communism cannot survive without world domination.