Now men can become real women

Thanks to new scientific advancement, it is now possible to implant a womb in a man and make him pregnant.

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this is one of the signs of the Apocalypse according to the Hopi prophecy rock

For what purpose?

Imagine the luck of the first kid born to a mentally Ill, tranny, gay guy.
> And it's beautiful

They can't even do this for biological women. I think there is a lot of funding being poured into the bull shit.

Good luck transplanting those chromosomes, trannies.

For no reason other than degeneracy

Emm, I think there are a couple of reasons not to. But whatever you say, kikes.

More importantly we will soon be able to have children with android waifus

So men can experience the joy of maternity.

>no scientific reason why it would not happen
Wouldn't the man's genes have to be encoded so that the rest of his body knows what to do re: developing a fucking fetus.

The future we always dreamed of

>transplanting a womb into a woman, who naturally carries a womb has been successful
Sure, they could probably transplant womb into a male body, but good luck giving birth.
Pic. top is male, bottom is female.

finally traps with wombs to replace roasties completly

Now society can finally make that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger und Danny DeVito where Arnie played a pregnant male reality.

god will smite us all for this mockery of the perfect male-female union that he created... we deserve every horrible thing coming to us for not stopping this madness

so you can finally force twinks to get pregnant against their will


they can't even create a functioning vagina that doesn't leak puss and doesn't require you to pry it open for 8 hours a day every single day of your life


What is a caesarean section.

Weird question. Where do these wombs go in men? In women there's obviously a cavity where their original womb was, but in men that space is filled with your bladder, vas deferens, prostate etc.

Delivering, not giving actual birth.
Admittedly, now that I take a second look at OP's picture, they never mentioned giving actual birth, so I guess you're right.

Seems entirely pointless when you could use a surrogate or adopt. Not that I want these degenerates to have kids in the first place.

Also, maybe it's because I don't know that much about how the body functions during pregnancy, but there's gotta be something that tells the brain and endocrine system to produce specific hormones and I'm kind of doubting that information exists in males.

Man everyone's apocalypse prophecy is getting fulfilled. What these people don't realize is that everyone who is waiting for their sign from above are also the ones with their fingers on the buttons.

Its nice to see the lgbt pat themselves on the back and all, but there isn't going go be a world much longer because of it. Progressing right back to the stone age is neat!

A degenerate spaghetti invention.
Men don't have the same hormonal makeup as women.
It's far more complex than just putting a fucking womb into somebody.

They cut open her stomach

Sounds like a fucking bullshit promise

it will never happen , unless it's a born female hermaphrodite but that's not a male tranny so yeah it wont happen , sorry freaks

Because the baby would be delivered by caesarean section there is no need to put the womb in the physiological position in the pelvis.
Hormones can be taken as drugs.

Oh don't worry, they'll just give you a series of injections over the course of your pregmancy!

What could go wrong? After all, there's no scientific reason why they shouldn't do it.

>no uterus

Is this one of those pseudoscience articles for people who are ignorant of basic biology?

Whatever gets 'born' at the end will be an interesting scientific curiosity, that's for sure.

No they can't.

I think it would be fine. After all, artificial wombs are on the horizon.

Have you seen the state of IVF children?

I pity a sapient life born into such suffering

The fetus would be subjected to a male body chemistry during growth, not to mention all the potential problems with fuck ups transplanting the womb.

This is how we go down the road of eliminating all genders, which leaves us vulnerable to an inevitable complication that renders our ENTIRE SPECIES infertile and unable to reproduce, relying solely on cloning. Which gene pool will shrink overtime, inevitably leading us to travel to other life-bearing worlds to harvest genes to keep our species propagating.

This is how we become Ayyy Lmaos.


Not even close to the same thing as growing a fetus inside a male tranny body pumped full of hormone supplements

I'm not religious, but we simply were not meant to play God like this. Please don't subject future generations to our destructive "why not!" way of thinking. I can't bare this anymore. This is uncharted territory, so let's not gamble with the lives of future children to protect the feelings of a minute class of people that usually end up killing themselves once they get whay they want anyway. Please don't do this.


What you really want to be doing, is jerking off into a cup, saving it, and getting yourself preggers after the old sniperoo. "I don't need no man to get me prognant"

It would mean cutting off the penis and fucking an open wound.

>reaction to the 2016 election.jpg

This is the credited response

Pure degeneracy

Yeah for srsly these kids will be sickly mutant goblins with 30 year lifespans

Don't trannies literally do hormone treatment?

"Congratulations, it's an abomination!"

Once male pregnancy is possible, we could have animals give birth to humans. And once that is possible, we could have machines give birth to humans.

Woow thats kinda hot actually,... ;)

Theres no way that kid hasn't been passed around at creepy Hollywood parties.

This has been in the works for a while.

Men can become real women now, but women can't become real men!

And people claim there was no patriarchy...

hahahahahhahahaha oh god i can see this going horribly horribly wrong

men have different bone structure than women and who FUCKING KNOWS what kind of processes exist that could be kicked off by pregnancy to allow it to be possible without killing the parent

Why do we let kids dress like this? It's disgusting. Harley Quinn is a sex icon.




Actually causes the kid to have serious immune issues when they're C-sectioned. Every part of this is fucking difficult and stupid. So long as it isn't state funded or backed I don't give a shit though.

So feminist can force a 50/50 distribution of pregnant 'people' and the government won't do shit since that sounds fair.

Shoot yourself now, don't go trough this new nightmare.

I thought the kid would come out like a kidney stone?

There is a patriarchy, but it's weak, effeminate and no longer good at shouting women down so men can run society properly. Women want a strong patriarchy, that's why they attack it.

You could drug a man, impregnate him and then sew him up again so that 9 months later he just explodes like in the scene from alien and a baby comes out.

Japan user was right

What if... we didn't do something just because "SCIENCE FIGURED OUT HOW" how about that? What if we just don't? Sounds good to me.

I think baby dying and killing him from septic shock is the more likely scenario.

Wtf Im a theocratic authorian now

>top surgeon

A surgeon is a glorified plumber. Ask an actual fucking scientist next time.

Thinking you can make men pregnant by transplanting a uterus into them is like thinking you can make them breathe underwater by transplanting whale gills into their necks. Maybe someday they'll build an autonomous artificial womb that's small enough to be implanted into a dude's stomach, but that's still not "male pregnancy".

He will not be "pregnant". He'll be carrying around another woman's womb, implanted into him. Diff genetics, not his womb, not his eggs

I’m not sure if this would work due to the maternal effect process of development.

To get women off their high horse, I bet men could handle pregnancy far better.

...and I just remembered that whales don't have gills.

haha surgeons for you, how about all the other things a womans body can do for a fetus

Humans are so fucking gay.

My face when the first kid to be born with only Y chromosomes is unveiled.

He is a Bogdanoff

>Now men can become real women

So it's the plot of Majestic Prince?

Jews are sexually charged freaks. See Weimar.

I'll give it 10 years before some bunch of unscrupulous retards attempt this.

By the way, deadly pregnancies can occur when the body rejects the baby. So have fun with that you fucking whackjobs. I can't believe how much science we are pushing towards helping fucking fetishists.


You have a better chance of humans becoming males and hermaphrodites before that



>no scientific reason
how about 30 trillion y chromosomes?

To finally turn this into a real woman.

The degeneracy is palpable.

This is why deaths-quads aren't a bad idea.

But can I be the little girl?

Bring it on!

You DO realize 'chromosomes' are about as important to the current functioning of cells as a blueprint to a house is necessary to remodel a room, right?

>the baby will be forced out the pingas

Oh Christ, I want Hitler back

Anime is fucking weird.

Can I get a link to that rock senpai?

If my child ends up a terrible mutant. I'll be honest about it.

This is retarded even if it is possible to transplant a womb to a man the only way a baby would come out is from a c-section. Babies cant come out your ass.


great. "real women" with deeper voices than me.
>try to remodel house without looking at blueprint
>tear out support beam in load-bearing wall
>house collapses on you and you die

So there is a possibility they die in the process of labor as their brains won't handle the pain, just let it happen

what a waste of resources to do that though. seriously.