>What is Atheism? atheism is a religion based around the idea of rebelling against a cartoon version of The Great Divine.
therefore atheism is a cartoon. nothing more. nothing less.
Tyler Reed
List Of Pro-White Atheists And Agnostics: Revilo Oliver William Pierce Ben Klassen Matt Hale is Craig Cobb Tom Metzger Alex Linder Kevin MacDonald
Jackson Wilson
My problem with atheism (despite being atheist or at least agnostic myself) is that humanity seems to require something greater than itself to believe in and find meaning from. Without religion we start believing in anything else that offers the same emotional security be that communism or feminism.
Tyler Walker
Brandon Rogers
Christianity is about as european as kebabs are
Adam Morris
>What is Atheism? a rejection of logic and common sense
Jeremiah Nelson
Also Sup Forums has made me despise christians more than i already did
Mason Bell
Sick argument
Thomas Adams
If you cannot be a rightwing atheist than become Pagan! Don't be a degenerate Christian and never subscribe to any Abrahamic religion.
Christianity is a universal cult of weakness, cowardice, humility, body discovery, racial blindness and pacifism.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
This is a real verse from the Bible and it sounds like some new world order shit for even today's standard. (pic related)
Now imagine saying that in front of a Roman emperor back then! No wonder (((christ))) was crucified.
Anthony Brown
Now, compare that to Germanic Paganism which is not only older than Christianity but also truly European.
It not only prohibited homosexuality but most importantly Race Mixing which Jews and Christ cucks can't stop promoting.
Tacitus's germania on Pagan German Morals:
Germans do not racemix. Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.
Germans are racially pure and healthy. In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men and women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]
Germans Reserve death penalty for deserters, faggots. The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried and concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]
Thomas Lewis
>Atheists are middling IQ retards that only their cleverness allowed them to comprehend "hidden truth" about religion.
Meanwhile read Machiavelli, Xenophon, Socrates, Aristotle, Fabius Maximus, and you will see by deed or word this very fact is beyond obvious to any intellectual.
The true geniuses used religion to shape society as they saw fit. Atheists are born losers.
>T. Atheist that despises 90% of my compatriots and would much rather live in a Christian society
Tyler Ward
Germans hold marriage sacred, abortion is criminal. He also records (Ch. 19, “Sanctity of marriage”) that adultery is detested and very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shaved of her hair and exiled by the community regardless of her beauty. To limit childbearing or to kill children (abortion) is considered criminal. “In Germany good morals (customs) are worth more than good laws.”
Germans Practiced monogamy. Tacitus says (Ch. 18) that the Germans are content with one wife, except for a few political marriages, and specifically and explicitly compares this practice favorably to other barbarian cultures, perhaps since monogamy was a shared value between Roman and Germanic cultures.
Christianity on the other hand, had nothing against Race-Mixing. Bible never talks about race issues and it is only against Christians marrying non christians. Meaning, as long as a negro is a christian there is no bible stopping him from getting married to a white christian woman.
This is why christian White women are more likely to mudshark with Christian Africans than white atheists or pagans.
As a white nationalist, this was a deal breaker for me.
Blacks have been raping and murdering Whites in South Africa since the end of Apartheid but somehow these Christian churches just keep on operating as if there's just been a change in political leadership.
Also the overwhelming majority of donations and aid to Israel and to the Israeli lobby are from zionist christians that literally believe jews are the chosen ones..
I started realizing that christianity was not helping whites but it was helping our (((perpetrators))) instead. This was the first time when I became skeptical of Christianity and its teachings.
why cant the left meme? somewhere along the road of turning morality subjective you just lose something huh
Leo Hughes
Good to know that (((they))) failed to infect you with the incurable Abrahamic disease called Christianity.
Nathan Cox
No one mentioned the big bang.
Oh, it's the same /leftypol/ copypasta. Reminder that your pagan ancestors were slaughtered because they were weak. Your religion of strength was crushed by the meek. Now crosses cover your entire continent.
Ayden Williams
I love this shit. Atheism isn't some club you joined because you wanted a belief system to be in. That's called religion. Atheism is what you are when you don't believe in anything. It's a zero. Moving in any direction makes you a 1 and therefore religious.
Mason Nelson
Robert Lopez
you missed "Vote Democrat"
Ian Diaz
Atheists won't be welcome in the ethno state.
Jaxson Perry
Jayden Scott
>Christfag calling others leftists Christianity itself is about as far left as you can go. Western degeneracy started with christianity infecting the roman empire you dum. European civilazation has been struggling with degeneracy and weakness ever since.
Nolan Kelly
>It not only prohibited homosexuality You had sex-changing gods giving birth.
Luke Martinez
Christianity is the only white religion, we killed your semen drinking pagan gods. The jews are children of lucifer and you're doing their bidding by attacking Christianity.
Juan Roberts
Europe only became the seat of power under Christianity. Before that, it was backwater country with naked men fucking each other. Pagans have no Battle of Tours.
Angel Myers
>nothing more nothing less
Of course retard, your very foundation of belief is that everything came from nothing.
Brandon Jenkins
>What is Atheism Believing that there is no such thing as God and follow your own moral
>B...but you can't have moral without religion Molesting children, butchering people seems morally fine
Atheists exist to teach people what true compassion is. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his actions are based on his own sense of morality. He does it because he feels like its a righteous thing to do - to help those who are in needs on his own will.
Instead of saying "I pray to God that he will help you." Imagine if there is no God to help you, say "I'll help you."
Pardon me if bad English
Elijah Howard
>follow your own moral Hence, hedonism is born. If you believe in following a subjective, or even worse utilitarian, moral system, why are you on Sup Forums? What's wrong with Europe being black?
Alexander Sanders
I think you just literally argued how historically speaking Christianity is wrong because they had to use violence, burn books and force convert people... lmao christcucks are fucking faggots.
Landon Gray
The Creator of the Big Bang theory was a Catholic Priest "Georges Lemaitre"
Gavin Scott
>because they had to use violence, burn books and force convert people... You mean like the vikings? Christianity is superior to tree fucking according to tree fucking principles. You were crushed by a stronger people.
Jeremiah Johnson
>The Germanic Taifali joined a group of Goths, the Greuthungi, under Farnobius in 377AD and fought in Illyricum. Modern writers call the Greuthungi the Ostrogoths. Ammianus tells us Roman troops scattered from these “unknown tribes” suggesting a fierce reputation. "…the Taifali are so sunk in gross sensuality that among them boys couple with men in a union of unnatural lust, and waste the flower of their youth in the polluted embraces of their lovers. But if a young man catches a boar single-handed or kills a huge bear, he is exempt thereafter from the contamination of this lewd intercourse.” (xxxi:9)
Like the Romans, German pagans fucked little boys in the ass.
Alexander Long
It takes a level of intelligence to formulate a basis of morality independent of religion. Not everyone is capable of that level of intelligence, therefore religion will continue to be necessary for the greater good.
For example, SJWs take what they perceive as morality to illogical extremes, and accuse everyone else of being immoral. That's the only way they can convince themselves that they are moral.
As long as religions are fair, atheists should not campaign to destroy religions. The people with the intellect to wield the truth will find the truth of their own accord.
Juan Parker
The Christian Roman emperor, Valentinian II, had to issue an imperial decree to stop pagans from fucking each other in the ass.
"We cannot tolerate the city of Rome, mother of all virtues, being stained any longer by the contamination of male effeminacy, nor can we allow that agrarian strength, which comes down from the founders, to be softly broken by the people, thus heaping shame on the centuries of our founders and the princes, Orientius, dearly and beloved and favoured. Your laudable experience will therefore punish among revenging flames, in the presence of the people, as required by the grossness of the crime, all those who have given themselves up to the infamy of condemning their manly body, transformed into a feminine one, to bear practices reserved for the other sex, which have nothing different from women, carried forth – we are ashamed to say – from male brothels, so that all may know that the house of the manly soul must be sacrosanct to all, and that he who basely abandons his own sex cannot aspire to that of another without undergoing the supreme punishment."
Luke Ross
Jewish lie, this myth came out from a book written by a Jew. Pagans used to throw pedos & homosexuals into a bog, read Tacitus Germania or OP's posts above. Christians just made homos into priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children.
Daniel Hughes
Care to back up your claim or are you just going to spew your opinions?
Henry Reyes
>White Religion >Christianity Pick one.
Xavier Baker
I'm not talking about Odin drinking semen. I'm talking about Loki giving birth to a horse. Or is Slepnir not real, you unwashed neckbeard? I know you retards have never read a book, but Greenberg isn't the primary or only source of the odin drinking semen fact.
Isaiah Parker
Are there any other atheists from the middle-east here?
Jonathan Martin
>If you cannot be a rightwing atheist than become Pagan! This. Pagans and rightwing atheists will always be brothers in fight against christian-degeneracy and for a white ethno state.
Dominic Ortiz
You are doing Odin's work user!
Landon Moore
It's okay, OP. You'll grow out of it once you're an adult.
Anthony Lewis
Easton Gutierrez
Adam Cook
Atheists don't exist, most of it is spite.
To be an atheist you have to be deluded. The brain automatically believes in a God.
Brayden Harris
>divine creator loves everyone equally >HOLY SHIT IZ DA JEWZZZZ GUYS!!!11! I NEED PRIVILEGE FOR BEING WHITE!!
Are you that mad that if Jesus really did exist he actually wouldn't give you special privileges just because you were one race or the other?
Elijah Carter
First of all there is no proof that Jesus actually existed. Second of all Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow.
So if a Jew named Jesus (rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef) did exist and claimed to be the son of God to spread his degenerate semitic cult in Europe, I would probably kick his ass.
Jayden Cooper
low energy meme
Grayson Ward
>Anti-white >Anti-family >Pro-jew Is there anything more degenerate than christianity brother?
Xavier Jones
>Atheism isn't politically incorrect >Christianity is Jews hate Christianity and support atheism. Don't get me wrong, you are welcome to believe waht you like, but don't forget >Sup Forums is a Christian board now and forever
Matthew Allen
Pagans literally sold their own wifes to Muslims as Sex slaves and Christians are the most Pro Family demographic in the world. You have to be literally braindead to believe your pagan ancestors did anything good for Europe other than cucking for Muslims and pillaging Rome.
Brayden Williams
hah if you don't believe in godly intervention and holy miracles how do you explain that I got laid last night >check mate atheists
Gabriel Garcia
Reminder: Christians do NOT belong on Sup Forums
Ryder Hill
ALRIGht here you go
Sperm consist of 3 main parts, the head, the middle piece/mitochondria, and the tail/flagella.
Evolution teaches step by step evolving of everything. However this is impossible when the very base of life needs to consist of these 3 parts all at once. They would have to be intelligently designed and CREATED.
Here's another one. You say we are simply the by product of an INFINANT universe. So you must also have to agree that there is, not might, IS a world consisting of purpled eyed people who all impersonate Charlie Chaplin without knowing who he is. (If you argue you don't understand the concept of infinitey)
You brainlet atheist claim to be too smart to accept a God in your life and I pity you and your brainwashed reasoning skills
Gabriel Hill
I don't understand evolution therefore it's false >INFINANT >INFINITEY >Reddit spacing Christian education, everyone
Jason Peterson
>Rejction of god, how can you reject it if it isn't real
checkmate atheists
Jacob Green
Can I just not care, am I allowed to do that
Nolan Long
Has to be bait.
Angel Thomas
>evolution >DUDE BIG BOOM LMAO
Atheist education, everyone
Anthony Rivera
Gee I sure do love D/C threads >the posters ITT
John Mitchell
Atheism enables degeneracy. Even if you're atheist, you should still promote religion for society like Plato's noble lie. The vast majority of people are cattle really do need religion to tell the difference between right and wrong. Nothing good can come of talking about or promoting atheism. There is nothing, literally nothing to talk about. It's an irrational belief like any religion, except empty of ideology, inspiration, or wisdom.
Gavin Reyes
Friendly reminder to all those who consider themselves anti-zionist yet also anti-christian:
You are falling victim to the lies you claim to stand against. Look at today's world, what do you see? The power of mass media, the very mass media you believe to be run by (((them))), is waging a full-scale war against Christianity. Christianity is being trivialized and smeared in favour of Islam and nearly every other religion. Christians are mocked and are said to be idiots for their beliefs yet every other religion is comprised of peaceful intellectuals. Can you not see that being a pagan or atheist is exactly what the Zionists want from you? They want you to abandon your Christian faith and doom yourself to the pits of Hell, but more importantly they want you to abandon your Christian values and Christian identity so that you don't put up a greater fight against every other religion they want to subvert you under. Wake up! Embrace Christ and with his protection stand against the encroaching Jew.
Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
>Inb4 "Christcuck Jesus was a Jew" Jesus was NOT a Jew! You've only bought into another lie that those you claim to stand against have fed you. Listen to this sermon and enlighten yourself:youtu.be/v_79gXBZpJ0[Open]
Bottom line: Abandon your pagan God's or your rejection of God all together. They are the God's created by the Indo-European imagination, but that's all they are, a product of the imagination. Embrace Christ for he's the true enemy of the Jews.
>Posted on other thread which I feel sums things up well
Gavin Thompson
>"x doesn't belong on my precious mongolian knitting site" Ok bubba
William Roberts
Alright christfaggots, Chad Pagan is finally here where he belongs. (Sup Forums is counter semitic board which is Pagan in nature, pro white atheists are welcome) He is gonna fucking destroy deus vult LARPers and christcucks.
Daniel Wright
>Hurr durr, Vikings were uncivilized rapists >Says the christ cuck who's women are welcoming rapefugees and literally asking to get raped by non-whites
Viking rape is a hoax, it is a lie created by Jealousy christ cucks like yourself: youtu.be/B8M9J4szTTY
The Anglo Christians who met Vikings were stunned by how clean they were and how much importance they gave to hygiene (now that's unlikely trait for uncivilized people). Viking boats still remains to be one of the greatest things created by humans at that point in time. Most importantly they were Pagans, worshiped Odin and kept Scandinavia ethnically pure.
Ayden Ortiz
Just stop
Ethan Harris
>being this retarded Yikes!
Lincoln Bell
most pathetic post ive seen all day. kill yourself pagancuck
also show your flag. we all know your a shart
Justin Murphy
Reposting for additional advice:
I'm attempting a Youtube channel for nationalist/Catholic videos and media within the next few days. For all the Christians in this thread: Anything you'd recommend or want specifically from it? Any topics or advice?
John Perry
Reminder Christians do not belong anywhere near something that is anti semitic / nationalist in nature.
Never trust a christian. Christians can never be truly ethno-nationalists since their religion forces them to literally LARP as ancient hebrews. Christians inherently view all life as equal, which means they are always protective and sympathetic to non-whites. Christians value their faith over their race, and will find more kinship with a based christian negro than a non-christian white man.
Bentley Robinson
>Counter semitic >Pagan in nature No, Christianity was founded on and has been up until the past few decades anti-semitism. Anti-Semitism is not pagan in nature, there's absolutely no historic backing for that. Pagans who are also anti-semitic and anti-christian are fucking deluded to such an extent it hurts to think about. Please refer to to see why.
Colton Parker
Epic bait.
Andrew Cruz
Chritianism is universal. Just because it happened to be in Palestine doesn't mean it was kebab religion
Brody Barnes
Quality of posts on Sup Forums goes down when middle schoolers are home from school. Go do your homework
Jason Fisher
Charles Martin
make a video on why vatican 2 isnt bullshit and why should we follow it.
Bentley Morgan
Can you talk about Ressentment by Scheler? It might be a heavy subject but he does a good job of wrecking Nietzsche
Brayden Williams
>Christians do not belong anywhere near something that is anti semitic / nationalist in nature. Even though Christianity has historically been anti-semitic, ok lmao.
>Christians inherently view all life as equal, which means they are always protective and sympathetic to non-whites. "Unless you hate all other races you can't be an ethno-nationalist". How fucking autistic are you? You can love your own race and wish no harm upon others. Fucking stormfag.
>and will find more kinship with a based christian negro than a non-christian white man. No, not necessarily. As Christians we're called to evangelize so why waste your time hanging out around fellow Christians when you could be hanging out around non-Christians and sharing with them your faith.
Carson Sullivan
Shut up, fucking Jihadi scum.
Colton Smith
>lets abandon all the western traditions and return to the views of Rome pre-4th century, and the rest of Europe pre-Franks
No, you have literally nothing but calling Christianity Jewish. Your shit does not fly and isn't internally coherent. You're just trying to co-op shit related to you political interests despite it not making sense at all in relation to one another.
Benjamin Robinson
t. tyrone jamal rodriguez 1/64 german amerishart
fucking kill yourself
Isaac Howard
>judeo Christain values You know it used to be just “Christendom” before WWII
we can go back and forth cherry picking the worst examples of both atheism and Christianity, at the end of the day this is just D/C kikery
>Rejction of god, nothing more nothing less. No. It's lack of belief in gods.
Adam Sanchez
This is actually a great idea, I think I'll definitely do this. Will look at. That will be... difficult, to say the least.
Jayden Brooks
poe's law is strong in this one
Lincoln White
Vid is like a minute long
I highly encourage you to look into Fr Coughlin’s radio broadcasts in your free time, the Men was a clairvoyant and woke af to what FDR was doing, he was shut down via executive order after claiming FDR had communists in his admin
Anthony Long
>A religion starting in the Middle East doesn't make it Middle Eastern
Aiden Rivera
Is Indo-European paganism a steppe religion because it started in the steppe?
Jackson James
I thought this was an atheism general, why are you shilling paganism now?
Jackson Bennett
Is that even possible? Vatican II was a disaster.
Jaxson Parker
Ok, by your logic we should reject EVERYTHING that isn’t of white European origin, that includes your bootleg anime bucko
Mason Gonzalez
No. Atheism is not degeneracy. However there is also no uniform morals provided by it. Therefore it is a cause of degeneracy.
Ayden Sanders
i know. the sede memers are looking better every day.
Lincoln Williams
Christian's lucidity is an extension of ancient Greeks wisdom. Faith and reason, they work together. It has a universal reach regardless of the place of birth. It happened to be in Europe and middle East. Could have been in South Pole.
Ryan Butler
Before Christianity, people naturally associated with their race. Christianity changed all that. It made people reject their ethnic and racial identity in favour of a purely religious identity.
Cooper White
Explaining God to an atheist is like describing colors to a blind person.
It's impossible. Colors still exist though.
Brandon Morales
despite this supposed cause of degeneracy atheists know how to stay out of prison quite nicely
Adrian Rodriguez
Im glad to see this thread. Tired of the Christianity meme