Result of deposing Gaddafi: male rape used systematically in Libya as instrument of war

Male rape is being used systematically in Libya as an instrument of war and political domination by rival factions, according to multiple testimonies gathered by investigators.

Years of work by a Tunis-based group and witnessed by a journalist from Le Monde have produced harrowing reports from victims, and video footage showing men being sodomised by various objects, including rockets and broom handles.

The rape of men: the darkest secret of war

In several instances, witnesses say a victim was thrown into a room with other prisoners, who were ordered to rape him or be killed.

The atrocity is being perpetrated to humiliate and neutralise opponents in the lawless, militia-dominated country. Male rape is such a taboo in Arab societies that the abused generally feel too damaged to rejoin political, military or civic life.

One man, Ahmed, told investigators he was detained for four years in a prison in Tomina, on the outskirts of Misrata.

“They separate you to subjugate you,” he said. “‘Subjugate the men’, that’s the expression that they use. So that you never hold your head up again. And they were filming everything with their phones.

“They take a broom and fix it on the wall. If you want to eat, you have to take off your pants, back on to the broom and not move off until the jailer sees blood flowing. Nobody can escape it.”

You can thank Hillary for that.

scary shit

Not even Hitler as that mean to the Jews.

>Not even Hitler as that mean to the Jews.
>scary shit
Arabs(and Afghans along with Pakis) tend to be faggots.

Jah. John Maynard Keynes wrote to his boyfriend about how he liked to visit Morocco because you could get little boys for cheap there.

Naturally, this is the kind of guy we want as the architect of our financial system.

You think Ghaddafi's Mukhabarat didn't?

>You think Ghaddafi's Mukhabarat didn't?

Assrape people?

>being sodomised by various objects, including rockets
EVERYTHING is a dildo if you're brave enough.


Yeah but that goes for when you're experimenting on your own and you start wondering which household objects would work best. Not for when you're using sodomy as a torture device.

>Yeah but that goes for when you're experimenting on your own and you start wondering which household objects would work best.

Do you know it from experience?

>EVERYTHING is a dildo if you're brave enough.
Do you know it from experience?

Yeah for a few months. It was weird but interesting. I can see why some guys would be really in to that.

>Yeah for a few months. It was weird but interesting. I can see why some guys would be really in to that.

What's the biggest thing you fit in your ass?

A really big zucchini squash. The whole thing turned into kind of a game to see what I could fit. It was really strange how all that male dominance gay stuff started to make sense, and it made me wonder if that's the same kind of "full" feeling women get from a huge cock.

That was about the end of my period of curiosity, though.

Ahmed said 450 men were being held in his part of the jail.

“There was a black man, a migrant. In the evening, they threw him into one of our cells: ‘You rape this guy, otherwise, you’re dead!’”

They're raping niggers.

Many contained rape allegations made by people from the Tawergha, a black African tribe accused of once supporting Gaddafi, and of raping their enemies during the revolution.

They faced a terrible revenge. Their city, Tawergha, was razed and 35,000 inhabitants were scattered to several camps for internally displaced people in Benghazi and Tripoli.

In one camp, south of Tripoli, a man called Ali recounted his experience. He was 39 but looked 65 and walked with a cane.

“Some of us were locked in a room, naked, for a whole night with groups of migrants,” he said. “The guards did not release them until they had all raped each other. Fortunately, I didn’t go through that, I only got the stick and the wheel.”

The “wheel” involved being put naked and folded double, through a tyre suspended from the ceiling, making it easier for torturers to penetrate him with weaponry. Ali said he now had physical problems, “leaks” as he called them.

In another camp in southern Tripoli, Fathia said women were not immune. She said her entire family was violated by a militia from Misrata, with the men being deliberately targeted.

“They dragged me in the street, in front of everyone, saying: ‘You raped our girls. We’ll do the same thing to you.’

“The worst thing they did to me,” she whispered, “is to rape me in front of my eldest son. Since then, he won’t speak to me.”

Asked about other inmates who suffered a similar ordeal, Fathia said: “I only heard men’s voices. They were screaming, day and night.”

For reference something like a broom handle or a banana was about right, and it doesn't have to go in very deep before it hits the sigmoid colon and that's way past the prostate anyway, so there's no need to work it in further unless you're in to self-punishment or setting a record or something. And a broomstick is too stiff anyway and it's easy to hurt if it gets jammed or tugged in the wrong direction.

This kind of savagery is just sick. But I can understand how people who were abused like this as children would grow up to be psychopaths.

What's the problem?

Male rape?
Sounds like the boys from Langley have a bit of sport again.
They're been this way since George Bush was Director.

>boys from Langley

CIA. Their headquarters are in Langley, VA.

Skull & Bones is a satantic death cult operating as a fraternity at Yale. Part of the initiation rite involves lying in a coffin naked and jerking yourself off in front of everybody else while you recite your previous sexual experiences. Then they give you a new name. George H.W. Bush was rumored to have had some of the most extravagant sexual experiences, and they gave him the name "Magog." In this process effectively you are reborn into your satanic form.

why are arabs so fucking gay?

Islam condones and promotes fucking little boys though.

I don't think Ghaddafi used assrape to control the population, no.

I haven't really looked into it but let me guess:
>Libya did not have a central bank before killing Gaddafi and now it does
Am I far off?

>until it bleeds
like a vagina? meh. put in the broom correctly and watch the seed flow as well without any hands. nothing scares gays. nothing. except God. and the lies of retards who always say we're pedos to make up for their bleeding third arm pits

Yeah when you get in to the Hadiths and stuff it gets really nasty. I have to agree with the folks who identify it ultimately as satanic at its extent, which is unfortunate for probably a lot of people born in to that doctrine and culture who aren't looking for anything more from it than a moral structure and a spiritual connection.

>Islam condones and promotes fucking little boys though.
It doesn't but they do it anyway.

Vaginas don't bleed any more than assholes do as a consequence of normal recreational penetration. It just so happens that pedophelia and homosexuality are both deviant, so when you run into a mentality that turns toward deviance for the sake of deviance or because of early trauma or whatever, then you tend to get both (in other words, a correlation.)

>The whole thing turned into kind of a game to see what I could fit.
confirming this is how it goes.
I wouldnt even call it sexual in the end, the thought of the perverted nature of it never left me but the main driving force was more to try and fit things in. When you would try and fail and fall back to something smaller, and then one day be able to fit that larger thing, it was a real sense of accomplishment, you would wish you could tell people about it. But you dont, they wouldn't understand. I think only people who have tried fitting things in their own assess would understand.

>which is unfortunate for probably a lot of people born in to that
they are sand niggers

If they werent genetically prone to rape, pedophilia, and being savage in general they wouldn't be prone to islam. But being that they are prone to islam the only logical answer is they are also genetically prone to rape, pedophilia and being savages.

The inbreeding sure doesn't help. You find a lot of similar savagery from low-IQ African populations as well.

The more alarming bit is if you consider high-IQ Jews who follow more strict rules about inbreeding and how they have similar tendencies except executed at a higher level. I would also classify Judasim as being satanic at its extent, and social norms and ritual genital mutilation sure isn't going to help their psychological development, but you really have to think there's a genetic component in all three example groups.

American intervention lead to mass sodomy?

Sodom and egypt, the american legacy...

That's what happens when you let Israel run your country. No surprise there.