What snacks, drinks, food etc.. do you have for today?
Happenings >Nov 4 Antifa Riots - protests occurring, antifa have arrived >Solar Flare Drill - Nov 4 - 6 >Potential Martial Law Shenanigans see "Calm Before the Storm" Larp Threads
Many Protests now in many cities (no riots yet.) ANTIFA HAVE ARRIVED. Darkness looms then the real shenanigans will begin (probably not.) The shills HAVE LEFT they got bored.
Rumours and news >Nov 4th is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolsheviks Revolution (well november 7th but who cares.) >President trump is out of the country this weekend. >Rumoured 2600 black block German antifa have made their way over to the USA for the protests. >Rumoured antifa in germany in consultation with ISIS refugees have now trained with ISIS in the middle-east. >Rumoured antifa are gunning for a South Korea style impeachment of trump. >Was the nambla antifa banner a false flag? >Rand Paul attacked by antifa in his home?
hahaha i want to bail on this whole nothingburger but I can't look away from this
Ryan Anderson
Aiden Roberts
Liam Smith
jeg er for tiden i /Nord Carolina/
Hell Seger, Spiser Fjert.
Carson Hernandez
Bump been waiting for this day.
Brody Powell
>The whole Nov4 thing and the NYT ad is CIA 101. Its what one would do when attempting to start a civil war to destabilize a country. now that's a thought...
Carson Phillips
Arizona reporting in
Luis Roberts
Sup Forums Saves the Country Again. qanon was just
Running a psyop to Cuck Antifa and put the fear of American Might into their ass. It worked. We won. Antifa Cucked Confirmed.
GG Antifu. Sup Forums wins again
Hunter Murphy
Alright user, let's get down to brass tacks. What are we going to do about the Austinite problem?
Liam Wilson
>tfw anti-Nazi stuff started showing up in Lubbock and people even started protesting the confederate monument in downtown Lubbock I have a feeling Lubbock will be going to the dogs soon.
Evan Ortiz
Ja Trumf, Ja KKK, Ja munnfjert USA
Chase Moore
>Sup Forums Saves the Country Again. qanon was just >Running a psyop to Cuck Antifa and put the fear of American Might into their ass i want to believe...
Julian Rogers
We really need to pass a state law protecting these statues, this shit is starting to seriously piss me off.
Jace Cook
Mfw I realize this is the best the Left is sending
The protests fell apart because trump hired a new guy to monitor the problem.
He seems pretty good, though I STILL don't know why he keeps getting away with it.
Josiah Nelson
I keep reading about stuff like how Antifa had this planned for months and how they had it all over websites and you can hear them screaming about it in videos and ads in newspapers. I saw the ads in the newspapers but can't find anything else. Multiple people have asked as well but no one has provided links. So, does anyone actually know where this stuff exists or is it made up???
Thomas Wood
For the most part. It's slowing down. But, I totally agree. These idiots need to check what state they're in before trying to pull any bullshit.
Juan Evans
Kekistanding by
Adam Carter
California standing by
Jonathan Anderson
Califag reporting from the People's Republic. So far nothing's happened.
Colton Myers
I brought my trash cans into the garage in preparation for today...stay safe friends
>lel stupid righty drumptards, you conjured up a coup that was all in your head >pic >lel stupid righty drumptards, you believed a full page advertisement in the New York Times means we have any sort of cohesion or message You can't win a game when the opposition runs with the goalposts Fucking lefty/pol/
Anthony Smith
Is the one in the black wool jacket a girl?
Justin Cruz
De hadde negerburgere med skilt på motorveien, jeg har ikke bildene skjont.
Jeremiah Cox
Wow fuck off
Justin Scott
No that's me
Henry Nguyen
I just made a nice turkey wrap- probably making a honey glazed chicken breast for dinner. Drinking some polar seltzer right now. V comfy. Light rain outside, have the heat on right now and watching the streams. Playing some advance wars 2 in between
Evan Rogers
infowars talking about Qanon's posts right now
Noah Rivera
this is fucking stupid. boston is just some dumb bitch dancing in front of a screen. like 300 people protested today and they've all been retarded and unenthusiastic. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HAPPENING
Samuel Bell
That left video is exactly how weird the left gets when they protest.
I remember I was at a protest and I think the expressive dancing and odd nudity was what hammered the nails into the coffin of me being right-wing for life.
It just gets/got too weird. I imagined my mother making a strange face at that and I got very repulsed myself.
Jacob Morales
Hello Arkbro! Hows the picture in Arkansas? North florida is pretty quiet.
Brody Russell
I must say. You look quite feminine.
Noah Peterson
Åh, beklager anonyme, gjenkjente deg ikke. Lav testosteron er en tisse, huh.
Isaiah Kelly
Thanks, now I can sleep peacefully
Michael Sullivan
Grayson Morales
lets not forget said ad cost them $150,000 per day