Checked yesterday, weren't there.
Filtered 11/3 only, nope.
Filtered 11/2 thru 11/4 and BOOM!
PACER shows 2 new sealed criminal filings from US Dist Court of DC
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 opened so far
>4 are still sealed
>2 more added in
6 more names!
Well fuck, Q said Podesta indicted yesterday, Huma indicted today...
Assuming the rest of them are civil/not criminal filings...
Wonder if that's the a big part of the crew?
It's all coming true
Wait, they must ALL be criminal filings (didn't even notice the obvious header)!
It's "sheeit" - the long "e" sound comes before the "it".
Why are you idiots assuming all those cases are related to Mueller?
Damn, you right.
All these happenings, I can't type correct.
I'll let it slide this time but next time you're getting a smug reaction pic
Not sure about that but fingers crossed.
I think they seal indictments in general for flight risks (so ppl don't know they are about to be taken in) but I can't remember ever seeing one that has BOTH party names sealed.
Included a filter for "USA" as party name too, not sure why it doesn't say that in the bottom criteria though.
Same filing court as Manafort indictment, BOTH parties sealed?
>fugitive defendants - NO
>non-fugitive defendants - YES
American logic
6 indictments:
Jeff Sessions - Perjury and Collusion
Alex Jones - Treason and Perjury
Don Jr - Attempted Collusion
My sources didn't reveal the other 3 to me yet.
Tony Podesta.
John Podesta.
Huma Abedin.
Hillary Clinton.
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.
>alex jones
>treason and perjury
how's the weather in your alternate reality?
I dunno about the former President's, Trump wouldn't want to ruin the Office of the President, no matter how dirty they are. The rest can all burn, though.
HA! Hadn't even noticed that
there's no crime called attempted collusion he either did or didnt retard
It's not up to Trump. Trump is distancing himself as far away form this as possible.
if BO is knee deep with IRAN + NK, I think he'd make an exception
Bush Sr will probably be spared tho (he's on his way out anyways)
>mfw people don't know attempting to commit a crime is also a crime.
Q said presidents are a no go. Others definitely.
You idiots are assuming its going to be big names like Clinton and Sessions. Chances are that if there's a whole bunch of indictments then its going to be a bunch of low level staffers and no bodies getting indictment for dumb shit like Papadopoulos.
Collusion isn't a crime
You need to get educated, why do you think Nixon got impeached?
Q is a LARPer. Don't you understand? There's only 1 post thats legit then the shills take the name and KEEP LARPING. Presidents are fucked.
When will the names be revealed?
Don't forget Jeff Session indictment for lying to the FBI.
Dude, collusion is not a crime. You're arguing against facts right now.
he didnt
That's why I listed Sessions, lying is latin for perjury.
I think usually after they have the person in custody
Yeah, if it's Mueller-related, it otter be sealed
I wasn't talking to (((you))) faggot. Your list is trash.
This. When people don't post with a tripcode you can't take any retard's post with the same name as truth. I'm still seeing Q posts today and its the same crap.
How about instead of praying hard for a happening you just wait and see what does happen? Also why the fuck would anyone reveal the plan on Sup Forums? No reason not to wait.
Whole thing smells of a LARP honestly, original poster barely got anything right anyways
@ including Alex "Literally Who" Jones in your list
Sessions very carefully chose his words so as not to lie.
Lesser minds can't parse it.
Just fuck his shit up Senpai
Either he mea culpable or he does great gr8 grAte gramps doggie style grampspussi
This is why Hilary will not be brought to justice. Not because senator
Not because sec of state
>Former 1st Lady Wil NEVER be charged.
If I knew Papadopoulos was a LARPer reading his first email, you don't think the big kids knew it?
They trolled him.
Bump for keeping us updated. Thanks user!
Plus, the only way to charge Sessions with perjury is if they can prove that he knowlingly did not tell the truth. Not telling the truth is not enough to charge someone with perjury.
If he simply forgot, then that isn't perjury.
I'm no autist but I CAN AND WILL spend $0.10/search on PACER!
You sound desperate.
Nervous are you?
>yes, lull yourself to sleep with your own lies. It will be less painful.
We will give a speech to you about how we are helping you while we fuck you right in your eyeballs and ear holes.
You'll like it. You can just kind of ease into to it. Learn to enjoy the pain. You'll be our pet.
Plus we will drink your fave Sauv and wear a fancy jacket while we tell you on megaphone all day and night that you like it.
a wet dream
Collusion isn't a crime, you're thinking conspiracy.
or at least not look like an act of "revenge"
Imagine being so autistic you think there's a federal crime called "collusion."
this is amazing
I've read somewhere that Trump will not prosecute past presidents to protect dignity of office
Yeah. A fucking shill posted that.
That seems really unlikely, about as unlikely as me getting long ass digits.
>FBI with at a dimly lit fire house in up-state Podunk county.
>Boomers moving in and out with paper plates full of carnival food
>Bingo is being played from a chicken wire ball-roller on top a plastic fold out table
>Trump shows up and everyone cheers and claps. He puts a dozen balls in the cage, and tells them to keep playing.
>2 minutes later, the announcer calls out "DC 6" in a questioning tone.
>Agent Phillips stands up and yells Bingo.
>He leaps to the table, and spills a small boy's cup of orange soda.
>I have a bingo! He yells, and reaches in his vest...The crowd shrieks.
>He pulls out a white envelope with the number "DC 6" written in sharpie on the outside. Nothing more.
>He cuts the letter open with a swiss army knife!
>The silence was deafening. He licked his lips. He inhales..
>The Hall erupts in cheers which last into the night
>Don Himself even plays some cornhole, and even takes his suit jacket off for a bit.
Do these count?
Can someone CONFIRM on the PACER site that this is legitimate?
is there a link or just this picture that may or may not be real?
You need to go see the hundred times Alan Dershowitz has said collusion isn't a crime. Try watching something other than MSNBC retard
Lynch, dwschultz, bill clinton, HRC, Podesta
Thats who it should be but im sure its wishful thinking
This shows 12 sealed indictments?
It's a pay per search site. Cheap ($0.10/search or page) so anyone can independently verify.
That pic is 10/28/17 thru 11/4/17 so looks like the rest of them must have been filed before 11/2/17 since the first pic is 11/2/17 thru 11/4/17
Lynch will go down before obama. Im starting to think bill and hillary could go down when donna brazile and warren are throwing her under the bus
Get a Pacer account
Debit your account $.17
The fuck white boy.
I see why you're mad.
Why do you think all the Presidents have been doing PR? Why do you think WH user uses JFK picture. Because THE BIG LIE is gonna be exposed.
Nixon had thugs breaking and entering you tard.'s a search in federal criminal court. The case name will always be USA vs. ________.
Idiot. Collusion by itself is not a crime. How did you ever graduate from high school?
I sure as fuck hope this is right because I'm believing the ruse that Sessions is feckless and has no control over the DOJ
Collusion is not a crime... he could charge them with "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States"
I hope so user. Our country has been held hostage long enough. With all the happenings in saudi arabia i cant help but think something huge is going on behind the scenes
The main guy arrested is a big time partner of liberals and Israel.
Only from the russians election shit.. everything else is on the table.
So at what point were Mueller and Rosenstein informed of what's going on, according to this theory? Were they the 'patriots' who told Trump and Sessions everything that was going on? Mueller was head of the FBI at that time and seems complicit in covering it up.
Sessions is a target.
Dude. Trump met with Mueller the day before he fired Comey.
No he isn't.
Mueller was complicit while he was the FBI director. You don't think someone offered a way out would take it? Mueller is going to expose 9/11 and so much more.
it would make sense though, going after them would weaken the position in the long run. Think second term, then we might start seeing something.
He didn't say it was a no go. He said djt would prefer it not to happen but it's not up to him.
Likely means they were filed late on 11/3. If you file after hours it can take until the next day to show up.
One of them is Eric holder for fast and furious. The Las Vegas shooting was deeply connected to it.
The rest can't be because part of the deep state investigation against truth.
What about Brennan and Clapper?
And attempted collusion at that.
is obama nearly 7' tall?
Only if you're autistic and think that this picture was intended to be made to scale.
There is no crime called collusion. It doesn't exist in the criminal code.
In my wet dream. I do not think that is going to be it. I wish it was. I fiemly belive muller is trying to usurp trump