Aryan women = svelte & thin.
Why are men obsessed with large lard bossoms nowadays?
The Jew-financed rap has corrupted your minds.
Aryan women = svelte & thin.
Why are men obsessed with large lard bossoms nowadays?
The Jew-financed rap has corrupted your minds.
Why would you choose a landwhale over this?
No one wants to hold and love a skeleton user
Why are united shitstains mongrelized?
I'd gladly take a hambeast over this so long as she had a good face
Have you tried though?
those aren't women those are skeletors
>No jiggles
this is some disgusting ass shit my man
im actually quite repulsed by this
Can't make white babies if they can't ovulate OP.
Plus it's probably like fucking a corpse.
Spotted the nigger. Your ideal girl is a Lardashian?
Hello . First time I had an admin reply to a thread I started.
Jesus fuck, that's not svelte, that's skeletal.
I want a woman with amazon genes who won't break when giving birth to genetically strong and robust children.
This . GAY male fashion designers have pushed the skinny , flat chested look for years , Because they LOOK LIKE BOYS ! -- Wake the Fuck Up
ribs shouldn't be visible like that on a healthy body. thats medically underweight
If I wanted to see my dick when I'm fucking I'd might as well just jerk off.
Way too muscly. Who doesn't very little body fat?
She's actually quite tall and a vegan. Perfect body desu.
In to the oven!!
Why did europeans consider thic the beauty standard in the past though? Think you're reaching a bit there mate.
That's a stick, not a woman.
She's German, you mutt.
This is what was the European beauty standard back then?
>Way too muscly.
More like not muscly enough.
That would be your mom after 45 years and birthing an autistic user
That bitch is so skinny,she hides in children's closets.
Stop listening to nigger music.
>Why did europeans consider thic the beauty standard in the past though?
It was more of a status thing when you had to be rich to be fat and not couldn't gorge on McDonald's.
Why does Sup Forums hate thin women?
Feed her a godamn sandwhich stat
How the fuck you think aryan women survived harsh winters without fat on their body and how the fuck are those skeletons ever going to give birth to a healthy child??
Stupid piece of shit
that's unironically disgusting user
True,ass is a nigger meme but I do want big milkers
>She's German, you mutt.
So was little Frankie.
I like thin girls but theses anorexic bitches you're posting go frankly too far OP. You're like that guy who posts enormous lardwhales in thiccc threads.
Stop your shilling. Being like that is not healthy. Being fat is also not healthy.
you're a newfaggot
Looks like a fucking skeleton, wtf are you talking about
Btw where her tits gone off to?
Not enough Khazar Milkers in this thread.
This! Just yesterday explained to a young guy 18ish that bigs tits age like shit by 30 you'll appreciate thin with small titties.
It's not shilling. She's actually quite healthy, it's just that she has very little body fat. Which is ideal.
Thin girls are the best. She's not anorexic.
Stop wanking to holocaust.
Thats a coconut you retard
ITT=necrophiles in training
it all makes sense now.
You're full of shit. And if you're really much older than 20 you should be ashamed of being so dumb.
Have fun with a flat chested bitch that won't even be able to breast feed your children for longer than one week.
Cause i dont want to fuck a garden rake you wierdo. You like your women to look like holocaust survivors?
what a fucking sow
Indoaryans were not really fat. Fat is a genetic "invention" of Mesopotamian farmers. So is diabetes. Heavily depends on reproduction strategy of high output / low quality and sugar metabolism. Aryan genes rather predispose for leaner bodies ... pastoralist lifestyle has selected for this. However, also means a lower reproductive rate ... that is why shitskins are effectively outbreeding us if we do not cull them.
In addition, more fat in women means more estrogen, means higher chance of successful pregnancy. Less fat means more testosterone, lesser chance for pregnancy but IF they get pregnant the fetus will be programmed to be more intelligent and more aggressive by high testosterone intrauterine environment. Reproduction strategies, simple as that.
Finally. Someone on my side. Yes they sag terribly and those vertical stretch marks make women want to kill themselves.
Yeah but this all bodies are beautiful bullshit is leading to this...
sports Illustrated's new swimsuit model
thanks spooky skeltal
I am with you too, man!
Fuck off with your low-test women
This is now a T H I C thread
Tall and thin is more aesthetic, but this one's too skinny even for me.
studies prove men with higher T like thicc women.
Why so hostile?
Here's a date.
Does not depend on fat. Mammary glands are just as active without fat bolstering them up. The effect of body fat (= higher blood sugar levels) is more intrauterine, meaning the fetus will get more nutrients. However, this also regularely reprograms the fetus in a way that is less desirable in later life. Fat is simply an adaption to an agriculturalist lifestyle which in general has led to a degeneration of the human species. Also, fat means more estrogen which is not that great for brain development. You won't get scientists and warriors out of a fat woman...
Not liking hips = faggot
Disgusting nigger.
Niggers, both of you are.
What's your limit?
Post discarded.
He was talking about big tits vs. small tits.
Limit is when they lose tits and look like a boy, homo.
Worst thread on Sup Forums all day. Sage and if any of you dags reply without a sage then you're even worse than OP
>literal skeleton
Some thin women are attractive, some thick women are attractive. I'm a real libertine
and are nasty fat women
and are dessicated skeletons with sandpaper pussy from malnutrition
looks healthy despite flat chest
picrelated is the good kind of thick
I'm only attracted to thin women. Even normal women in America are fat.
gas yourself kike
Not nice.
Sup Forums is non white, majority American posters
i'll take a beanpole with a cute face if she was sweet
Tits are overrated. Broad hips is what it is all about. Mind you, not fat ass, broad hips. Lean and sinewy muscle. Really, all this body fat is just a perversion of human genetics. A maladaption forced by an agriculturalist lifestyle. I am talking Mesopotamian agriculture her of course ...
>le aryan this le aryan that meme
Aryans are doomed from the start because they are intolerant as shit and unable to ever look beyond themselves. Just like Hitler, who turned on everyone, you're gonna always eventually fail in everything, because everyone will eventually turn on you.
theres T H I C C then theres that lard ass in above post that is considered a SI swimsuit model as if anyone other then ghetto rats would be into
I'm sorry I don't like flat skeletons
>normalizing sex with saplings
fuck off and die pedo
that is really fucking gross. who is that?
thicc does not mean fat.
it means properly generated muscle in equilibrium with fat.
however the thicc meme is just a satirical reference to a disproportionate form of my previous statement whereby fat is higher in the fat muscle ratio.
That's truly fucking hideous. How long do we have to put up with this?
But it's the truth.
You can't handle women but can't go for men so these malnutritioned atrocities are your best excuse.
>responding to a meme flag
Have you dorks figured out what a waste of time it is?
>extreme flat chest
>no bulge
i am conflicted, what is that?
Ah come on, we have slaughtered the indigenous European farmer population, we have slaughtered and subjugated the Dravidians, we have slaughtered the Mesopotamians and carved out the old Persian Empire. Our big mistake was that we wanted what all men wanted ... to fuck. We left the women of the primitve societies alive and reproduced with them. This has fucked up our gene pool for good. The degeneracy you see nowadays is just an effect of this. Also, the two World Wars resulted in the death of our most brilliant and brave. We pay for this madness now. Still, there is hope ... and more genetically inferior trash to slaughter.
Skinny girls are cute.
Kim K
Thank the Marxists
Why do you hate thin women so much?
I think I'm gonna through up....that looks like a fucking holocaust survivor...what the fuck is wrong with you OP?
I don't like women thick or skeletal, is it wrong to just want normal looking women?
Damn straight, (((thicc))) is for fucking niggers. True white men aren't attracted to anyone unless you can see her bones.
Well, she does look a lot more healthy on that one. Thin is better imo. More natural and healthy. Shouldn’t starve tho.
Kim K
They're the best.
I would totally Breed with that.
Is this meme from fear of bbc getting all the thick chicks?
look how fucking airbrushed that pic is. Some poor guy had to do a ton of work to make that look passable. Her belly just looks entirely fake, and you can see how much smoothing they did on her legs. I mean, come on. Legs are the easiest part to keep toned. They had to airbrush them so much that her knees disappeared.
She doesn't starve herself though. Just a vegan and quite tall.
Not a meme, cuck.