>americans think this is ok
Americans think this is ok
yes this is fine
>spanish people think they are white
>canadian people think they are not yellow
Let's stick to politics. Why do you need a fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle when ordering a burger?
well, it's legal, so it's ok.
whats the problem?
Yeah fuck that asshole. AK's are for commies.
>abloo bloo
OP can't handle cultural adversity
BBQ is delicious, you vegan faggot.
Fast food? Yea it's kinda our guilty pleasure.
God damn
That woman just went from a 3 to a 6
i bet that ok place is never robbed
This is beyond ok, this is fucking awesome and proof of American superiority. Also
>tfw no qt shotgun gf
Anyone could just grab that bitches gun. I'm all for the 2nd amendment but why are gun toting Americans such retards?
St.Pete was armed
lol texas
it kept communist larpers at home during ze revolution today.
Tell me what the fucking problem is exactly? Anyone die? Everyone looks safe as fuck if you ask me.
That looks alright. Everything is going-along as if they didn't have guns. Wouldn't it only be a problem if it somehow impeded the usual?
no nigs or arabs
I unironically feel safer in a city if I see men open-carrying in public.
Reminder that successful mass shootings only happen in gun free zones.
>I'm uncomfortable that means we need to make it illegal
Its ok
>assault style
Way to out yourself as not understanding guns user
lol imagine going into ur mcdonalds and see 4 losers strapped up like they're some sort of militia
fucking hate burgers
is that israel or texas?
> unitl the establishment bans them because the other customers complain about little children larping like faggots
>fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle
Go learn something about guns, then come back here
statistics show that people who open carry weapons decrease the likelyhood of criminal activity in the area around them.
the bait almost got me. go purge some catalonians for me now.
I never go anywhere without my rifle, it’s quite normal here.
guns are bad
it makes weak men stronger, weak men as in genetically inferior men stronger
those beta-males and manlets who can't win in a fight hold onto these guns because they know they can't win in a real fight between men
Yeah, it's OK.
Too bad OCing a long gun makes you look like a douchebag.
>fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle
As someone who handles firearms daily, I have never seen or heard of something like this. Can you give me an example of one?
That is a prototype for Trump's wall. There will be openings in it so Mexicans can serve us tacos from the other side.
There is flags in the Chambers. Go fuck your self and die
Dangerous county.
Looks pretty fucking safe to me.
10/10 would fine dine there.
Those carrying openly and lawfully generally have no ill intentions you mudslime faggot
What's wrong with restaurants?
What's the matter with this? Were you planning to rob the store? Why does this upset you?
What's wrong with selling dinner specials till 8 pm?
Tony's BBQ is fucking awesome, fuck off.
>guns as a fashion accessory
Kek you cucks are pathetic. We get weapons here which you would cream yourself over but we don't feel the need to walk around the streets brandishing them. What's funny is they he handed one to his bitch as well. As if she'd provide him cover fire or some shit lol
>Europeans think this is ok
Why the fuck isn't it? They aren't threatening anyone.
>When you find open carry more offensive than pic related
I'd say never change but we both know you've got a decade left at best.
lol imagine not being able to purchase a plastic fork and knife without a background check.
fucking hate bongs.
Also: P A Y T E L E V I S I O N L I C E N S E
>If my dick were any smaller, it would be a pussy.
open carry is nigger-tier
That line of thinking is what got the old aristocratic blood-lines killed off in Europe. Stop being a Luddite it isn’t helping
What's wrong with the picture? What are you even talking about?
you really think any american wants your cheaply made falling apart AKebab-47s?
Um, because it’s my right.
This American certainly doesn't.
You don't give the 12 gauge with the pistol grip to a woman that size, she's gonna fucking drop it. She's just clip #7 in a youtube 'firearm fails' compilation waiting to happen.
Only loser think this is ok
people so economically unproductive they feel the need to publicly express their strength to feel respected by a society that views them as worthless
That's what freedom looks like.
You don’t have hordes of leftist mobs and niggers trying to rob you at gunpoint
You mean the US military grade smuggled weapons that are openly sold in the market? We don't produce anything you nigger
What is wrong w/ it desu??
BTFO leaf
I'm Canadian (never had really seen/held a gun before in my life) in Arizona for a vacation and everyone here carries, you see them in grocery stores, everywhere. Most shops and places of business have a sign saying you're perfectly welcome to bring your gun in. You get used to it after about 5 minutes.
>Why do you need a fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle
>tfw no fully-semiautomatic assult style tactical rifle with extended 500 round mags and tactical baby-skull seeking explosive armor shredding ammo
Maybe they just got back from the range and like to carry because it feels good man. Our rights are 100% comped here, you wouldn't understand.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Yes, this is fine
Needs more guns.
Do you think computers are bad because they make doing time consuming calculations easy?
>americans think this is ok
They have dowel rods or w/e.
>Object to killing unborn babies
>Wear firearm in public
what exactly is the problem?
is it the salads on the menu?
>Anonymous (ID: lnFLIYyv) 11/04/17(Sat)19:22:53 No.1479
Are they robbing the place, no then what is the problem.
You're right this is not ok, this picture needs more guns
Imagine being a Britbong.
>we don’t produce anything
>you nigger
lmao @ your life
Look it's Spain trying to be an Australian/Canadian! Nice try Spain better luck next time
Did they shoot anybody?
>fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle
Also, it's called the bill of rights not needs. They don't NEED any reason to have a gun, they can have one simply because they want one. That's what's great about being American, we get to enjoy our freedoms while you get to enjoy having your children and women raped by third world immigrants.
>magazine in
I'd ask them to take it out and make sure the chamber is clear, but other than that, sure.
now pull the pin on your ooga booga goat grenade and tell allah to suck my cock
>fully-semiautomatic assault style tactical rifle
Congrats on all the (You)s
No one is getting shot here. What is the problem?
holy shit, haha!
>Ameridog want to fight and be violent
As expected
I really hope this isn't in the US. those cops don't even know how to beat a nigger correctly
We don't produce any weapon apart from nukes cuck
It's wrapped around her body and she's surrounded by dudes who also have guns. Go ahead and prove your statement.
its kinda retarded but i wouldnt fear these people if they walked in if i was already there.
First they came for the Catalonians, then they came for the guns.
When are we nuking Spain?
In Brazil that is normal too.
Don't you have a lorry bonnet to impress your face onto?
Funniest thing is that America is the most niggerbred country in the world. You really think that weapon is impressive enough to carry around? Pathetic. Here we don't carry weapons. We pay people to carry them for us.
Its a fashionstatement
>relies on other nations weapons systems and firearms
>not cucked