>Your entire Sup Forums post history is made un-anonymous, cataloged, and sent to each of your friends, family, and employer
What happens? What do you do?
>Your entire Sup Forums post history is made un-anonymous, cataloged, and sent to each of your friends, family, and employer
What happens? What do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>No job
>No friends
>My family don't care
Fuck, my ex girlfriend will know that I Fap to her porn videos!
Fuck, my dad will know that my sister does porn!
Have a giggle with them.
My dad probably goes here, so he don't care.
>No job
>No friends
>Could deny this to my family and they'd believe me, dad wouldn't care
your sister is your ex girlfriend?
i stand tall and proud and find the cutest fbi/cia twinkboy to throatfuck
Well your history is already non-anonymous, it's just not publicly available.
Unless you are absolutely RMS tier and have been since day 1 then the government as well as Google and possibly several other corporations already have a shadow profile of you, they know your hobbies, your political positions etc.
After they stop laughing, I'm rewarded with this.
go to jail
Must be from Arkansas.
As long as they understand that pepe is a joke im good
>no job or friends
>family gets confirmation I'm a pedophile woman hater
Okay, I'm sure they already suspect as much.
continue to shitpost since that's all I CAN do anymore
I only go to /x/ and Sup Forums for friendly conversation about (((Reptilians))) controlling the world.
People just think I'm weirder than they already do.
Normies forget anything you give them within about 30 mins
a day tops
As long as it's not my /gif/ history i'll be alright
youd better learn to carry soap on a roap boi
top it off with a webm of my morning glory exiting my anus
This is our culture
Don't judge us!
not a goddam thing
What friends, family and employer?
> friends
> employer
No job
Muh friends know
Muh family is litteraly hitler
They would not care about my Sup Forums folder, aside from maybe my little sister, she's a libtard, but can also see humor in things.
I would be more worried if they found my secret hidden cat boys taking dick folder.
I always think of that b4 i post anything
I even try not to curse so i wouldn’t be to embarrassed
I haven’t even called anyone a faggot
Get a laugh from everyone for drunken shitposting.
Already an open nationalist, there is nothing i have said that would be any more dangerous than the random comment section on my local newspaper.
You want to come over and teach me what that means? ;-)
Oh you said post history... Whoops. No one would care. There's been a few posts about taking Chad dick in my boipussy, but I think they will assume I was joking. And another about getting an artificial womb in my butt so I can make Chad babies... I assume they will also think I was joking. May get a bit awkward though.
Good thing it’s not my /d/ history
Immediately lose my job and other than that absolutely no one is surprised in the slightest nor cares, and Im a normie with shitskin friends. They know theyre niggers
We all high-five.
Hi, welcome to prison. My name's Bubba.
I do so much contrary posting that they would probably be confused as to what my actual opinions are on anything. In fact sometimes I don't even know anymore. Leaf posting is sometimes both a gift and a curse.
This guys, everyone needs to be more multicultural and fuck their slutty sisters. Leave the pure sisters alone tho, they are for marriage ONLY.
I laugh because i could give a fuck less
This is useful to know.
claim it was satire
I sue gookmoot because its a violation of my privacy on a ANONYMOUS website
nothing would happen.
my employers are far right christians, my family shares the same political opinion and I have no friends
They'd be confused, laughing their ass off, would understand me way more than ever and would end up getting redpilled.
>What happens? What do you do?
Rest somewhat easy in the knowledge that I tried. I tried and perhaps someone, who wouldn't have otherwise, will turn and be healed.
>t. have family in Little Rock and FayetteNam
Oh nooo...
deny deny deny
Holy shit, I think we might be related!
Send thanks, I started the "semen slurping sport" meme back in 2010 and now I'll have proof
Ask them if they like my jokes.
Eh wont be that bad.
Its not like im not isolated enough already.
What do you mean "claim"? I know for a fact that everything I've ever posted here is deep post-ironic dark meta-sarcasm. It's like performance art.
It would actually be refreshing to have my power level revealed and have it settled. Sure I may suffer some social losses, but the ones that stayed would be such a good cementing of a solid support structure, it would be very very empowering, even if it was only 1 friend, or family member.
>What happens?
leaker dies very slowly
What keeps you going, user?
grab what valuables I have and join the nearest radical WPower organization
My dad would be proud, my mom would be sad, work would sweat bullets, my wife would be annoyed I got in trouble
I spend most of my time here giving shit to stormfaggots.
Get ahead of it by coming out as gay on twitter.
I’d be able to play it off as “DUDE IRONY LMAO”
>What happens? What do you do?
I'd pull a Kevin Spacey, the ultimate trump card
Have a beer with my kid and laugh about how I’ve been shitposting here longer than him.
it wasn't me
>What do you do?
Stare in bewilderment as I didn't know I had friends, family and employer
They will know I say nigger a lot when conversing with Sup Forumslacks. I'm unemployed so it doesn't matter.
They will probably think I'm racist but some of them probably already think that.
you have to be 18 or over to be here
They'd probably be surprised how vulgar with things I am, but I don't think they'd be too surprised these days. Maybe have one or two "disown" me, but meh
my words speak for themselves
they would get redpilled
>Not being able to talk about the same stuff you talk about on the internet
Must be sad being a pussy with misguided ideals
Thats the weak ass version.
Hardmode is, you are on trial for your posts and have to read each and every one of them aloud in front of friends and family.
How fucked are you?
>G-Gas the K-Kikes, R-Race Wa-r n-now?
Literally none of them would care because they are reasonable people that understand fucking around on the internet
I get fired. Frankly, I don't say a whole lot on Sup Forums that I don't say around my family anyway. I don't have any friends. I hope all of the faggots I know on Facebook do get wind of it, fuck them all.
Deal with it. Nothing else to do.
>lol you guys don't honestly think i'm a nazi right?
What friends, family and employer. If I had that shit you think I'd be wasting my time here?
Haha, yeah I would always talk at work like "you know there's people that don't think the holocaust happened like it did? Crazy, huh?"
I used to say jews did 9/11 all the time, I was also a cook though so you're just around a buncha degenerates anyways. Rape is a daily conversation.
I'm retired w/no family/friends, thinking of buying used sex doll
Half the shit I post here I post on normiebook. No fucks given.
I regret nothing.
My family agrees more or less, so it wouldn’t be a problem.
My boss is racist, my friends are either racist or we're not close, my mom would be disappointed in me and I don't talk to my dad.
My grandma probably wouldn't understand what she's being shown if it retains the formatting.
nobody cares. bring it, fags.
oh sweety
Let's meet later for drinks and take it from there...
Bush era meme...
Liberals, cannot meme.
neck yourself fuggut
I was just trollin guys. I love hilldawg yall know it
well i'd probably be pretty homeless and unemployable
Nothing happens, I lurk
Fuck off, jew.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Family/friends won't give a shit, I'm self employed, I've been posting so damned long I don't even remember half the shit I've said. Would tickle me to death having it all neatly summed up.
Good taste