It'd be great if this got attention and if Trump agreed. But not holding my breath. Things have never gone well for us, why would this?
Petition to help White South Africans get refugee status in the US
Other urls found in this thread:
How hard is it to move out of South Africa?
Are the blacks smart enough to know who's keeping the country afloat so they don't let you leave?
Terrible shit OP, keeping you in my prayers, if I had the cash I'd fly you and your family out of that hellscape.
Many whites don't want to move. We need to help them where they are.
Any good resources on learning about the situation in S.A.?
Feels bad man
We need a STOP WHITE GENOCIDE IN SOUTH AFRICA rally/march in washington D.C. at the white house lawn.
Cantwell did a podcast with the leader of Suidlanders a while back, really good video
Wealth, its as simple as that. The whites that want out and could afford to do so have already gone and the whites that want out but can't afford it are stuck. Then of course there are the whites that want to stay.
Realistically the only way out would be to jump on a plane and dump all papers upon arrival, obtaining fake ones. All in all, it would still cost a fair bit and then getting the foot in the door in the new country wouldn't be easy. Help would be required on the other side.
signed. Hope we can help you guys out. White american here.
We need to save our fellow South Africans and Rhodesians affected by disgusting native African violence.
Good cause. I can't sign because Canadian but Godspeed.
SA has a white population of something around 4-5 million. Not everyone can get citizenship or afford to pack up their lives and move.
And also, the Boers built South Africa. They went into EMPTY land (which was empty because the BLACKS genocided the land's original inhabitants centuries ago as they migrated to the coast, leaving a huge swath of empty land in the southern interior) that they bought from the Zulu king (who betrayed them and tried to genocide them and the Boers won despite being outnumbered about a thousand to one). They went into the fucking wilderness and built a civilization that could have been USA 2.0 but they were fucked over by the rest of the world. Literal nomadic spear-throwing savages moved into the region looking to take over what whites built, and because of being sanctioned by both USA and the commies, they were forced to concede the land they built from nothing and fought for.
anyone can sign. sign it faget.
yeah, it's more than the price of a plane ticket. but it wouldn't be if we could get refugee status.
i have a bad opinion of the suidlanders, simon roach's subscription service will only help subscribers if an official war is declared, and his predicted civil war was like three months ago
this is one of the best ones i've found:
the websites that used to track farm murders have been removed due to being "hate speech"
impossible. whoever doesn't leave is going to die. simple as that. and if we somehow won here, we'd be like north korea, but more hated, and china against us instead of on our side. it's over. the blood of my ancestors is just a sunken cost fallacy. best we can do is try to stop this happening to the rest of you.
yje ANC does work against it, yes. i'll be leaving to teach english somewhere soon, also qualify for australian and canadian skilled worker things as far as i know, but many have no way out.
Bump. Sign it, Burger Sup Forums.
millions of africans and arabs are coming to europe and america. why not us?
doesn't matter that we built a nation out of nothing here. i don't know why you would think it would. does the fact that canadians built a country out of nothing matter to the people handing it away to nonwhites in your country?
the* not yje
sorry goys, it's late here.
We were smart enough to kill all the native peoples before they were able to revolt against us. Go back to the UK commonwealth fag
Godspeed user.
nice try schlomo
Sup Forums chilling hard for the SA poor sub-humans
LARPers here actually believe you can preserve your genetics with so many niggers around,they actually believe that every member of the family those 'white' south africans NEVER had any relationship with a negro over their lives,living in the country for literally hundreds of years,knowing women (specially blonde) are into coalburning,yeah right.
is like the white argentina meme
There are plenty of whites in SA and Zimbabwe, they are certainly not mongrels. The thing about living around niggers is you get redpilled on niggers. Pic related South African cricket team as of 2015, are the genes of the whites in that pic really watered down?
We should create a white underground railroad to save those people
I don't see why we can't just formulate a militia and raise funds for arms.
Australian genes are diluted enough to post 620x367 images on four channels
It took me the best part of 10 minutes to upload the image, fucking delete this yah cunt.
>It'd be great if this got attention and if Trump agreed
Trump is a Ziocuck, he wont do shit. Which is unfortunate because what is happening in South Africa is terrible. But that's been the general US policy towards SA, to turn a blind eye.
why are so many people in south africa sjws? inquiring minds want to know. I happen to have known a few saffer girls that were interested in me but i took a pass because they were too left leaning and elitist. Mind you I'm not a racist either, the funny thing is that in spite of their SJW rants they were racist. Can you explain this bullshit to me?
Fuck off. We want no refugees. Apply for immigration you lazy bitch.
signed and shared.
get the fuck out wetback