One of my coworkers is an illegal alien. He's actually really nice and funny and a hard worker, not like your typical leech. I'm conflicted. He gets paid under the table, tax free, while I have to pay taxes and I get a smaller paycheck for equal work. He speaks little English and I've been sort of forced to learn Spanish just to communicate with him when I'm more fluent in German and French.
What do, Sup Forums?
One of my coworkers is an illegal alien. He's actually really nice and funny and a hard worker...
report him, doesn't matter how nice he is, we are all nice every once in a while. HE IS A DRAIN ON SOCIETY!
When someone is cheating with their tax, they're cheating you.
Report that nigger to ICE, nigger.
If you have to think about what to do just remember, The right choice is often the harder choice
Faggot report him to ICE
Can't blame anyone for avoiding theft of their earnings.
The correct answer is to blackmail your boss. Tell him that if he doesn't start paying you under the table or paying more as compensation you'll report him to the Feds.
>drive down your wages
>consume massive amounts of public services that you pay for
>pay zero in taxes for return
>cause massive increases in crime
>establish non-American enclaves in towns that whites cannot go to
>all of them vote left
Illegals bring nothing positive to the US.
One of my friends got drunk and hit and run someone, he is a really nice person and normally never does anything like this. Should I report him to the police?
Deport, who cares if hes nice, hes part of the problem
Yes, its illegal and he needs to be punished for his crimes
>Can't blame anyone for avoiding theft of their earnings.
Which you get back in many ways throughout your life. And also you want to help your kin.
tax evasion is a serious crime
Report him to ICE and the IRS at the same time.
>theft of their earnings
You'd rather they use services without paying.
tits or GTFO.
have him deported
If he is such a hard worker and stuff, what's stopping him from becoming legal?
>i speak three languages and part of a fourth but i can yet find employment only in a sector which forces me to work alongside wetbacks
>smaller paycheck for equal work
I mean, I get the whole no taxes thing, but why the fuck would someone pay an illegal the SAME amount of money? Isn't the point of using illegals that you can pay them LESS?
That said, if this is real, report him. If your whole point in not doing it is because "he's nice", that means he's one argument away from you having the balls to do something, and you'll only feel stupid for having waited so long to do it. People have already listed plenty of good reasons for why in this thread. Being nice isn't the best way to handle every situation, shit like that is how you get spoiled kids for instance. Grow some balls and do the right thing, report that guy AND your boss. Your boss is the real piece of shit in this situation, cheating the gov, the people, and manipulating illegal labor. Fuck illegals, fuck kikes, and fuck wimps who don't do their civic duty.
He wants the tax free money. He has been here for 10 years and could legally become a citizen since it's Commiefornia, but he wants those gibmedats
you should ask yourself what is more important to you:
there being a nice worker with you,
those 100rds of dollars you lose on his and his families taxes and the rest of their community
the cost of their community more prone to crime and so you get more taxes on policing
Call the ICE on them they are commiting a crime by staying in the u.s. illegally and you employer is also commiting a crime
Then he's a parasite and should either get citizenship or get the fuck out. Preferably the latter.
That probably actually happens in Denmark. Here in the US our tax dollars go into the pockets of niggers, spics, Jews and single mothers. I see a tiny, tiny portion of it back in terms of roads, parks, and the like, but it's outweighed by everything being overrun with subhumans.
I'd rather there not be any services except those that people will pay for voluntarily like roads. I'll bet that 90%+ of tax dollars go to federal bullshit and redistribution of wealth here.
You guys have to understand my feels here. I have been arrested for something small that ruined my life and he really is a good guy. He wanted to get out of the shithole that is Mexico to start anew here. I voted Trump btw.
Report him he is parasite and part of why America and the west as whole is going to shit.
>he speaks little English
This is why you should report him. A society can't function if people literally cannot communicate to one another. Your life will improve too once you get over muh empathy.
Not sure if I should listen to a Jew, even with those digits
leave job,find another job,problem solved.
if YOU are forced to learn other languages to please others,then something is not right.
>He gets paid under the table, tax free, while I have to pay taxes and I get a smaller paycheck for equal work.
is the anal reaming sufficient punishment for your cowardice ?
Alright then don't report him, but definitely start nagging him to either emigrate legally or leave.
Call ICE you nigger.
Choose one of the following:
1. Immediately provide examples of libertarians saying those two things - preferably the same libertarian saying both.
2. Kill yourself with a pitchfork
I can assure you I am no nigger
Someone post a news article about the good Samaritan helping someone that later back stabs them
>illegal alien
deport now you faggot
Oh come on that's the most retarded pic ever. You can't actually argue, can you? Just another 70 IQ faggot posting pics he saw online.
Out him now! if you are paying taxes and he works along side you and is not? How fair us it? Bust the business and send him back period!
It's an opportunity to kill someone and get away with it. It probably won't be reported and if it is nobody will care enough to do a real investigation. Who would push for it? Lure him into the woods and strangle him for invading your country. It's no moral issue here, you couldl be seen as a hero for defending your country.
The line is harming another person or their rightful property. Electing politicians that will redistribute earned wealth is an act of aggression.
What other illegal acts you overlook just because you think someone is nice? Do you also write love letters to serial killers?
You should be arrested for assisting criminal.
Your boss should be swatted by IRS.
Your wetback friend should be deported.
this is me desu before I went to college too
I might know languages but I’m still an autistic robot
not if hes a close friend you fucking mong
congratulations, you are a nigger
try as hard as you can to help him get citizenship
You should change your flag to Communist, komrad
Then why are they turning California into mexico?
Do what you want
Yes good goy, it's not Jewish to cheat people, it's Jewish to stand up to the people cheating you.
Report to deport
Other people have to work hard for a green card, no matter how nice he is, he is still spitting in the faces of those who came in legally
he has to go back, most illegal people are friendly when they know that if they're an asshole they'll be reported to the feds
Its not a fucking valid excuse, he must go
>Sup Forums encounters reality for the first time
nobody likes a squealer
can someone post the non-racist version of OP image please??
Stop being a nigger loving faggot and report him
There's no racism, nigger. She supports the President.
snappy memes! the left is catching on!
Stop apologizing for illegals. There are legals that could be working his job. It's unfair. Stop being a faggot. You think 20k DACA niggers working at Apple is a good thing when there's legal citizens with a degree currently looking for work? Fuck you
call ice or your a nigger
How did you know I was grill?
Need I say more? You have to tax your own alcohol to import it
That's funny coming from a baguette who refuses to face the reality of radical Isalm. At least our terrorists are domestic
Because the US is so much better and Jerry Brown is a fucking cuck. He passed a gas tax on us without approval from any higher up congressmen.
I've been very anti-religion since I was around 18-19 but keep trying, eventually you'll hit the right box to put me in.
Report him to ICE. He's a criminal no matter how "nice" he seems.
>need I say more?
Yes, you can start with
>"hello, ICE..."
>"hello, IRS..."
>"yes, your honor. I will plead guilty."
it's obvious
Leave the guy alone. ICE might pick him up later, but it won't be on your conscience.
If you're too scared to report them to the beverage cooling people that's fine.
Just tell us, I'm sure plenty of people here would be glad to take on that burden for you.
So either report him if it bothers you or dont and stop thinking about it. Also how many times did you fuck him to get this conflicted over a simple choice.
Report him and your boss to ICE.
Criminals can be nice guys, but they're still criminals.
He should go back and enter the country legally if he's such a great guy
There's no reason for him to be an exception
don't just report him, threaten him. Spics need to learn.
>blackmail the white man
nice try, shill
You're making Nofap November difficult, mate.
Call ice
Ask to be paid under the table, and collect government bux for unemployment or whatever you can get them for. The government offers you free money, and there is no reason for you not to take as much as you can.
>>all of them vote left
Illegals can vote?
Taxcuck bottom detected.
sorry m8 not my intention
In sanctuary cities, yes.
Report the nigger, nigger
kill him
the digits are telling you something user
ive never paid a tax in my life you retard.
And THERE is the true reason as to why he needs the boot.
Gitmo is also acceptable but that seems a bit harsh.
>The government offers you free money, and there is no reason for you not to take as much as you can.
So Jewish.
>Talking with Dad
>He brings up hard working guy from work
>Shows up early, busts his ass swinging hammers at a truss plant, goes home after jobs done not after shifts over
>Illegal immigrant
>One day ICE rolls up and snatches fucker from work
>Dad watches from window laughing
Sucks that he puts in work, sucks more that he's breaking the fucking law
>One of my coworkers is an illegal alien.
Report him now faggot
Also nice humble brag about speaking 3 languages
So? You're still arguing for them and for a white person to be treated unfairly.
And having never worked isn't something for you to be proud of tard. Mommy isn't going to be there to heat up your tendies and give you that birthday jerk forever.
You can get fucked by the system, or benefit from it. How is it even a decision?