ANTIFA never get to live this down
Are they dead as a movement then?
Has there been any actual protest?
Who paid for the ad?
>refuse fascism
All both of us will rise up!
They were never going in the first place.
Antifa=/=rufuse fascism
I'm sure paying for an ad like that was all worth it for a completely boring nothing day.
(((They))) have stopped supporting them months ago, when the entirety of MSM simultaneously turned on the group with daggers all on the same day. This happened shortly after the 'ebil nazi' ruined his car when he hit that wild land whale in Carolina.
$100,000+, chump change for Soros and Co. unfortunately
Bunch of parlor pinkos who have no balls. Fuck them.
Bunch of fags. Gonna “change the world”. Fuck. They can’t even change their own damn underwear.
So, did anything go down? Or did all these wannabe Trotsky's sleep-in today?
Literally nothing happened today by Antifa
not much
Love how they are trying to take the "It was all a joke, we where never planning anything and you fell for it" route, typical of the pseudo-intellectual.
I wish they would just admit they couldn't stand by their convictions whens the day came.
Bunch of fucking pussies lmao
Well, I don't feel bad for abandoning my comfy couch to go to a local winery/brewery for a friend's birthday party.
Instead of bringing a girl home I brought back a growler and a couple bottles instead.
I guess this whole evening was a wash. Oh well.
I appreciate that we're a board of spontaneously planned events meanwhile actual hateful groups try to plan an event in advance and then chimp out when the cops increase the ante.