Another dumb roastie gets what's coming to her. Coal burner/roasties hate thread
Toll Status: Paid
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quick rundown?
We need a running collage of all the tolls paid.
The list is endless.
Story please
And no we don't search the web for it
Dumb whore fucks CFL player and has a niglet. Tries to leave him presumably, he murders her down in arizona then ran away with the kid. Got arrested because he is a dumb nigger.
Hahahaha I'm leaf too and this is priceless. Roasties always think they're moving up. Dumb whores. I'll fish for some tolls
I love when problems solve themselves.
That's one ugly mother fucker. Literally looks like an orc. BRAVO KERI
Dumb whores
Planters peanuts
fuck the blacks, carbon tax.
Damn...she was really pretty, too.
Gonna have to play the bull shit card on this.
They have been married for over 5 years and are expecting their second kid.
Jesus Christ. They're from two completely different species and you can't even deny it, looking at a pic like this. I don't even give a shit if you're a nigger or some kind of mystery meat or whoever you are: look at this picture... like, LOOK at it, and tell me that the two of them together even visually makes sense...
How fucking easily brainwashed can a woman be to open her legs and give her fertility up... to THAT thing?
It's real. Black man and white women are built on their own respective daddy issues.
Jesus fucking christ is that really her in the after pic? Did he fucking turn her into a zombie
Acid. She gets to be as pretty on the outside as she is on the inside now.
The toll has been paid the usual fee.
this is what coal burners all deserve.
Did the toothpaste ever make that one post into something that looked like a coal burning certificate?
>blonde hair
They look like a nice young white couple.
Damn that girl was cute too - had a degenerate tatoo on her right arm, oh well. Oh well, she denied other men to lay down with a beast
>burned the coal
>paid the toll
>this was one person out of 8000.
Oh, so they're just 9 times more rapey than the average Canadian then.
Salt imminent
No sweeties... so problematic.
Pushing your own hate agenda on such tragedy shows what your real colors are, you all are just a bunch of racists chumps who hates women
A nice North Dakota girl goes into the military.
the fuck
Ends up marrying and then divorcing pic related. Now she's dead.
i saw this in Sup Forums
When someone says white women should avoid dating blacks, its because they want them to be safe. It is out of love, not hate.
YES it was this, pretty sure that was her name. I think the thread was yesterday.
wtf did he do to her exactly?
would guess acid
dae oldfag
Lol stupid cunt.
Best one incoming
we all know men are what is wrong with the world anyway.
...which is exactly why these women are being told that they deserve what came to them even though it is accepted that they were brainwashed by the Jew media?
As much as we like to joke about women fucking themselves over, stuff like this is probably going become more common as time goes on. And its just going to be sad.
lol poor women. It's too late for them
White women were a mistake.
That's a good one, that user did well. Really makes me think what the fuck was wrong with her though, I mean he said it himself
>8.5, charming, funny, genuinely nice
And yet somehow she still thought having a mixed kid would be alright, like most people wouldn't care or think it was good? Riding the carousel doesn't surprise anyone any more, but actually having a kid is next level. Maybe Germans just aren't ready for the wonderful beautiful future of a multi-cultural and diverse Germany.
>The reported, reported on Wednesday in the early morning hours at the Ulm police and stated that she had killed her son.
>Why, is still unclear.
Holy shit.
>On the bell sign is the name of the mother and also that of the father, which according to the neighbors according to the details but had moved out a long time ago.
>The man obviously had taken care of his child. He has come again and again, have picked up his son and played with him, they say
Yeah right.
Do you have any more, canadabro?
A mosaic of all tolls to form the head of the Tyrone cartoon.
Best thing yet. Love this. Thanks user.
Have another good one.
You date them then if you're so chivalrous. Get the fuck off this website and go date single moms or shut the fuck up.
No. It's because whites should never get too closed to blacks. Niggers will destroy you and everything you've created.
Looks Talmudic to me
That guy did the right thing. Thots must learn that monogamy is the only option.
>tfw it's a reverse ruse and it's actually his wife's son
Isn't this the one where some guy responded and tore her shit apart? Pretty sure it's a two-parter. Or maybe I'm confusing this one with another one where a chick also asked for an open relationship and got shit on.
> there, there, you're nice you'll find someone, don't call me ever
>That guy did the right thing.
no shit
The woman looks kind of retarded.
honestly, everything was great! then why the fuck are you worrying about fucking other guys? stupid women
>This isn't what I intended at all, I wanted the freedom to act in the moment. He is taking this as a free pass to regularly fuck some girl.
Never get tired of reading this one.
Big, if true.
Gone full Witch Doctor. Voodoo'd her shit up
This is not true, I hope it's not too late for you but racism doesn't bring any good to your life, negative emotions narrow and stall whilst positive emotions broaden and build. Keeping this toxic mentality will limit a lot your social skills.
every time.
Its real,
What is it?
>burned coal
>paid toll
>the end
Why do coal-burners always have such whorish eyes?
>Engulf flames upon the coal
>Bestow payment upon the toll
Another one. Alyssa Taft.
This image always fucks me up. That one demon eye looks right into my soul.
>a woman has eyes
>Sup Forums virgin says woman has 'whore' eyes
>be with fiancee running some tests in college
>Sitting in some shitware table with our computers
>random whore starts teasing me because apparently she lost a bet and had to tease the nerd
>fiancee lets it happen for 2 minutes before headbutting her in the nose.
>Almost get expelled.
I didnt know i could feel this way
my favorite toll
There should be an app that has a data base of all coal burners. It would be submitted anonymously (the names and pictures of said women) by men who know mud sharks or other such race mixers. And if a white man starts getting intiment with a woman he can search her name up and see if she's worth his time
>blank receiver line
maximum kek
>before headbutting her in the nose
Your gf is insane.
That's genius. Could also just be a website or something
It’s crazy. Brown people and orientals are at least human. Negroes are below us, it’s not race-mixing with them, it’s beastiality.
Great idea except how could you prove the women listed actually fucked niggers? Like, what would stop bitter betas from trying to ruin the reps of girls that didn't want to fuck them by claiming that they're nigfuckers?
>thinks all women's eyes look whorish because mother has same whore-eyes
t. (You)
Acid attack. Libs claim it's more humane than shooting.
Simple. Social media pics they've posted with said nigger.
>violently attack a person for no good reason
>check flag
Carry on
i feel sad and angry when a nigger beats a white women to death.
It's a sad sign of the times that most whites just say "good" instead of going after the nigger. Should have went after the nigger the moment she got together with him.
In Coney Island the Russians beat the shit out of some nog that tried dating a russian girl.
White people don't do anything
Poor women, theyve been lied to and they pay the price. Ive dated and fucked dozens of black women due to cheap abundance here around DC. Black men don't know how to fuck, once Ive fucked a black woman they cannot get enough and its pretty hard to get them to leave me alone
I love how it's implied by her writing that she did nothing wrong. Holy fuck Women can never accept responsibility ever. Anons just pump and dump seriously - romance was a lie, and it destroyed our civilization. Please don't let it destroy you too.