Hello Sup Forums. I am a Canadian millionaire (will not reveal my identity)
And I plan on throwing my immense financial wealth into the political arena and hopefully pull another Trump phenomenon in Canada.
But what advice could you give me? Where should I start and how can we build together a movement from there?
Eli Davis
Your not getting anywhere with your $760,000 usd money. Buy some bitcoin and come back when you have 25 million
Anthony Perez
million canadian dollars aren't worth jack shit try becoming canadian billionaire first
Chase Fisher
Andrew Powell
Honestly why not just push an Albertan secession movement? I really can't see any sane candidate winning up there, and it doesn't seem like you have one picked out already anyway.
Brayden Turner
I would suggest asking donald Do help with your campaign, also once elected Add Free speach. ive heard of a person being sued by the hr department of canada for making a JOKE! so yea canada is nice but Definitly needs improvements. also learn politics.
Jackson Perry
> build the meme army > praise kek
Evan Murphy
is prob craig ofield
Jonathan Perez
would like to help out first though, are you a kike?
Carson Ward
Purchase shares in Minds before it gets huge
Noah Smith
Give me Bitcoin, I'll make you famous
Ayden Thompson
My total net worth is close to 100 million USD.
Albertan secession wouldn't make sense. The province is still very Canadian of heart and loyal to the queen.
I contacted a close adviser to Donald Trump and we had a shot but interesting discussion. The problem is that I'm not invested into politics now and they're not particularly interested in 'woulds' and 'coulds'.
I won't reveal my exact ancestry but no, I'm not Jewish. Definitively your typical white Canadian when it comes to ethnic make up.
Levi Fisher
Really user, you have to look at every day problems and concerns of middleclass working familys, vets, college graduates. Jobs, immigration, tradition is what concerns most people now days. If you want to get into politics start a liberty movement that speaks truth to power about these issues. Reach out to the native tribes bc they suffer and have poor family structure.
Jeremiah Harris
A Trump strategy would only be viable if you could somehow ignite any sort of nationalism within a densely populated province
good fucking luck
your only real shot is Quebec and they just wanna be a separate nation enirely
James Lewis
>I am a Canadian millionaire no no, you're a worthless leafcunt and pure scum at that burn hang die
Julian Jackson
Shut the fuck up leaf
Alexander Hill
You need to get with steve bannon to find out if he has connections in canada. Hes a great strategist and it wouldnt hurt having a media agency get your message out. Is there anything in canada like breitbart?
Levi Jackson
Step one...be a billionaire
Step two...kys.
Isaac Robinson
Also its really important to be active on social media
Leo Smith
Can I have 30k to pay off my student denbts?
Kayden Ramirez
def Craig or Jason Ofield
Leo Fisher
Canada's Fucked. You'll need to re-write everything to make this country do better. Especially #3 & #4:
1. End Federal tax. 2. End Federal regulations. 3. Declare a real Canadian Independence, which includes separation of a Governor General. 4. Declare the position of Governor General to the People of Canada; This will allow us to vote on politics directly which includes impeachment. 5. Institute a Constitution which has amendments similar to America (Freedom of speech & press, the right to bear guns for protection against tyrants, ect). 6. Begin the United Provinces of Canada with a constitution and federal laws, the rest is province regulated. 7. Cut our ties to European countries, deal exclusively with or through America for all trade. 8. Convince provinces to reform and simplify their tax system to allow businesses to bloom. 9. De-Regulate broadcasting and communications to allow companies other than Bell/Rogers/Telus to hold ownership. 10. Introduce laws to public transparency within our corrupted politicians. 11. Reform education system, & Destroy the teacher's Union. 12. Privatize major sports teams and remove their subsidies. 13. Annex Indian reserves, they either assimilate or get out. 14. Reform the welfare system into an apprenticeship program, either working or learning a trade. 15. Make healthcare optional, introduce better options to paying/not paying at all. 16. Reduce/Remove taxes on gasoline/Hydro.