Why are millennials so unintelligent? You'd think growing up with the internet they'd be super smart and aware of whats going on
Why are millennials so unintelligent...
they dont drink enough water
>people retweeted instead of realizing that she's a bad person and therefore will be a horrible mom
All young people of any generation are stupid.
What's the problem? What does 4k RTS mean?
Warhammer 40k? Real time strategy?
They're worse gen. Gen y girls as worse.
RTs is not RTS learn to read wop
is this fucking real
That's actually fucking hilarious. How does it feel to know that a literal female has a better sense of humour than you?
They're drowning in a sea of meaningless distractions.
Western women is literally the biggest failure in education/upbringing in history.
Future generations will look into this period as an example of WHAT NOT TO DO.
this was the same girl that got gangbanged in a high school restroom by a bunch of niggers
she was like 14
shit was all over Sup Forums
>she aborts it, and a baby is murdered
>she doesn't abort it, and a baby is raised by that cunt
i don't know
Growing up in the age of reality tv and nigger culture. I remember in high school people would use "white" as a derogatory word. Like "you're so white bro". This was like a 99% white school
>shorter attention spans
>a never ending stream of distractions and quick fixes
>the internet and porn destroying your brain
>not even trying to recall that actor's name because you can google it
>no more taking a decision by yourself when you can look at thousands of opinions of others for even the smallest bullshit
>less hanging out with real people
>less morals
>a lot more of space to spread ideology
>a lot of people with a voice when they shouldn't have a voice
nice trippy dubbs bruuh
Retweets. She is asking for 4000 people to retweet her and then she won't abort the baby. According to the pic nearly 11,000 people RT'd. The problem is that she should be aborted.
society has been collapsing for millenia. We'll tread on miserably as we always have
Real Time strategy
And the water they do drink is tap water. Niggers only drink juice and sports drink
lol that's a trap
were not all fucking retarded just a lot of us and especially the ones that use twitter and kikebook
It's the Liberalism/Socialism/communism that has invaded the educational system here.
It's like growing up with an all you can eat buffet. You won't have a super healthy kids. Just fat asses. You need control.
The strange blinking and mild facial contortions remind me of Hillary's strange epileptic episodes. Is something wrong with her?
All I see are people looking at their phones all the time, consuming entertainment. It is all passive. No brain engagement. No imagination themselves. Just being fed stimulation like zombies. Modern humans just keep getting worse and worse.
It is because people, regardless of generation, and generation after generation, are generally unintelligent.
It's hard to use the internet to become educated. It is far easier to use it to say, "mup da doo didda" on sites like goybook.
After all, what are you doing right now?
Because instead of exposing themselves to other opinions, they instead surround themselves in like-minded sheeple on Twitter, Neogaf, etc
>hfw I open my goy dick
its all the niggers
>And the water they do drink is tap water
Whats wrong with tap water?
>people actually want to save a life and dont care about the mother
this gif needs to be flipped
>people can't see her contempt for her role as a mother, her contempt for her child or how she uses her self-centered dark humour in an act of vanity
The milk's getting to her brain
>interests: dancing
>looking for date
>spend winter with
we are doomed with retards like this breeding
It turns you gay
Do you even know what water is Pajeet?
Yes, do you even know what xenoestrogens are?
I don't speak Spanish
Imagine findin an old image of your mother where shes decides if u get to exist based on retweets or likes. At least ud know where u really came from
This slut is not fit to be a parent.
What happens if i drink the water from the polluted corpse soaked ganges?
growing up with the internet is a major reason why they're stupid
Is that why you guys refuse to sit on toilets?
Radiation. Ionizing and otherwise. The human race is gradually being turned into mush as each generation has it's DNA polluted by microwaves. Tunnel into the ground if you want to escape it!
>growing up with the internet
That's gen Z isn't it?
I want off
I woodn't stick my wood in
Nothing, gnages has antibacterial properties
>he doesn't realize bottled water is just tap water with extra steps
Most people dont use the internet to learn they use it to be fucking narcissists. They spend their time on fucking facebook or twitter or whatever the fuck people use nowadays.
I'm glad I never bit the social media meme
She was never going to abort it.
She just wanted attention.
They think every interaction with anyone is therapy.
we make this the longest Sup ForumsOP ever. Find this kid cca 15 years from now and send her this pic on mother's day
First half of the 90s count as millennials too, sadly.
this, pretty sure you cant even abort it that late.
Millennials were alone before the internet, where as Gen Z (98 reporting in) was born in the early ages of the internet.
This is hilarious
she's udderly retarded
>live conflict-free
>can't deal with conflict
Gee I wonder why.
where was that video from? i need the salsa.
empire of dust
>You'd think growing up with the internet they'd be super smart and aware of whats going on
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
this is how SUPER GONORRHEA spreads
lmao ew
>taking one example as representative of a population's intelligence.
If you want something disproportionately different about millenials, look at their degeneracy, not intelligence.
>upside down cross necklace
this pic is misleading because this dumb bitches first video ever uploaded is also some uber feminist bullshit. she was never pure or good to begin with
I don't see what's bad about this. Abortion is fucking hilarious this bitch probably has a wicked sense of humour.
Maybe it's because I'm such a massively heterosexual leaf, but I don't understand why so many faggots on Sup Forums have such a problem with slutty women? I love, LOVE that so many chicks are so slutty, I have a MASSIVE hard on all the time & rarely have to go with out having it pleasured by at least a 7/10. And I'm not even that great looking, like maybe a 6 or 6.5. You guys should all try having sex with young hot women, maybe it will loosen you up a bit.
If all the knowledge in the world is on the internet then it doesn't need to be in your head too. Technology is not good for human cognition.
Stop posting these. I kinds wanna fuck this downey girl.
id smash
Samefag here. Also love that abortion is being normalized. I knocked up one chick with my irresistible dong (it's like catnip to these wonderful, wonderful young whores) & all I had to do was pay for the abortion & go with her. I'm a fucking gent too so I took her out for lunch afterwards & she gave me a dicksucking for the road.
I need that Giantess DNA for my offspring.
Im average height but who could pass on that sort of hearty breeding stock?