If this bothers you, then you need to look in the mirror.
This is powerful
>art professor
so she knows about "triggers".
i wonder if she knows about hairstyles as well.
you know, that other form of female art.
I’m sorry?
>tries to tell us americans are the real KKK
>tells us KKK are the real americans
idunno I'm pretty contented
Where can I buy one of these
Public universities were a mistake.
Hahaha this
Bothers me? Nigger i want those mass produced!
big if tru
This is what you will see, including you OP.
This is why you don't name your daughter Billie.
She's going to end up making KKK hats.
I don't mind lefitist artists that are talented. I really don't. This is infuriating.
what bothers me is teachers waste their time doing these things instead of actually helping the poor
If these idiots hate USA so much they should move to Liberia and see firsthand why blacks needed to be kept in line.
>art professor
Sweet come back, Aiden. Fucking white people are so unoriginal and corny.
it bothers me that professor became a synonym for retarded dimwit
thats illegal
This is just sad. The left is truly deranged.
I think this is the solution to the optics issue.
isnt this against the law? Im pretty sure you cant turn flags into apparel.
a genius of modern art
>so she knows about "triggers".
If only Plaxico Burress could say the same.
These idiots have NO IDEA what their doing, call someone a monster long enough, they'll believe it, and when they believe it, they'll be it. It will be a hybrid of the Freikorps and the NKVD, anyone with a collage degree, or those who've voted Democrat or even made a Tweet are going to reeducation camps, and the professors, CEO's, and major backers are going to disappear.
>i'd like to deface my representation rather than change it
these kind of people are so fucking complacent.
Now make a California flag diaper bag
In the past society could banish retards like this to some inhospitable frontier. What to do with these people today? I hope Mars becomes a viable option soon.
It bothers me because I am from Spain, amd that lady is a fucking idiot.
Not at all.
well KKK is a exclusive american thing
id never heard of KKK anywere else and KKK its a fucking way of laugh here in brazil
A fucking kike. Stfu you commie faggot
what bothers me is that they're not for sale on amazon.
so powerful........................................
Civic nationalism
hot damn where can I pick one of those bad boys up?
>dress up as Carol from Walking Dead for Halloween and make signalling "art"
I literally could not care less.
Dude totally man
I want one.
>This is not the first time Lynn has flaunted the masks to the Miami community. Last October, at one of Wynwood’s monthly art walks, she and the five students in her advanced sculpture class wore the hoods and walked the streets of the art-centric neighborhood, holding signs that said, “Bigotry is not patriotic.”
>One of the students, who wanted to remain anonymous, described wearing the masks as challenging and overwhelming. Putting the mask on immediately stripped the student of identity and individualism.
>“As a Jewish person wearing this KKK mask and to not be mentally affected is very challenging,” the student said, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a minor in sculpture art.
>The student said they received mostly positive feedback from onlookers who gave them thumbs ups or took pictures to post on Facebook but were eventually thrown out of the Wynwood Walls when its security guards were instructed to remove them from the property.
>Then you need to look in the mirror
You absolute faggot.
> file name: ku-klux-klan-holy-week
holy fucking shit....
my almonds.......
It does not bother me too look at these hoods.
What does bother me is that you are so easily manipulated into thinking this is art or deep, when it is an obvious PR stunt by a horrific artist.
This so called artist wishes to be on the forefront of the art world and has done something she knew would shock to gain notoriety, not progress a message. People who really want change to not so deliberately attack like this. They come with an olive branch, not a talon full of arrows.
Don't be such a coward, don't feel as though shaming people will get you anything but the sword which is truly what you want because you want to genocide adverse thoughts as much as than Klan does.
Does anyone here not care if they die?
I'd join the army but my eyesight is so shit.
I always thought the white ones were boring. It's about time someone came up with a good upgrade!
>be feminist dyke professor
>come up with great idea to smash the fash and fight the patriarchy
>design KKK hoods made from American flags
>haha that will teach those Nazi bigots that they are hated
>"Nazi Bigots" fucking love the design and start producing them in mass
>every right wing protest now looks like a Klan rally on the fourth of July
>Normies see how patriotic and loving of America these "nazis" are.
>hear students say "Maybe they aren't so bad after all"
>find the nearest LGBTASTQQ+ Safe Space™ and cry while tying my noose since I just started the biggest Klan rally in history by virtue signaling
>america sucks I hate america
>chooses to live in america
>If this bothers you, then you need to look in the mirror.
dunno famalam thats pretty tame
>Uses a specific way to " fight the KKK"
>makes people side with the KKK
It's really not surprising. From a scientific standpoint the right has devolved into the lower intellect group as liberals tend to control the world and generate the most economic activities. Generally the lower IQ right will engage in self hatred behaviors such as defending Israel (believing it's in their best interests) and hating China.
They're truly the less intelligent of the group and tend to have less tesoterone (more professional athletes are liberals). It will be interesting to see the poor red states as automation starts to eliminate their manual labor positions.
i would proudly wear one of those hoods
how subtle, almost as subtle as politicial cartoons
my almond activity is approaching critical mass
wait where's the post showing the artist is secretly jewish? did I miss it?
Kkk doesnt bother me, why would it?
The Filipinos have their own KKK. Freaks out burgers visiting the islands.
>Notice me senpai.
What country was this and why weren't they killed?
A True Representation of the Democrat Party History. Well Done.
Nice effort. Try it on EDSBS sometime.
Please step on my property. PLEASE
Does he accept debit card? I'd buy those anytime
If that dyke haircut doesnt offend you then there is something wrong with you op
lmao this is the first thing i thought
>this level of delusion
Even the left thinks you're a fag, friendo.
>One study shows that rich men with large biceps are more opposed to wealth redistribution than rich men with small biceps. Another study finds that weightlifting ability correlates with support for, er, a more muscular foreign policy. Plus, get this: Men with wider faces (an indicator of testosterone levels) have been found to be more willing to outwardly express prejudicial beliefs than their thin-faced counterparts.
I want one. How much do you think she'll sell these for?
ooh look, a degenerate dyke
I'm confused, plenty of other cultures use that style of hood. Who are they to lump all cowl wearers as KKK. That seems very uncultured of them.
You might want to have your own "tesoterone" levels checked. We don't need an IQ test from you since you've already demonstrated it for us.
We need to start preparing for next Halloween. Can I order from her? Do you how much does she charges for a dozen, large?
Deep potential for photoshopping here.
Anyone willing to substitute different flags?
I would buy one.
Is there a more overhyped political organization in modern history than the KKK? They killed, what, a couple hundred people at most (most of whom probably committed sexual assault for real)?
Oh joy OP came looking to make people mad but didn't realize they walked into the wrong fucking neighborhood.
Fucking nigger faggot, trans fag, nigger nigger, sand nigger, cuck, dyke, nigger, we was kings
Welcome to Sup Forums your post was trash and you're gonna die
This is not art. This is shitty sewing skills and an even worse haircut.
So is it enough to come up with stupid ideas like this to make money being an "artist", or is it a whole lifestyle? Like, could I just start slapping Trump wigs on piles of dog crap and pretend to be a smug asshole to get media attention, or do I have to be a certified member of the "art" scene already?
You'd better be willing to spend a lot of time around Jews.
Pretty much.
well done
I'd buy one, simply for the aesthetics, which I like. The KKK are massive faggots and consist mostly of three letter agencies at this point. You can't deny that is a good looking hood. I would feel patriotic and be safe from sunburn on my head and neck, which are problem areas for a bald dude.
Where can i get one?
Those look pretty cool desu
10/10 would buy
>t. mongrel catholic
Someone with Twitter or something ask her where we send the orders to and ask for over 9,000 of them do it now faggots
>sees right as intellectually inferior 'from a scientific standpoint'
>left is comprised of 'college' educated idiots and hordes of sub IQ mudlings (from a scientific standpoint, of course)
really gets the 'ol pudding cup stirring there, bernie
Can't you save up for Lasik or something?
>America will never be the racist White Supremacist state Liberals insist it is
I always liked the Klan's hoods. They're cute. This is a lot better than "performance art" where some dumpy feminist eats processed food, drinks wine, and fucks random strangers in a bed for three days and leaves the mess as an exhibit.
>Bitter Old Rugmuncher Tries To Be Profound
>Unwittingly creates Moonman allies.
The left pretends that treason is patriotism.
Man I wish I lived in their fantasy, life would actually be wonderful.
those masks look aesthetic as hell
i want one
Did she accidentally create the new KKK uniform? It looks like that's what's happening here
2:45 p.m. A friend of mine, a highly successful and very well known painter, calls to say hello and to invite me to an opening. I get a great kick out of this guy because, unlike some artists I’ve met, he’s totally unpretentious.
A few months back he invited me to come to his studio. We were standing around talking, when all of a sudden he said to me, “Do you want to see me earn twenty-five thousand dollars before lunch?” “Sure,” I said, having no idea what he meant. He picked up a large open bucket of paint and splashed some on a piece of canvas stretched on the floor. Then he picked up another bucket, containing a different color, and splashed some of that on the canvas. He did this four times, and it took him perhaps two minutes. When he was done, he turned to me and said, “Well, that’s it. I’ve just earned twenty-five thousand dollars. Let’s go to lunch.”
-Donald Trump, Art of the deal
Yes, liberal "artists" are all frauds. We have already been instructed by our God Emperor.