/IOTBW/ The Left Can't Meme Edition

Do Not Alter The Message
Do Not Alter The Flyers
Anyone Who Tries To Change Things Is A Shill
There Is No Phase 2

It's Okay To Be White. 5 words. Simple, elegant, effective. The plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.
To take part just print the flyers, post them in legal areas, and get home safely. Work at night, work with hoodies and sun glasses, work quickly and move on.
The goal is to expose the media's anti-white bias through their reaction to a harmless flyer. It is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.
The Antifa protests fell on deaf ears and failed. The 5 words are succeeding. The Plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2. Anyone who suggests change is a shill.

>We should do "it's oaky to be black" next and see them treat it differently!
Every US/Canadian campus is already covered with pro-"PoC" posters and propaganda. Showing a pro-"PoC" bias is not the point and proves nothing we don't already know. The point is to expose their anti-white bias in as blatant a way possible.
>"Okay" is too weak! We need a stronger message!
The weakness of the word "Okay" is the point. We are showing that there is no low you can sink to that will make them happy. To them it isn't even "okay" to be white. People on social media have had the correct response and are starting to declare pride in being white. The Plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.

List of media responses:

Other urls found in this thread:



Honk Honk
Honk Honk

I'm very proud of you Sup Forums.

Great campaign, guys. Pure, simple and persuasion perfection.


the idea is to hide your fucking powerlevel and insist that it's just an innocent "it's okay to be white." If people start being Nazis and supporting the posters, then liberals can just dismiss it all with dogwhistles and moderates won't be convinced.

And almost a year to the day of Trump getting elected. What a timeline we have.

Apparently according to the President of the University of Alberta these posters fall under

>Messaging or displays that target or marginalize any individuals or groups will not be tolerated. We are working with University of Alberta Protective Services to find the parties responsible.


Dr David Turpin
[email protected]

good job OP, you should continue to be the OP for these threads to stop the stormfront retards here from pulling retarded shit like this:





I've been watching the #itsokaytobewhite and there is almost none of this happening. I think it is largely just shills LARPing in these threads. Most of the response is "Is it not okay?" "I'm proud to be white" and "What if it said black?"

I'll do my best, but everyone has to sleep some time. We just have to keep sticking to the plan and the shills will have no power over us.

shills might do it regardless but I agree, they're desperately looking for some way of to twist it
let them fucking starve

I think this is correct... you have to look at it from a human point of view, if people for instance post it onto their facekike and are talking amongst libcuck friends they can attack with "what its not okay to be white", whereas shills can't do this shill are entites just like us but are without people they know on social media so can't uphold any shill tackics on an interpersonal level. Thats why it is such a fucking powerfull meme and why we always win. Our convictions are with reduced power levels amongst people we know and full power on Sup Forums

That's good stuff man.


Did my part and spread some 30 sheets around the inner city and another 15 around town.
Lessons learned
>Wear more comfy shoes
>Don't announce
Not sure if it was just the weekend but I never saw so much cops and private security around the campus
>Tape is shit, takes to long
>Wheat paste for the win, but still takes to long

Will do another session next week and get some stickers.

Kek, that .jpg... its like they can't help themselves... i think this might be the most powerful meme i have ever witnessed.

>I never saw so much cops and private security around the campus
That might have been due to antifa's failed revolution. They made a big deal of what was going to happen today and no one wants their school to be the one burning down on the news. It turned out to be nothing of course, as it always is, but cops can't take that chance.

I think the next big day to do it will be thanksgiving. That's basically "White Guilt Day" here in the U.S. and the perfect time to make another push. That's my personal plan anyway. and I won't be doing colleges, just normal high traffic areas that are empty at night. better chance they will stick around longer and more people will see them.

Good work on spreading the message tho user.

>reduced power levels
I'm pretty much always top gear irl
aside from uni
you made Adolf proud
it's a masterstroke and could snowball into something huge
gotta keep the pressure on

We can all be proud that we threw the snowball that started the avalanche that became the white out.

some user had his removed but apparently pic related started popping up on campus

>normal high traffic areas
My impression to. Like bicycle paths along rivers, bus stops, shopping streets... also a lot of antifa graffitis and stickers that need to be hidden behind an IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE poster around those areas.
Adolf was a German, but thanks user

We need more people posting these desu senpai t឵bh f឵am

I saw that. That's a school from California so I'm not surprised. Stuff like that is why I am waiting a few weeks and going to non college areas.

I am in new york city now. Groids seriously chimped out by their protest for posting stickers. They kept trying to fight us and even attacked some of us by shoving and grabbing us

>Like bicycle paths along rivers, bus stops, shopping streets
These are good locations. But there is a better option in the US. We have something called "Black Friday" it is the day after Thanksgiving where all the stores have huge sales and people go nuts. You can have a good laugh at our expense if you look the chaos up on youtube. So basically around malls and large stores like walmart there will be a guarantee of extra high foot traffic. Thanksgiving/Black Friday, to me, are the prefect days and areas to post flyers and be seen by the maximum amount of people.

college areas are the best though
you're guaranteed reactions and if you're lucky they'll alert the media

If it's okay to be white, then how come you guys didn't print the posters in a white font?

Checkmate idiots.

maybe they were pissed at the shitty font?

>not false flagging as your own side to make them look bad and work harder.jpg.
Do you even memetic warfare bro?

>alt-right taqiyya
if you have to be insincere, you're doing something wrong

Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!!

holy shit, Sup Forums on suicide watch!

how will Sup Forums ever ever recover?

yikes, sucks to be Sup Forums right now

I'm always about 8/10. i don't call out the kikes or use nigger... everything else is on the table

You know we can see you samefagging right?

Leaf friend. You know we can see this is all you right? See the "Tj2fHyUj" next to your flag? That is your id. It's okay, you're new here. You'll learn. But you might want to hold off on posting and read threads for a while to learn the ropes before you post again so you don't embarrass yourself again.

Leaf you need to see a doctor, I think you might have brain problems. I know it will take six months but please, do it for yourself man.

Oi leaf faggot... you're here forever

its a joke you dips

Take it down and replace with IOTBW sign or post over it.


newfag detected... guess what frendo, you're here forever...

Does anyone have that meme where shills get redpilled too?!

Thank you for the (You)s

what the fuck is wrong with canada?

tf is wrong with you?
I got tired of pretending
now every time I hear about the holohoax, I mercilessly destroy the narrative and then go straight into jewish influence and white genocide
it may not work the second I do it but I know that once they know what's going on it's merely a matter of time before they start seeing the propaganda for what it is
being eloquent helps too

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid to do so

lol okay


jesus fucking christ you people, go back to r.eddit and take your extra chromosomes with you.

It's fucking bait for you (you)s, he's done it in more then one thread

I propose the addition of a dotted line between the "okay" and "to be" to help guide the viewer to the message and to underline the ITS OKAY.
I should relay that the original design is indeed the best and should not be altered.

Printed sheets inserted in popular library books would make the news quickly.

If you can print business cards that could be awesome.

So might rubber stamps for graffiti on indoor smooth surfaces. You can buy universal rubber stamp pads and the small stamp size lends itself to frequent use.

>I'm very proud of you Sup Forums.

>proud of you Sup Forums.

>proud of Sup Forums.

Hi there newfriend.

I will be proud of Sup Forums when you actually make some good posters. Not homosexual sheets like this.For how many days have you been doing this shit now anyway? All these sheets, and not a single funny one. I am disappoint. Where are the memes? Where are the racist ones? Do it for the lulz ffs!


Keep collecting that salt


dyed blond hair

It's Better To Be Black.

Fuck off Jewnigger.

If advise against this route. It's better to have the messages be intrusive only in the public sphere. Adding them onto people's private property or in books will have a negative effect.

>four girls who dye their hair to seem more aryan than they are

Go fuck yourself, reddit newfag.

Sup Forums is always right

Fuck off Jewnigger. Years ago people wouldn't have thought a weeb image board would tip a Presidential election.

Thats a good one user, but there is another one... i should have saved it... it will turn up at some point, it always does.... oh yeh i go into white genocide and equate juden with marxism... i skate on the jew question but i use it to attack libcucks, "but musims hate jews" and such


at least you know how to green txt, newfag



>dyed hair to appear more aryan than she actually is

You didn't STAY ON MESSAGE, Shlomo Dindustein.

Kek, thats going into my bait folder, fukken saved!!!!

strawman as stupid as evil nazis want to genocide minorities
>stalking leafs on Sup Forums
please go tell that to the media

>The Left Can't Meme
Correction: the wings can't meme. This trolling campaign is the work of we the radical centrists.

There are already plenty of keks around to harvest. This seed is good and needs no genetic engineering.

Used a stamp to mass produce

The subtlety is the beauty of it

Wait, it's okay to be white? I don't understand this meme.

Off tomorrow, might finally contribute

You larpfags are just to affraid to make a:

Hitler did nothing wrong sheet


Gas the kikes sheet

Therefore you're all a bunch of faggots.

We can tell you're new

BUMP you magnificent anons!

We know, we just want everyone to know that it's not bad to be white, don't let the media brainwash you

Careful. (You)s are addicting.

U of T is the only real university.

>we know


Noone is doing that except for lefty larpers

Concern troll detected seeking to induce a counterproductive outcome.

War is about winning, not sperging. Spergtardrage is not self-mastery. The Jew must be defeated by very strong people who master themselves against the devious Yid.

Gargle hobonuts, Shmuel.

Deus Vult anons, here's a bump

h/o it was missing the hook

kek... reeeee-saved

I think you just got here from reddit or something. Fuck off and fuck your stupid sheets.


These insane crackers have the nerve to say it's ok to exist and not be made minorities in their own homelands when all white people who live on the planet took the peaceful native americans land.

They dont hes just larping. If he tries to get you on anything except putting posters up without a seal of approval sue the fucking scumbag commie

in my english lecture, prof brought up these posters on our campus, told us to rip them down if we see them.

You're not accomplishing anything. Stop fooling yourself. At least make it funny with some dank Sup Forums memes.

bump bumpity bumpbumpbump

well well well, I'm honestly surprised it took him that long.

>fuck them damn negroes
don't lie you want to colonize the fuck out of them

kill me


Can you tell how we know you're new?

I had the other one
can't find it anymore tho
fucking perfect
stamp the walls !
be safe though
>pathetic attempt