is this already normal in america?
Is this already normal in america?
Niggers have a caveman mentality, if they cant understand it thet attack it
Yeah, kind of like Colonge.
If you get surrounded, it's already too late.
yeah, they're basically hyenas
>german "women"
No, she isn't getting raped or killed. Looks like a pro-white group.
No, hyenas actually have decent intelligence, your statement is insulting to hyenas.
America is falling apart at the seams, morally, socially and politically
The american Dream is DEAD
They really are just like wild animals.
don't you have some food stamps to collect you melon johnny
she relaxed
If you relax, or burn the coal
black communities are segregated. black schools are segregated. So the fact that there is a white person there makes no sense... to send your child there would be a death sentence
bring back lynching
Most likely burned the coal.
Sending a white girl to a school with niggers is a form of child abuse. Niggers deserve to be kept in the shitty schools they have taken over, and upon graduation day they should be shipped to prison.
No trial, 30 years prison.
requesting that pic from where two 30y/o dudes sit in middle school class with teen Germans girls
Germany you have worse issues my friend
my theory: girl was a coalburner. wanted to go to school with her boyfran and paid the toll
>ever putting yourself in that position of being surrounded by 30 niggers
Maybe after this lesson her situational awareness will improve.
Or you know, we could just have segregated communities and just lynch your violent thug asses whenever you leave your shitty drug filled ghettos.
Hahahaha so wrong.
I went to a great school that was 90% white. The town made a deal to bus in niggers from "less unfortunate neighborhoods" and my school went to 50% white and became a gang infested shit hole where blacks would randomly try and attack whites just for being white.
Surprisingly the Mexicans all banded together and started beating every nigger they came across until they were sort of in line. Wish whites would act like that but they just stood around and watched a their fellow whites were jumped. Some even cheered it on.
at least she still has the constitution
>B-b-but germoney!
So this is the power of le 56%.
Young male niggers are kind of like stray dogs. If you see one on the street you should be alert. He could be super friendly or he can attack you without provocation. If you look afraid, he'll make you a victim. If theyre alone they are a lot less bold. I use to challenge these assholes but it got to be a weekly occurrence. Moved out of nigger town, life is good.
Or maybe the dipshit parents who put her there will finally take her out of that hell hole.
bruh Im not talking about le 10% blacks thats in every community, I mean real nigger communities, real nigger schools like in OPs gif. White people dont go near there
Can someone provide some context? Where the fuck is this happening, lmfao?
you know how you stop this? you stab them a week later in class
after watching the video why would anyone want to interact with you at all?
nigger single mothers send their kids to the nice white schools cuz dey keed uh gud keed he ned dat gud eduhcashun. whites have to constantly move to get away from niggers.
Kek. We're a proposition nation!