"Under a free market, niggers would be expelled from our economy" said the libertarian.
The only system that works in the long run is non-marxist socialism.
"Under a free market, niggers would be expelled from our economy" said the libertarian.
The only system that works in the long run is non-marxist socialism.
Holy shit, this is actually a thing?
I wonder if the creditors are black Israelites?
This is literally self-segregation you idiot. Freedom of association wins again.
good for them, i dont understand what the point op is making
I'm guessing "Trusted sellers" isn't a thing with this community.
Wew lad
These Sub-Saharan w/ whte dna niggers are the worst. The amount of times I had to lay down scientific fact that their DNA is not of that of ancient Israel but nigger.
Time to register webuywhite.com
>meme flag faggot
>afraid some nigger union has a higher IQ than me
gas yourself kike
slave ownership is back on the market?
Fug they registered webuywhite too
top fucking kek
100% This.
Well you never actually buy or sell anything. You just try to sell something and then get mugged whenever you meet a “customer” for a deal.
Kind of odd how personal hygiene products are listed under "entertainment"
It becomes Pinterest on steroids basically.
>"Ayo, I made this postcard and hot glued it to a piece of wood for a center piece! Pay me $100 for it or da wiypeepo win!"
NoFuckingNiggers it is.
In theory, niggers can pump millions of welfare dollars into their community without even working.
how much are they selling blacks for?
I think you mean "webuyblacks.com"
Are you guys really getting race war or segregation back? Because this looks really wierd if not scam.
Crack market must be BOOMING
nice digits lad
I wonder why this book isn't so popular..
>be nigger
>go to webuyblack cos i gotta buy some shiettt
>go to a brothers online store
>send him the money
>the nigger scams me
>a-atleast the money is kept in the community.
>keep our money in our community
You mean keep the welfare money in your community.
>all the retards in the thread not supporting this
I thought this was an ethnostate board? Or is pol just full of retarded stormniggers as usual?
Let them keep their money in their community. I'll be sure to keep mine out of it.
Libertarianism only works as long as all participants want it, it's not more feasible than communism.
This, it's Jared Taylor's vision in action.
Talk them into never putting money directly into whites' hands, put it on the counter and make them pick it up.
>"Under a free market, niggers would be expelled from our economy" said the libertarian.
>The only system that works in the long run is non-marxist s̶o̶c̶i̶a̶l̶i̶s̶m̶ parasitism.
Are you retarded? Niggers are voluntarily excluding themselves from our economy, literally engaging in voluntary self-segregation, and you're still complaining.
They see bathing as foreplay.
Kek. But then the nigger blows it all on KFC, weed and some Air Jordans.
>mfw a stein owns the website
It is kind of amazing that Blacks don't learn anything from the Asians.
After WW2 and the Vietnam War white people fucking hated Asians and were super-racist to them, Asians buckled down, worked hard, kept their community in check to limit crime and bad stereotypes related to crime from rising up and pushed education above everything else onto their kids.
The Result?
Asians in sixty years made more social and economic progress than blacks did in two hundred.
Black people need to value education.
Which means they need funding for schools which comes from property taxes in the US(I think, schools are funded at the state level in Australia but I've read that they're done at a local/city level in the US, correct me if I'm wrong please).
So they need to improve the value of their neighbourhoods.
The 'hoods have shit-tier housing prices and thus low property taxes because they're full of crime both reported and under-reported.
So they need to, as a community, isolate and remove criminals from their culture instead of accepting them and casting out people who are successful as Uncle Toms.
So they need more police and a community willing to work with the police instead of stonewalling them all the time.
That will raise the value of their properties, increase business investment in the area, improve employment rates and help their schools.
Higher education(actually learning not just getting affirmative actioned in) will lead to better income and social/economic progress.
Ask almost any black person what they think Black people can do to improve their communities and they'll start talking about what white people HAVE to do first.
They seem to think that the tail wags the dog not the other way around.
>Self help books for niggers
>4500 Black owned businesses
I bet 10 Bucks half of these "businesses" is your average Tyrone selling Crack on the street corner.
>Be white
>Make shitty jewelry or art that no one wants to buy
>create an account on webuyblacks.com
>claim your a black wymon or a nigga
>claim it's 100% white person free
>claim all your employees are POC
>sell your shitty shit
>blacks BTFO?
oy vey, calm it down
It would actually be illegal to not allow you to sell items based on the color of your skin. No need to lie, just apply, get knocked back. Take them to court and profit much more then what ever shit you were planning to sell on it.
I am guessing around 95 percent of all merchandise is WE WUZ merchandise. African nigger garb, wife beaters, fake gold chains, grillz, etc.
>500 african hair braiding shops
>they got 77k from kickstarter or wherever.
they built this website.. for 77k?
>pic related is their mission, not very "equal".
I'm all for black communities trying to better themselves though.
What exactly is your objection to the existence of black people?
They only sell stolen merchandise.
What the fuck are you talking about stormie brainlet.
I suggest them to create their own currency, too.
In a free market this kind of discrimination for non essential goods and services would be fine. Cause now you have a whole market that these people have decided to say "fuck you" to. A market which you can now service with a smile and small extra fee.
You are the Jew now OP happy profits.
Yes it is because you have the ability to opt out of libertarianism if you want to and go form your own community. You can be a fucking card carrying commie if you want to in a libertarian community. Providing you find other commies who are willing to provide each according to his ability and give to each according to need
>Whatever you're looking for, start here and support over 4500 white owned businesses! Let's keep our money in the White community!
Pretty funny
Looks like most of the businesses offer 10% off to "we buy black" users. If you're white and for some reason eat soul food, you should demand your 10% discount before you kys.
This is amazing.