It's okay to be Mexican-American
nice feet
you mean just American?
i saw them yesterday in nyc. i knew i recognized them from somewhere
He actually means Aztlani, esé.
I know where these chicks parents live saw them a couple a Times down here in mission
post it than u faggot.
PayPal me 500 bucks and your feet
I'm so tired of seeing these faces. They're not attractive (except the far left)
it is NEVER EVER okay to be a chicano.
in Mexico absolutely.
Pick one.
Strike that, only whites can truly be American so go back to your desert cartel of a country before we collectively lose it and bring an end to your kind.
I would actually go so far as to say that Mexican female are worse than Mexican men.
If you've met them, they are loudmouthed anti-white retards. Some of the most damaged mexisluts crave white dick, but most are in the business of blaming their low IQ's and their life's successive failures on white men.
As long as you’re legal, love the country and speak English. But for the love of gods cock, stop playing that oompah loompah music in public. Shits embarrassing and annoying as hell.
Not really
Mexicans are the only group of people I've ever met where the men are better than the women. The women are fat ugly anti white whores, who are dumb as rocks. The men aren't white but they aren't as bad in general
just realized they're quadruplets
Theyre 17, they turn 18 on November 8 and I've seen this pictures circulated for at least a year. If you have to post 16 year olds to try and say Mexican girls are attractive, then that's fucking sad. They will be fat and disgusting by 19/20
>It's okay to be Mexican-American
In Mexico
I'm sure they have some Jew in them
how do you know their birthday
Why does this make me so horny?
This they drive me fucking insane so loud so dumb
Some user posted a screenshot of their 17th birthday and the date was nov 8 2016. Realistically shouldn't the mods ban OP?
You have to go Paco.
It is okay to be a mexican in Mexico
Same goes for white women. I'm a Latino, born and raised in SoCal, and I don't even speak Spanish. I spent a large portion of my life in the suburbs and my family was hated on just for being brown there. That didn't stop their daughters from jumping my bones. One minute they were talking shit, saying Mexicans are dirty (but I was a "clean" Mexican) and the next those stupid bitches were rubbing on my dick (we were like 14, mind you). I had and still have total white bros that never talked shit to me about race and were consistent across the board. White girls are racist and shallow as fuck, but they just love colored dick. Slowly, I distanced myself from most white people after I became redpilled and we ended up moving away, but most of my gfs or FWBs were white, and I'm a short, brown guy. White girls are racist and shallow as fuck, but they LOVE brown cock. They're batshit crazy and I would never marry one. Thank God I ended up with a nice, light skinned, QT Latina chick. We have a daughter on the way and when she gets older, I'm going to tell her to stay the fuck away from white people, the girls especially lol.
No it fuckin' isn't. All you fuckin' faggot ass pieces of shit need to be lined up and shot in your fuckin' cocksuckin' beaner faces. Even your fuckin' nasty little children.
Fuck you motherfuckin' spics. Fuckin' kill every god damn one of you cocksuckin' pieces of trash.
>It's okay to be American.
Mexicans are not white Mexicans are brown.
It is not ok to be mexican.
>oompah loompah music
you have to go back
It has literally never been OK to be Mexican-American.
And never will be.
Only whites are true Americans.
Go back to Mexico you dirty spic demon
As long as you stay in Mexico-America.
It's funny, I see non white women the same way. When I fuck a spic it's the most filthy, degrading shit to her. Spit on face, fuck her face hard, fuck her in public and all that shit.
I have a peice of information for you, race mixing - sex is degenerate and filthy as fuck. Race mixers are the biggest whores, any white girl who would fuck with a non-white is degenerate trash, same as any spicess who would fuck with a white guy.
Yeah it could be American culture that deteriorates all women. I've met plenty of decent girls in Tijuana.
Women are already predisposed to seek thrills rather than anything substantive. That might be why they like to give flak to white men; they expect some kind of titillating response without the threat of violence.
Would sniff of all their asses for hours, goddamn...
>when I fuck
Stop right there. We both no you never fucked anyone except maybe your dog, you mong.
Wow; wtf? Im not lying at all, but whatever. Sounds like your triggered.
>They will be fat and disgusting by 19/20
this, also sage because this thread is fucking retarded
I want to impregnate all of them. WTF is wrong with me?
not these gross fucking horror faces again...
You may be telling the truth, but you sound like a wannabe tryhard. You must hide your power level pretty well, because I don't see how you got anywhere near the female sex by the way you sound.
You're a nigger lover. The average Mexican has 10% sub Saharan African blood, these girls almost look like they have more.
Not to mention the native genes which are arguably even more subhuman than nigger genes.
It's ok. You're Americans with Mexican blood.
filthy beaner. fuck off with your shitty fantasies.
I just smashed some Hispanic college whore a couple days ago. You're acting like they're difficult to fuck for a white guy
Oh shit sorry, replied to the wrong person
I can smell that filthy brown cunt through my computer screen
OK, Mr. Toothpaste.
Jesus, do I feel bad for that chick. Isn't it illegal to take advantage of retarded people like that?
Don't stab me Holmes.
No it's not.
This. I'm tall, blond, and hair blue eyes. Hispanic chicks are always trying to get my dick, shoving their big asses into me and everything. Not that I complain, but they're just whores.
They fart often
Can confirm. A diet full or fiber and protein makes for the cutest farts.
>tfw no spic qt to make me burritos and go to the death festival with
The one on the left looks female, but the rest are trannies right?
my gf is white and can make burritos.
They are preddy gud
why is the one on the right green screened three more times?
America was a mistake
If this was based on overall wellness (education, income, crime levels, etc) Asians should be charged the most
>be native american woman
>take entire table of goods
I think most women of the US in general regardless of ancestry turn into petty banshees unfortunately.
I think its based on progressive feminist nonsense though.
Still a beaner
They deserve it though.
Yup, you're right for the most part. I got lucky by finding a mint one early on. When you meet an innocent-looking girl, remember that she's been schlicking her wet pussy just waiting to meet the right guy. You have to be that guy. Practice on sluts, marry a virgin.
Simón que sí!
>Settling for a spic gf and not a harem
Apply yourself
Hey, ahí hay una lata de CHINGA TU MADRE, por qué no te sirves?
No it's not. Now fuck off.