What's your fucking excuse? One shitty war and you lose the will to live? You had a quarter of the land on earth and you were unchallenged on the seas. You were supposed to build a railway across Africa and bring the white man's light to that savage continent. The world could've been British.
we can still rebuild it though, an official Union between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would bring Britain back to world power status.
Jackson Ortiz
>we I want no part of that shit country or it's colonies.
Ryan Jenkins
@vanguardfuture user.
Colton Wright
>the suez crisis.
Yeah, thanks for that.
Adrian Turner
t. butthurt kraut-american
the American Revolution was a reassertion of the rights of an English citizen, the ideas of freedom and liberty america has today are from England, not any other European country. We have a duty to help the mother country when she has fallen, same for our brothers in the anglosphere.
Dylan Hall
yeah was pretty shitty on the US's part desu
Isaac Turner
Asher Gonzalez
Evan Sanchez
>jews were behind american revolution I... was not woke to this
Ethan Barnes
OP is British
Jacob Cook
>kraut-american No.. I'm just an american. I don't consider myself a faggot euro.
Matthew Powell
They shall go on to the end. They shall rapein France, they shall rape on the seas and oceans, they shall rape with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, they shall take our island, whatever the cost may be. They shall rape on the beaches, they shall rape on the landing grounds, they shall rape in the fields and in the streets, they shall rape in the hills; they shall never stop raping
Adam Carter
>bongs are turning into slavs
Is this what happens when you get your ass kicked by america? You become an alcoholic and wear shitty Adidas jumpsuits?
Benjamin Nguyen
>get your ass kicked by america
Anthony Hughes
Britain challenged Germany twice to gain absolutely nothing, and lost lost their superiority over America despite winning Germans every time.
Luke Bennett
Read this.
Hard reading for some, but packed with facts and one of the best histroical books i've read in a long time
Jonathan Jackson
They were saved by the US both times, they basically traded away their Empire, their independence and everything else. Solely to keep Germany from becoming a continental hegemony that might threaten their Empire, their independence and everything else.
So basically, they fucked stuff up for all of us and ended up with the result they feared anyway.
Eli Nelson
No retard, they challenged us, but the Empire won it along with the USA and decent human people.
So many Africans, Indians, Kiwi NZ, Canadians and Irish volunteers did their bit, and more. Aus said they would send every last man in the defence of the motherland. Indians as proud members of the Empire made up millions
In SEA the thought of the Japs in ctrl terrified everyone and with good reason, they were fucking grotesh, just like the Nazi, 100 x worse than the British, and they all knew it.
Thats why we won and in the end we let the Empire go, we came to that decision along with the USA, it made sense for everyone to be free.
We did bad shit, but we Empired by accident more than in an outright military conquest like Germany, we evolved to Empire, Nazi just wanted to kill everyone who didnt subscribe to their warped ideology, and it was warped, totally fucked just like the Japs and in the end the Communists.
Oliver Jones
Yeah, and even now after everything is multicultural shit it's Merkel and not May or Macron who is leader in Europe.
Jaxon Mitchell
>they challenged us No they didn't, in WW1 they just wanted to go for France's throat and UK declared war on them over Benelux. In WW2 they wanted Poland and you declared a war on them to defend your ally.
It's okay to defend allies, but to say they ever threatened you is complete bullshit.
Isaac Allen
Brits ruled the USA for 100 odd years and when they went solo little changed.
after WW2 US and UK had obligations across the world, bases.
We should not forget where they are there and who the threats are.
Adam Butler
WW1 was never just about the UK and Germany, you need to understand the greater picture and what was taking place across Europe.
There are many who you could argue were responsible for the start of WW1 and WW2 and historians from all sides will acknowledge it wasnt the Brits, if anything they were too passive.
Eli Ross
*why they are there.
Ryan James
WW1 doesen't have any single starter. Austria-Hungary started their war independently, same as Germany, Ottomans and UK because they thought they could win big.