Was this man one of the most damaging things to happen to the United States in living memory? Think of how fast the SJW cuckdom inflamed in just 8 years. He even pretty much said "we're gonna replace you, whitey; deal with it lol" in his farewell address.
Was this man one of the most damaging things to happen to the United States in living memory...
absolutely and without a doubt
check these fucking digits
he damaged the States to unbelievable levels. Today you hear about terms and expressions such as "it's ok to be white" that it would be unconcieveable before.
Terms that are pushed down your throat which ultimately translates into an ambition of non-white males getting laid white white females.
And since the white females are the most sexy, supreme, absolutely superior female creatures on the planet Earth, it becomes clear how the majority of inferior people love this game, that favors them and ultimately a degenerate scheme of charlatanism.
SO close my dude
Obama era was degenerate.
What did you expect?
Not that yellow cake.
He was disastrous
Without a doubt, but he was selected not elected. This has been in the works for some time.
Its all a stage to perpetrate a coup. Truly, it was only a matter of time before a CIA color revolution was staged right in America’s own back yard. As a matter of historical fact, the US Department of State in collaboration with the CIA, DIA and NSA has carried out so many color revolutions around the globe over the past century that it boggles the mind. Hence, the seeds of karma have been insidiously planted only to emerge as the tree of destiny now being experienced by every U.S. citizen. First, Obama was permitted to execute a slow-motion tearing of the social fabric throughout the USA now known as the Obamanation. His creation of various Czars and installation of key appointees guaranteed that a Stasi state would be surreptitiously built. The resulting quasi-communist, part-fascist progressivism known as “political correctness” has taken the United States into a place not too different from the USSR. Had Hillary R. Clinton won the election, the USSA would have manifested as a full-blown socialist A M E R I K A.
Either dumb as a rock or wanted Malia Weinsteined
his saudi buddies are fucked
She probably fucks good.
ironically this muslim obummer was so awful he paved the way for an Epic Trump election victory.
I think it was worth going through his shit presidency to get Trump elected right after. It was beautiful and gave arrogant liberals everywhere a decent helping of the humble pie that they badly needed.
Thinking pretty hard here.
There is still time...
really we must give credit where credit is due. Thanks Obama, for opening the eyes f many Americans.
But will liberals even learn or genuinely change their strategy?
Do they look like they learned anything from this?
lmao no
Honestly Trump being elected is pretty much a disaster for the right, he basically ruined the far right in America through sheer incompetence. We needed an actual nationalist, not this liberal cuckold from new york playing right winger.
Kang, if you're going to shitpost, fly your real flag. No proxies either.
Fine fine.
But Trump is basiclaly a jew controlled liberal cuck, everyone knows this.
Thank you for your cooperation.
>Was this man one of the most damaging things to happen to the United States in living memory?
I also want them to run Michelle in 2020 so I can witness the resulting Leftist civil war as they try to decide whether xir is meant to be the first Female President, Black Female President, Black Transwymyn President, or whether they're supposed to be the same thing