Guys, Lets be honest. they're done. B.T.F.O.
My favorite is comrade sparkles, It was probably the highest energy one of all 30 of them.
Guys, Lets be honest. they're done. B.T.F.O.
My favorite is comrade sparkles, It was probably the highest energy one of all 30 of them.
Other urls found in this thread:
bicycle cops.
now that's intense.
>When a farmers market is more popular than your revolution
So I see Austin's was pretty small. Cleveland user here, it lasted 3 hours and there were more cops on bikes than protestors.
any wedms or highlight reels from austin?
surprised more commies didn't come out for this
lmao austin texas libturd stronghold, fail
it's a really nice farmers market
Now that antifa is routing, The Man In The High Tower can rule unopposed for 10,000 years
this was the most lame low energy protest ever. i was really going to go to this but goddamn a mcdonalds drivethrough line is more intense then this :((((
i wish they could see themselves through the eyes of others.
Berkeley was a literal ghost town. I mean, I figure they went to San Fransisco or whatever, but literally it was like evdry other day here.
So this is it: The true power of communism.
I seriously believe Soros called it off because he realized he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison for insurrection.
Too bad they took out that ad in the NY Times.
That sure makes them look stupid.
where the fuck did all the soros money go to if they didnt do shit here ?
Atlanta's was "cancelled due to rain" kek
Mentally ill numales and whores fighting and looking retarded doing so.
amerishart memes, almost 200 of them now, i want the whole set someone plz upload
why would he care if he spent the rest of his life in prison? he only has so many left, if that.
Is that an actual woman or just a really effeminate male in the unicorn onesie?
One day the revolution will begin on a dry day and on that day..that dry cloudless day I hope you will have prepared.
It's Nov 5th here. This protest thing was a grand disappointment.
I went to rally in NYC. Very low turnout, all things considered, and the number of pro Trump pepole as pretty high.
NYC was very low turnout too
Why is that unicorn onesie so fucking filthy? On second thought, I don't want to know..
Who knows. There weren't any paid protesters this time, so the handful of freepers that showed up were the actual "base" for this bullshit. The FBI is also investigating a number of Soros-paid groups after the inauguration riots, so that might be why.
3 hours... 3 hours. What happened to protesting until Trump left. This Crusader dude showed up and yelled at them while cleaning up their trash and then private militias started showing up. Dudes were pretty cool and hip to 4 chan.
You stupid Drumphtards
November 4th is when "the great happening" or whatever dumb shit you call it takes place
Novemeber 4tgh is just when IT BEGINS.
This is just the beginning, just you wait and see. You nazi's are going down!
He's wearing nothing under it. Look at those nipples.
Antifa Nothingburgers.
Billions And Billions Wasted.
Maybe they meant November 4th of next year?
I was very surprised at the number of pro Trump people. Hilarious as always.
I love shitposting too. It lasted 3 hours, so a bit longer than Catalonian independence so I guess you got that going for you.
Not as fast or as often as your mom.
I can see that woman's balls through her unicorn onsie.
who literally cares we have better things to deal now pol
Without nigger shock troops they really are toothless cucks
>going to the protest in your dirty kitsch pyjamas
Some friends and I took some of their signs and started shitposting on them. I had one that said Sup Forums did nothing wrong. Told at least 15 people what Sup Forums was. People don't even know about us in Meatspace.
sure thing buddy.
>that's a guy
Dear god.
>Start a commie uprising
>All the raging soyboys are hype as fuck
>Can't wait to topple the Trump regime after school
>Nobody shows up
>Realize communism was meant for workers
How can revolutions be real if workers aren't real?
The Nerf(TM) battleaxe sure is terrifying.
could be, but can you find someone with a vocabulary beyond the 6th grade to articulate it?
"The System" and its other pronouns are written like a tard
Night shift user here...seriously did nothing happen today?
Any pics? I tried posting my pics, but I have new iphone and I guess the default camera setting is too much MB or something and can't post here
Turnout was abysmal lol
I don't really wanna post pics of myself with the militia or the Crusader, but you can follow the crusader on Instagram at the Order of the City. He was pretty great.
More bicycle cops were there than protestors.
Oh, well if you have your face in it then I understand. Were the crusaders the black guys from the hood there to look out for peoples' safety?
Any good memes from today?
No its some new group they're starting around Cleveland. The guy there was white, and he's the only street operative they have right now. He had a megaphone and kept saying they were insulting his culture every time they said it was his Halloween costume.
Especially the unicorn
lol. Damn. I don't know how I missed him.
Hold on guys, they have banners.
Shit is fucking serious.
Hide your Nazi trashcans.
Post yfw it was trump that placed the huge ad in the news paper to make them look even dumber today.
>A toy battle axe
>A unicorn onesie
How do these faggots take themselves seriously??
Sup Forums represented in Austin
>MUH cringe
>MUH fatties
The masks are cringe, I'll give you that. They ARE important as a sense of uniformity and making your allies more recognizable. But there's only like 6 fatties so fug off. :DD
Just stay home. Please.
no bra wearing degenerate cunt
This is uh..
Don't do this.
It makes you look like a tool.
He has other plans dude
We are much more scarier when we stay on our computers, shit out our stuoid memes and CNN thinks we are a million man Russian cyber troll farm, than when reality hits and people realize we are the same exact neckbeards talking to eachother every fucking day about politics on an image board.
did...did that tranny actually bring a toy axe in a unicorn onesie?
tell me i am imagining this
Anthony "the aids faggot" burnjam showed up at the boston commons antifa event wearimg black block
It was weilding both an axe and a club at one point.
Stupid tranny is supposed to spec in either bladed or blunt not both dumbass
Well, to be fair, there WAS bad weather across most of the country
Fucking infowars was all over it, it was pretty funny. Yes there was someone in a unicorn outfit with a nerf battle axe.
This is the might that is suppose to get trump impeached.
at least theyre all white
They obviously paid for thousands of Posters and Signs, someone upload the pic.
THe thing that gets me chuckling is the fact that some of these protests had them lined up by the thousands while there where like a Dozen people to hold them.
Jesus, guys. You're practically pic related at this point. Are all of us this spergy and kikish?
desu this actually isnt that bad.
Also who are the dudes all in green, a Kek boyband?
TFW when Antifa gets BTFO in the few places they actually did show up today...
>supposed to spec in either bladed or blunt not both
>speccing into either
>not being superior magic user
absolutely pleb desu
lol where are the rest of the pics? this thing looks like a lolcow waiting to be milked
Atlanta's was a bust. Didn't even make small town local news.
>tfw that's something I would do
>tfw he seems like a cool guy to me
>those green shirts
Your band should be called gay frogs.
I'd wear my SCA armor to a crush-a-commie event, but it's like $1400 and I really don't want them throwing their piss and shit on it like the monkeys they are.
I don't think ours did either. They did a twenty minute march that I didn't follow so I might have missed some stuff.
those faggots need to be shamed any time they try to post anything here. eternally BTFO
Explain to me why the cops defend these pussies?
If alt-right holds a rally cops are all over it.
Who's the real threat?
People who want to save the country or people who want to destroy it?
Hey officers! Pull yer head outta yer ass!
CLE user here as well, I've been going about my day without any interference from these idiots. Did they at least try to block the shoreway again?
can't tell if troll or actually an autist
For once I can fucking applaud the lack of any real police enforcement it's just let the antifa retardation be more out in full force
No. It was by Tower City. They set up a few tents had some speakers, it got really religious for a minute, they called the Templar a "guy in a Halloween costume" then packed up and left. Pretty sure they brought some snacks too.
photoshopped, Sup Forums is unreliable.
That’s so awkward
Austin voted ~40% Trump.
was that chick Lauri Torni there? Shes wild af
They haven't been kidnapping all those kids for nothing.
God I hate newspeak. Whoever made this fucked it up too.
>Ignorant (adjective) + Liberal (noun) = Libnorant
Fucking stupid. Why do people butcher the English language like this.
The picture is too fuzzy.
I can't tell if its a chick or a dude with man tits
>Austin, Texas
Everyone I know that is from Austin has some sort of mental illness, professionally diagnosed or otherwise.
I've read stuff about how Trump being president is making the whole country trend more conservative. Celebrities are being more traditional, like Miley Cyrus (growing her hair out and not acting like a slut) because that's more what people want to see now. Hopefully the left is dying, at least for 7 more years
>where the fuck did all the soros money go to if they didnt do shit here ?
Soros money went to make divide and conquer threads instead. Also look at plebbit, it's all politicized.
So, this is the big antifa uprising?