If we are to believe in meme magic, does that mean all Americans actually turn into orcs because of the amerimutt meme? All other memes have happened irl
If we are to believe in meme magic, does that mean all Americans actually turn into orcs because of the amerimutt meme...
They are really the glasscannons among the egos.
"haha, fuggin germans ur wif is fuggin achmed! :DD"
"englond is nut wyt"
"fuggen leef XDD"
"Sven, ur afro-scandinavian!"
"Ha ha edernal angelo"
fuck off jews
I hope so
>using soros paid memes
They are turning into half orcs. Maybe US melting pot was a project to create supersoldiers. Brutality and fearlesness of orcs, discipline of human.
Unfortunately it went south along the way and half orcs took the worst traits from both parent species
pic and filename related
>he doesn't know how to counter simple memes
lol mundane
Fuck you guys I am only a 3/8ths mexican and mexicans have a good amount of white admixture anyway.
If that were true the flag youve got there would be complelely infested with sand niggers. Oh wait...
Who i was actually speaking...
americans remember that if you ever become famous or talanted in some way like reviewbrah or sam hyde these same faggots will be worshipping you and trying to find out everything about you
pretty sure stumps do more thinking than the average european
>he made a spelling error! Heh its all rohver now!
haha i remember facebook too
dustin a best
fuck I hate that they had to BLACK that ginger girl though
IF u are going to bash us burgers with the 56% meme at least stop trying to import as many shitskins as you possible can at rates that will make yall 56% in a few generations.
>turn into orcs
Implying we aren't already.
Its true already.
White Americans are always mixed. I don't know of anyone whose ancestry comes from the same area
Europeans don't even see race in terms of colors. They are Germans, French, English, etc. In the US if your skin is white you are white. We don't take national heritage into consideration.
Honestly, I think it's funny, but it's starting to get played out.
>glasscannons among the egos
you tried lol
>largest economy
>largest military
>most influential culture
>"l-le 56%!"
Imagine being this buttmad and insecure.
And succeeded, potato.
>One of these threads is up at all times for the past three days
>Euros and meme flags everywhere
Haha, fucking Americans amirite
The OP might be a meme-flag faggot, but nothing is worse than a brazen piece of amermutt trash that thinks he knows anything about the things beyond his pond and has such an isolated education yet feels so entitled to spend his wisdom with those who are further into the material and bicker as if he knew better.
This is why "yuropoor" "achmeds" hate americans.
>American poster makes a good argument against someone else
>everyone starts posting orcs instead of actually refuting his argument
Doesn't work like that brainlet. You have both more mudslimes and niggers at the same time.
You're so angry, kek
>t. pic related
>t. Hulkamaniac
Protip: Your arguments weren't actually good, Paco.
We're having some banter on your cost, and you're just finally realizing that it might not be so fun once you are in the crosshairs, John Schmidt Gonzales (1/16 german)
Well, I'm brown now and have this overwhelming urge to go to Canada and fuck all their white women...
>white women
I hope you have yellow fever user
yeah i especially liked when the new crusade meme came true haha really funny when we retook constantinople and als that meme where all the muslims died in europe when that came true as well, that was great
We have very few Muslims. Our biggest demographic problem is spics, followed by niggers. Our real biggest problem is der juden of course.
>on your cost,
>meme that caricaturizes how disgusting miscegenation is
>soros paid
Der Jude (Singular - Male)
Die Juden (Plural - Male)
Des Juden (Possesive - Male)
Der Jüdin (Possessive - Female)
Die Jüdin (Singular - Female)
Die Jüdinnen (Plural - Female)
Jesus fucking christ.
meant for
bad luck on your get
We ain't white. Get over it.
190 million whites too you nigger
Europe has 750 million people and 30 million Muslims. Most live in the Balkans.
That wasn't me you moron
Kekking even harder now
The EU has a larger economy
Just say "thank you"
this is as close as an education that accomodates your hardcore nazi-larping can get.
Captcha "1200 School"
I like the MeriOrc memes, gives me a good giggle lads.
EU isn't a country, dipshit. Also
>magnitudes larger in population
>gdp only slightly larger
Top kek.
That one is so hot it busted the radiator on my phone
It means that 0.02 cents have been added to your account. Thanks for Correcting The Record TM
>eurotards can't tell posters apart
Me too. I hope it comes to fruition because people need to wake up about the harm of letting in tens of millions of thirdworld ground shitters from Mexico etc, and doing Israel's bidding abroad, and basically serving as a vessel for the (((bankers)))
>tfw Anglo/Germanic American master race
This Le 56% face-posting is taking a toll on my sides
Thanks for the lesson, I'll need this for my deutsch quiz at uni on monday. Always good to get tips from a native speaker.
>fuck off jews
Why are you talking to yourself?
We have a larger population om average bro.
All americans are niggers.
Has pol figured out where it came from yet?
>2.6% of total U.S. population
>2nd largest relative population of Jews after Israel
Try harder Amerimutt
>End scene where it shows all the characters falling on looooove...
>Let the camera pan over Max getting BLACKED for a full 5 seconds longer than the others
Also just random little things that serve no plot purpose and are simply there as propaganda nuggets like when they randomly compare the monster to Nazis or when they just make Max's brother racist so he has no redeeming qualities at all
Dustin's still my favorite character besides Max's brother tho
Says who?
What goes around, comes around. Amerishits reply with memes and shoped pics with niggers/pakis/etc against anybody when anally destroyed in an argument
They are getting their own medicine with the difference that this isn't a meme but an accurate depiction of jewmerica
>Reminder to sage and not reply to memeflag topics
I don't think so but they made a pastebin to filter the images already
We're the only ones who aren't pozzed.
Muh Trump
>John Schmidt Gonzales (1/16 german)
Kraut banter is on fire today.
>We're the only ones who aren't pozzed.
That was in 2015
They're only 10% now
56% White 44% Stranger Things
It doesn't work if the memes are shit.
Dustin is a Mutt, but I like him.
I also think Dustin is the best character in Stranger Things
""Honorary Aryan"" Mutt
Italians are better than other humans you american shitskin.
have you ever heard of constitution magic?
>All other memes have happened irl
this one is forced as fuck.
That counts for all the mixed race people who identify as "black"
do you even vape bro ?
>It's 13,3% now
As a nazi, I love the Jews and Israel, because Donald Trump loves the Jews and Israel too.
lmao come on man don't play into it
That's because they're counting the mixed race "blacks" too
I like how even if it went down, it would only be because the Hispanic population is out breeding everyone so fast.
Do Euro-anons actually believe this meme though? Most Americans that are of European ancestry are still ~99.9% European (even if it's from different European countries and not just a single one).
blonde hwit
Actually that's not the case.
The hispanic population was only rising due to illegal immigration.
And now we've fixed that.
Which is even worse than negro desu.
That are mongrel mutts with 1/4th of nigger blood. Including yourself, nigger.
Yes I unironically believe this meme.
You fucks could only be at 99.9% if you had the integrity to have all-white ethnic cities that are openly racist.
based aryan
you seem to think that the 56% statistic applies to everywhere in the country, Where I live I go weeks at a time without seeing someone who's not white.