-There a picture sharing community called Imgur that is a good front for memetic influence. It started as an image hosting service for reddit. Now, they are 13th ranked website in the United States.
-It's blue pill factory, but this is changing because many users are right leaning and or will be, but don't know it yet.
-Almost nothing that looks like a true red pill makes it to the "front page," but often there are non-pc memes. Virtue signalling is low, compared to leddit. Also, they like posts about weapons and are familiar with Sup Forums through greentext stories.
Let's activate their almonds. They are sensitive so there will be significant pushback, if content is too edgy or offensive. SO be graceful.
Myself and others have been posting with moderate success.
Step 1: Create an account and keep a tab open open in your browser Step 2: Whenever you see a soft redpill or nice pol meme, upload it with a caption. Step 3: Imgur slowly gets redpilled Step 4: ??? Step 5: win the meme war
Users will comment on a post if rustles them or if they agree.
It is so easy to upload and tbqh, pol's influence here will reach a wide demographic. There is so much we can do here.
This is a great idea. We can make imgur albums with all our redpills and normies will stumble upon them and learn.
Caleb Fisher
Not really, if EVERYONE was exposed to Sup Forums at least a third of the male population would be worshipping Hitler
Exposure is exactly what we need. Not a bad idea
Luke Gonzalez
>imgschluss 10/10 name user
Elijah Thomas
imgschluss is the new campaign name
Jordan Allen
Xavier Ortiz
some info from an user
Ryder Nelson
Well it all depends on if you can actually get enough upvotes to make it to the front page consistently. Imgur is decently moderated making it almost impossible for you to progress with your agenda. Imgur shall remain pure!
Ayden Martinez
Asher Fisher
reddit spacing, knows too much about imgur. this is obviously some t_d newfag who thinks he's hot shit
also, >not your personal army
Ayden Thomas
trump knows this is personal
it will remain purely sharia blue policed if we do not bust some truth nuts in their catalog
Joseph Sanders
I've always loved Imgur for its community. They seem very non-PC, but in the subtle way. They remind me of the internet before 2008, when people just said whatever they wanted.
That being said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to distance ourselves a bit from the albums. Plant the redpills without directly linking back to Sup Forums.
Jacob Mitchell
Alexander Thompson
This thread should be a dump of stuff to slowly put onto imgur then
Owen Johnson
Fine idea OP
Jackson Howard
I've been social posting of people getting triggered by ioktbw
Kayden Ross
A lot of memeball shitposts too
Camden Roberts
Jordan Moore
have some coke
Lucas Cox
Unbelievable. Leftists can't even handle the fact that there are white people that refuse to feel guilty about being white. Keep on triggering these fucking idiots.