ITT: HR 3999
Gun control, the second amendment, firearms general.
ITT: HR 3999
Gun control, the second amendment, firearms general.
>meme flag
I just want a cool memey shotgun but they're all banned in my state this STINKS
>Dirty Brazilian fag
>Gun control
Should be taught in schools again like it used to be. Make it an optional segment of PE or whatever so that parents who have some phobia about guns don't have to throw fits.
Basic AR is so ugly. It's so plain and boring. How do we make it aesthetic?
check yourself my friend
Sounds so stupid it could be a meme
im not hiding my shame, unlike you, with your meme flag
Buy a g36
I don't see why people wouldn't like that, other than that they don't want children near guns for some stupid reason.
I hope all guns are banned fuck you stupid Trump supporting rednecks. You're all crazy closeted serial killer psychos thats why you want so many guns. Because thats what white people are, psychotic evil nazi killers I hope you all white redneck nationalists fucking die. Can't wait until Zuckerberg wins in 2020 and takes away all your precious firearms hahahah fucking faggots.
Not buying a superior delayed roller blowback? Pleb
That's the point: if they have some stupid reason then they don't have to allow their children. I'm all about local control over schooling. I can't remember how many times we had to get permission slips signed by our parents for the simplest things or field trips or whatever.
Meanwhile I would have had so much fun learning to shoot or draw a bow or whatever else as a kid. I missed out because I disagreed with shooting poor little animals, so I never got took hunting.
why is it stupid? Don't you want cool, more attractive guns?
It's okay, but not that amazing, plus it doesn't have the parts benefits of AR15
Fuck gun control. That is all.
>20 round mag
>undersized buttstock
>no bayonet lug
>stupid-large flash hider
>sling tied to FSP instead using the actual damn sling ring underneath
You're why we need gun control. I bet you bubba old hunting rifles.
There's just something so cool and industrial about stamped metal guns.
I'm more of a slavshit guy but hot damn that ar15 is sexy as fuck
All it needs is a Vietnam era night vision scope & I'm diamonds
It's the fact you only need a shop press and a welder to make them. The expensive and time-consuming process of making barrels can be left to just that instead of making receivers as well.
Oops, meant for
Is that yours? I hope so because that thing is just weird as shit. Looks like it could be a fun one for run and gun type shooting though. It's just so weird though. Tell me why you made it that way.
That AR180 is
>Making and Rifling a barrel is hard
Say hello to Electrochemical Machining.
Bring back Sudanese AR10 furniture
Why do my fellow Americans hate gun control
Like seriously we can't own nukes and quite frankly city life is no place for a gun
>wrong field being namefagging
go back to r*ddit and never come back, you kike faggot