>just bought a house in Toronto
Feels good being non white
Enjoy being homeless crackers
>just bought a house in Toronto
Feels good being non white
Enjoy being homeless crackers
You chinks need to get the fuck outta Canada. Coming over and driving up real estate and displacing whites. Fucking gooks.
im not white , get bent you faggot youre gunna die
>just stop being so successful
Literally we wuz tier
Chink confirmed.
If it's a house, you're not in Toronto you dumb chink >_>
T. Jealous white guy.
How does it feel that whites are to us, what blacks are to whites.
And literally nothing of value was lost
You mean the bank bought it.
white men have been getting steamrolled by minorities for a century. How do we fight back when niggers, spics, kikes and chinks get everything handed to them and we are forced to raise their children?
muh dick
Don't worry. Once we bring my grandparents over. We're planning on buying them property in St Johns, or Calgary
...Fucking your women?
Yeah being part of the upper class of China that getss rich by using literal slave labour to make products to sell in white countries is definitely equivalent to years of white achievements
You're literally a fucking plague
Smelly dumb, white scum
Retard. Theres lots of houses in Toronto but most people cant afford them.
How does it feel knowing anyone in this fuckin' thread could fuck you up so badly you'd be drooling for the rest of your life you weak ass chink piece of shit?
Huh faggot? Fuckin' roll out to that new house of yours and pick you up and fuckin' slam you on your head in your driveway so hard you never fuckin' walk again, motherfucker.
>Theres lots of houses in Toronto
Where? Show me a picture of a house in Toronto.
Actually I'm Jewish.
Literally nothing else was lost. Lmao calgaristan is going to be like Detroit in 15 years
>st Johns
I honestly don't care about anything east of the Rocky Mountains. The rest of Canada can rot for all I care they voted to let you in. I'm a sepratist mate
All this and you're still too poor to afford to buy a house in Vancouver like what the richest of your species does
Inflated money from China made from slave labor is not the same as success.
A chink is a chink is a chink. You guys are the world's locusts.
Everybody in the country already hates you regardless of your skin colour.
must be hard for you
Who the fuck even wants to live in Toronto or Calgary LMAO. Look at the fucking Muslim population of both of those places. They're fast becoming warzones
How does it feel knowing that if you did that, you would be ostracized by your family, your government, and your population. Your countrymen would defend me, and call you racist, and intolerant, while you spend the rest of your life taking black dick in prison showers.
Stopp invading us
People have already torched some fucking chinks house in Vancouver
The word "racist" has lost all meaning due to overuse by SJWs
That being said at least chinks don't blow people up and behead them in the street like muslims
>just bought a house
>in Toronto
Why would you do something stupid like that?
Holy shit I care so much.
My family owns a few pieces of property in the Kitsilano, and point grey areas. We decided on those two locations because of the relative peace and quiet
And yet your government would still suck me off to have me
bring my money to Canada
>immigrant proud of brain draining their homeland and racemixing themselves out of existence
My ancestors are smiling at me, chink. Can you say the same?
Lmao that hellhole city doesn't have any houses just Commieblocks its full of Muslims and has a Muslim mayor
The fact you're dumb enough to buy property in a hellhole like that and that you didn't buy property in Richmond Vancouver like the most rich Chinese do tells me everything I need to know about you. You're obviously on the dumber poorer side of the rich chink party members
no one cares what you think insectoid.
We were looking for large houses in the outskirts. I agree that the inner city is a shithole. My parents liked the outdoor mountain views, and lack of humidity
Assuming your not actually a white leaf larping as a dog meat connoisseur to rally up your country men, what's your motivation for making this thread?
Because your government pays off the people who run our government to let it happen
There's money laundering on a mass scale going on by your government. It's not "oh he's bringing money" the Chinese government "donates" literally millions of dollars to our politicians to allow this to continue
Anyway the tide is turning against you in BC which is all I care about. As long as you're stopped here I couldn't give a damn what you do in the other 12 provinces in fact I'd probably cheer you on because I hate the rest of Canada
Mountain views? Yeah you can see the mountains in the distance but to actually be in the mountains you have to be in BC
Look at Detroit in the US if you want to get a picture of where Calgary is headed. Not even the outskirts were safe
That being said Albertans especially Calgarians are SO crappy at driving they make you Chinese look like expert drivers
Nice photo of it.
Neat. That's your future, literally, once the financial panic hits Canada. It will be epic.
Housing prices in Toronoshit hit a peak of $921K in April and have since crashed to $720K in 4 months. This is after going from $520K to $921K in 3 years. This is the fastest/most inflated housing bubble known in history.
This winter will be epic. Canada will be bankrupt by 2018.
>pic related
The Drama Teacher expected to act as a economist of last resort when the failed social justice experiment known as canada fails.
Mark my words-- the US will invade and take over the natural resource, while herding the 12M shitskins of a 37M population off into Japan-detention centers.
t. Jew banker
OP will die
Trudeau family would be like the next cauchescu family if the US supported a military coup. They'd be all executed pretty quick
>Housing prices in Toronoshit hit a peak of $921K in April and have since crashed to $720K in 4 months. This is after going from $520K to $921K in 3 years. This is the fastest/most inflated housing bubble known in history.
If only that could happen to us... Sydney has dropped 0.4% in the last month.
I've already said this. My family owns multiple properties on the westside of Vancouver. My grandparents decided not to live there, because they claim it feels like they never left China. They want something more Canadian than Vancouver
Im calling bullshit on this apocalypyic real estate talk. They've been saying stuff like this for years, and yet its been fine. Infact,
housing prices are still rising in Vancouver desite a 15% tax. Your politicians are way to pussy to do anything about it.
Because im tired of people here claiming to be white supremacists, and believing themselves to be superior, while also calling for people like me to be restricted, because we are more successful than you "superiors"
Toronto has lots of beautiful white neighbourhoods that are really close to downtown. Rosedale, Forest Hill, and Bridal Path which is the most expensive neighbourhood in the country. The chinks are starting to infiltrate though.
kek, toronto is becoming a third world shithole soon. cucknada wants to bring 1 million refugees in 3 years. were will they be relocated? to toronto, montreal etc. you guys are fucked. believe me quebec is gonna vote in referendum for independence when shit hits the fan and you will be left with your shitty house in a nigger infested city with no more value. nice investment choice retard, kek
>Homeless seeing this post on a computer
What shit you smoking Osama
Eh fuck Toronto. I can get a nice roomy house for 100k in my home town no problem. Everyone here is white and they hate non-whites. Its comfy as fuck. Fuck the city with its stench and noise.