Should men sit down when we pee or does this make you a numale?

I recently started to sit when I pee to prevent splash from getting on my jeans. Is this the ultimate redpill?

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Piss in the sink or in the wood line.

I have that textbook

good textbook

Swiss men are forced by law to sit and pee during "quiet hours"

The only time I ever stand up is if I'm in a public restroom and need to go quickly.

There's literally nothing wrong with sitting down to pee at home, which is where I pee 90% of the time.


Also, this demands a meme, the virgin Sitzpinkler vs. the Chad urinator.

It is natural for a man to pee standing up. they make statues of boys doing this.

to me this is a sign that women have finally cucked us but good:
>you must pee sitting down, like we do. peeing while standing is male privilege.

I understand that sometimes we might experience a shy bladder in a public restroom. some faggots tried to assault me once in a restroom and creeped me out. but we just have to deal with that in humility. don't give up peeing standing up. that is what men do.

My uncle has a little statue of that boy who allegedly put out a fire in brussels or whatever it is in the bathroom. It's great.

Standing up and pissing on the ground or writing your name in the snow or whatever else is male in his true form. It's part of the compensation for the pains and dangers of having external gonads.

>pains and dangers of exterior penises
those are for cavernous diseased smell holes called smeginas