What does Sup Forums think about bullying?

What does Sup Forums think about bullying?
Also, were you the bullied kid or the bully in school?

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Bully them early and often

bullying is alright in moderation. Society shouldn't be so accepting of fat people and other freaks..but mainly fat people.

I was both, the only way to be able to handle the real world is to be able to dish out and take insults with no problem or else you end up like a pussy antifag who cries when told anything they dont like and cant handle themselves in a debated without hitting someone with a bikelock

I bullied because i was bullied. Once i learned how to fight bullies stopped being bullies. Then they just wanted to fight. I fought like 3 or 4 of them one year and after that i was never bullied again. I remember this one specific fight i laid one of them out with a single punch. It wasnt to the face. I basically upper cut his stomach and fucked him up real good. He was curled in a ball in the corner for like 5 minutes. He was the biggest shit talker too. Some racist beaner. Most of my bullies were racist beaners. And most of the people i used to bulley were white kids. I dont know why. Im white. I guess it was to toughen them up. Because most of the other white kids were really nerdy and timid. So i felt a duty to toughen them up. Because if i didnt they were easy pray. I wanted them to hit me. To see the nerds rage. It never got to that point though. After a few years i stopped bullying them. In high school i was actually trying to make friends with them because the people i was hanging out with i realized werent my real friends. They had me fighting like every fucking day. I was like an animal to them. Like a dog in a dog fight. But i liked fighting. I wanted to beat most of their asses anyways. And i did. I think the only person who beat me was this white kid who was in karate growing up. A black belt. He had skills. Blocked or dodged almost every punch i threw and he hit like a beast. he broke some kids jaw for spitting on him in highschool. had his mouth wired shut for half a year.

Neither. I was the kid people were afraid to bully because they thought I would bring a gun to school and start killing everyone

And honest to fuck I almost did anyway

More bullying means more happenings

I was bullied and glad I was.

It's important, and the lack of bullying these days is making the new generations weak. Bullying needs to be brought back. It toughens kids up. encourages them to stand up for themselves when it matters, and teaches them important social norms.

Also on a serious note, I never witnessed or heard of the stereotypical physical bullying ever happening in my schools. I'm convinced that throwing kids into lockers, shoulder checking them into walls, and knocking down books as you walk past are Hollywood fabrications.

Definitely a Jew Goldstein Hollywood creation to further the globalist agenda

apparently those kids weren't bullied and were actually chads. If they were, it would have made a better story.

Yeah. Its mostly just shit talking. Every fucking day. For years. Until you get fed up. People spreading rumors. Its shit like that.

I should have invested in beauty and hair products when Obama got elected for his second term. I assume hair dye products pretty much sold out during that time.

I was bullied often in elementary school and middle school.

The problem was I just wanted friends and loved going to school to learn. I was curious about everything. Some kids didn't like this.

That being said, I wasn't your typical bullied kid. I would snap and start beating the shit out of my bullies and everyone who laughed at me in the vicinity.

I remember in elementary one time, I didn't want to sit at the bottom of the bleachers because those were for the "nerds", so I made my way up top. The "cool" kids started harassing me. That's when I through one kid from the top bleacher (I think it was seven bleachers tall) ALL THE WAY DOWN to the first. I could have broken his back, but he was fine and just cried. Immediately after throwing the first kid I punched the other kid until he started crying. I think I went on to kick some random kid in my class until the teacher grabbed me.

Another time was after school, at an after school program. One bully, who would later be one of my best friends wouldn't leave me alone, so I punched him in the face twice, before two other kids restrained me against a tree so that kid could get some licks. I broke free, and the two that were holding me immediately ran. The kid who was getting cheap licks squared up and I got him to the ground and punched him until he assumed the feeble position. Another kid was laughing at me, but all I saw was red, and punched him. He collapsed. I then went on a spree and started punching other kids until a program leader restrained me.

I can share probably six more stories like this. That being said, UNLIKE MOST anons on this board, I was raised in Florida and at the time (1990s) the principal was allowed to give you swats if your parents signed off on it. Mine did. So everytime, I got bullied and lashed out to defend myself, I got swats at school if I went too far, and then AGAIN by my father when I got home.

I didn't calm down until High School.

Bullied first than became the bully
Now I have no friends.

What got you to calm down in high school? Something must have changed. Were you able to make some friends, or were there no more bullies present?

i was bullied in 6th-7th grade until i fought back then no one fucked with me all throughout high school

Almost the same thing happened to me. Except that the bullies were a fucking nigger and a pakistani. And this ADHD kid was constantly trying to start fights with me as well. Got beat up pretty much once a week or so for a long time. But it got better in highschool for me as well.

If bullying is like this then I'm fine with it.


Bullies have their place the same way other beasts might wrestle to establish hierarchy in the wild. The weak will be preyed upon, but man is kind enough to allow you to fix those weaknesses instead of leaving you a corpse out in some frozen field somewhere. How can numales ever stop being faggots if no one ever sat them down to tell them how fuck up their shit is?

I was always a target for bullying, but I always showed no fear and would laugh at the people trying to bully me, so I always ended up being left alone.

A friend of mine was getting fucked with in middle school and I stepped between him and the bully and got sucker punched. After that no one fucked with him or me again because everyone involved got suspended kek

Its OK when In balance
To much bullying & you get a shot up school
To little bullying & you have furries,weebs,fatsos & other low tier trash walking freely with no shame & nobody to humiliate them
Nothing feels better than sucker punching a faggu as wannabe bully,trust me,I did

Whoever the fags are that voted "neither" need to be gassed.

I was a bully for a short time in kindergarden and I didn't know that I was bullying the kid I thought it was just a game but he was really offended.
But then I became the bullied kid

This is a buzzword created by effeminate liberals. Men are hierarchical creatures by nature. "Bullying" is the consequence of such hierarchy among young boys. It is a natural tool to correct the weak.
Most bullys will respect you if you have the balls to face them. That's they subconsciente goal, to turn a pussy into a boy worthy respect.
Of course this has a limit, and that's when adults come into play. If a bully is too much of a hindrance or gets too much violent, he shoulbe be disciplined by an adult. Otherwise, just let the boys play.

>were you the bullied kid or the bully in school?
Neither. Some boys learn how to stay in between, you're not weak, but you are not really a bully. Traditional christians don't need to participate in this system because self discipline is already taught in their functional families.

Bullying is necessary to root out weak and abhorrent behavior. Kids rarely take it to any sort of extreme, and its a healthy form of self regulation IMO. I was the bullied initially, but I stood up formyself, learned to stand up for myself. Later on I bullied people in highschool, but it was all in good fun.

>got bullied
>got a growth spurt
>started bullying instead

the weak should fear the strong

Bullies aren't the problem, zero tolerance policies are.

Exposing children to insane amounts of violence in the media then immediately inducting them into the prison cycle the moment they defend themselves is the problem.

Bullies exist to transubstantiate into a man, and they ought to get their faces pushed in without repercussions to the victim.

>The problem was I just wanted friends and loved going to school to learn. I was curious about everything. Some kids didn't like this.
>That being said, I wasn't your typical bullied kid. I would snap and start beating the shit out of my bullies and everyone who laughed at me in the vicinity.

mate you were bullied for being a complete autist, not because you wanted to learn

I was going to address that if someone asked me because I exceeded my character limit above.

So user, during the summer before my freshmen year, I found religion. On my own. I shit you not, I was a pissed off skater kid, and it just so happens there was a church in my neighborhood that hamd built ramps, rails, boxes and quarter pipes, so I checked it out. The kids who attended the church were jesus freaks, but skateboarding and COOL jesus freaks. They introduced me to the youth pastor intern at the time who was one of the best people I ever met in my life. I started going to church, got saved, and mellowed out. I channeled my anger into prayer.

I'm not religious anymore user. I stopped being "religious" in 11th grade. I found pussy irresistible lol. But it changed me. I also got chisled as hell because I waa training to go into the military. But going to church, becoming one of those Jesus freaks for a short time changed my perspective. Again, I'm not religious anymore, but I SWEAR had I not "found God", I would probably have killed someome before I graduated from high school.

I was the bullied kid and i support bullying. being bullied forced me to be self reliant and to think independently. these things made me the person i am today.

She'd get it.

That's why when Stefan Molyneux said in one of his videos that religion is a poor man's moral placeholder for philosophy, it struck a chord with me.

got bullied in school, all it did was make me hate mexicans

>extrovert in elementary lots of friends
>jr high comes, dont get along with popular kids anymore, become introverted
>band together with other social outcasts
>highschool comes around and our small group grows bigger and bigger
>have a good sized group, become a force to be reckoned with.
>anytime someone bullies us individually we come together and repel with mob mentality
>highschool ends, dont even talk to 1 of them anymore because we only hung out together for protection
highschool was fun.

>mate you were bullied for being a complete autist

This is pretty much the story of my time in both kindergarden and elementary school.
But what can you do. You have no choice but to deal with it. It's not like the teachers cared about it. And that's main the problem. How can they be aware of this happening, but still don't give a shit?

the teachers hated you too user
autists are equal to retards, we all hate you degenerates


So I went to a white elementary school, and then a nigger school where all the whites stood together, despite fighting one another.

Remember when I said I got sent to the principals office to get swats above? One of those times was because two niggers were going to jump me.

I punched one in the face, and when the second one lunged, I backed up and pulled out my trusty sharpened pencil I always kept in my pocket. Neither one of them swung on me because I said I was going to fucking stab them. They didn't fuck with me again.

Still got my ass beat, but by the nigger principal, not the nigger kids.

Who the hell gets bullied? If you can't make friends with people or at the very least deal with enemies then you deserve to be pushed around

I was a pretty brutal bully, not sure why, was just bored at school maybe.
I really feel sorry for this one kid

Well user, I turned out pretty fucking great compared to those kids I went to school with.

Anyway, I don't think it was because I was an autist lol. It was the 1990s. People didn't even know the meaning of the word, especially kids. As I got older I just reasoned that most angry kids, and slut girls had family issues. Divorced parents, neglect issues, daddy issues, abuse, so forth.

>People didn't even know the meaning of the word
yeah you're definitely an autist

Well, sometimes you just can't help it you know. This reminds me of when I was in 5th grade. This ADHD kid tried to kick me in the nuts. He always did this when he wanted to start fighting. So I took these tiny scissors that only is good for cutting paper, and I stabbed him or it was more like I was slicing him. He got cut, nothing serious, but he got scared as fuck and he was crying like a little bitch.

Bullying is necessary

I will never forget when I stood up to those fuckers and beat the shit out of them
Made me a better person

Bullied on a regular basis, especially by Jackie Leu since the first day of sixth grade.

Fucker just got sentenced to 17+ years for attempted murder.

Sauce: toledoblade.com/Courts/2017/10/20/East-Toledo-man-found-guilty-1.html


"“I'm very community-orientated,” Leu said. “I don't know what happened, but something did.”

With jurors still in the courtroom, Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Stacy Cook sentenced Leu, 57, of the 2000 block of Bakewell Street to 17½ years in prison for shooting Timothy “T.J.” Dupont, now 27, after a run-in with Mr. Dupont and his friends at the Rumpus Room bar.

The judge said Leu's lengthy record of criminal convictions for violent behavior contradicted his description of himself."

The judge only knows half of it. I know first hand just how vicious this piece of shit is and hope he dies in jail. I was going to testify against his character but the judge wanted to give him the max just dependent upon his 'adult' record.

For over 3 years I had to face the strong possibility of fighting this fucker every day.

Had someone been able to take this shit stain off of the street ages ago, TJ would be leading a good life today.

So, you fucking bullies who think that bullying is 'OK' and a part of 'growing up', just be wary of what you may be turning into.

And more importantly, what you may be turning your target into.

You should call him up to apologize. Your humble and matured attitude will ruin his revenge fantasies. It's like meta bullying

>trying to stab someone
fucking psychopath

Bullying is good if its not too focused. I was bullied going into 7th grade. Got into my first real fight then. It made me a better man.

I would enjoy taking you with me to a psychiatrist/psychologist to see if you're right. I doubt it though.

The only tendency of being an autist I can think of that I truthfully will admit having to my knowledge is moderate sociopathic tendencies.

>So, you fucking bullies who think that bullying is 'OK' and a part of 'growing up', just be wary of what you may be turning into.
>And more importantly, what you may be turning your target into.
top kek you fucking autist
this is the reason we bully you, you dumb little faggots are hilarious, acting all tough and edgy online
you'd cry and shit your pants irl, homo

I have zero patience for bullies. Destroy them all.

Same. I used to run away from fights. I liked the adrenaline rush of being chased be people. But then one day i decided to fight one of my bullies. And that adrenaline rush was even better. It was funny. They walked right into my trap. I changed my whole mindset. I stopped running and started fighting and one by one all my bullies got their unsuspecting asses kicked. “You wanna fight” you bet your ass.

nigger you admitted to going into fits of rage and just beating people for no reason
there's also the clear lack of social capability
my cousin is an autist and i can smell you cretins from a mile away

I regret bullying now, but at the time it was very fun. I also got bullied a few times and it did suck, so I can't imagine how much it must have sucked for the kids who got bullied all the time.

It was a plastic scissor kek. And the guy Im talking about kicked my nose in the day after. Sendt me to the hospital. So I guess I got my payback lol. He works a shitty job at a convenience store now. So he ended up as a loser after all.

I beat up the bullies who I could, had friends who'd beat up bullies who I couldn't beat up for me, and I'd beat up people bullying my smaller friends some times.

I got a lot of shit last time I suggested this in public, I suppose that why I'm here, But I think some amount of bullying is not only inevitable, but necessary. I think without it kids would never get past obsessing over what everyone else things about them. I bet my ass that the bullying I got the shit end of was the reason I grew up, and is part of the reason why a lot of adult children come out of sheltered homes and private schools.

I totally can relate user.

My parents taught me to never start a fight/ throw the first punch, and I never have unless defending someone else. HOWEVER, lol, the same fucking parents that had their kid beat my public school officials for wrecking havok told me that if I'm ever outnumberd, pick up the biggest stick you can find around and defend myself.

LMAO, this reminds me of a time I NO SHIT, picked up a fucking oak branch probably seven feet long) go fuck up a kid who dumped my backpack contents on the dirt playground during recess, only to be stopped five feet away by my teacher....the kid didn't even know what was coming until he turned around to the commotion my teacher was making.

Nah, he's right. They were actually edgecringelord fuckwits.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
----Luke 6:31 - 36

Categorical Imperative:
1) Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Trans: Only take actions that you could (implies logical possibility), and would, want everyone else to do as well.

2) Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end.
Trans: Don't take advantage of others (and don't cheat yourself).

Perhaps these rules and principles are not perfectly understandable or applicable. But the logic and value of ethics you sense in yourself, that must also be in others, indicates that it is wrong to bully.

No one here has ever worked in Australia, clearly.

>tfw the last kitchen I worked in it got to the point that we were putting obits in the local paper for Bazzas mum's vaginal sanctity...

user, I was never taught to channel my anger until 13 years old unless it meant getting my ass whooped by my parents. Anyway, all of it made me a better person. I'm not strung out or a failure. I've never been to jail. I've never been fired from a job.

If I have moderate sociopathic tendencies, I can only imagine what you have. Care to share user?

Nigga, if you're going to ask these kinds of questions, you can't distract me with rapebait.

That's what I'm trying to tell the other user. MOST bullies I grew up with turned out to be collosal failures.


They weren't bullied as little kids.
Only as adolescents.
yes, teachers don't know how to be supportive of bullying in the right way, they shouldn't break it up as they do, they should find ways to help the bullied kids cope and socially acclimate.
Don't let girls bully each other though, they are actually vicious.

>My parents taught me to never start a fight/ throw the first punch

Same here. But I never started anyway. The ADHD kid was always harassing me, punching me and in general just trying to hurt me. And when it went this far, I had no choice but to sperg out and fight back.

How old were you at the time?

Did you live in the suburbs?

How so?

>they should find ways to help the bullied kids cope and socially acclimate
This is wrong -
Resiliance needs to be a 2 way street. The "victims" need to be taught to be more resiliant, otherwise we end up where we are now - a group of kids/teenagers who all think they're special snowflakes and who all easily identify as victims (and see that that victimhood brings them the benefit of attention)
The perpetrators need to be taught that their attitudes and actions have consequences (NOT the same as acclimatising them). Once they understand that they on the way to either chosing to be antisocial little cunts who'll deserve to go to jail or at least making the choice to chose that path.
>t. frmr Primary School teacher and got bullied as a kid

No user, believe me I get it.

My fits of rage via self defense happenes from pre school all the way to 8th grade (13 years old).

I mean for fucks sake, my parents were called to my pre school to see the lump of hair I scalped from another kid that was attached to my referral because he stole my fucking Legos.

Darwinism at its finest

man the proper definition of suburb eludes me. I've never lived in a town with more than 15,000 people though. I don't consider them suburbs since they were more than 30 miles away from a larger town and people didn't commute to the larger town from them
but yeah maybe that shit is confined to large cities where everyone hates each other

Niggers are the worst bullies they gang up on whitey all the time. "It's a fight, it's a fight, if the nigga don't win than we all jump in!!!"

If a kid is bullied into suicide he didn't deserve to live, if he weathers it out he'll grow up into a fine person

I was bullied. Taught me that people are monsters, and will always be monsters.
I wear a nice layer of body armer, and
only surround myself with healthy people. Bullies are wounded and some
have personality disorders.

i used to try to get the girls to bully me cuz it made me hard

>Be me, fat fuck in high school
>Be hanging out in gym class, spindly faggot tells me to put down the cookies next time
>lel okay
>15 minutes later be playing kickball
>standing on second base, faggot is standing between me and third base
>It's time
>ball gets kicked
>run at faggot, slam my girth into him and run him over
>teacher is a gym teacher so he doesn't give a fuck
>faggot gets the message

All you gotta do is paste people who fuck with you and they get the message.

Sounds brutal.
I always avoid fights. I didn't want to fight anyone, but apparently they wanted to bully me just for being weak and autistic.
But the bullies now work at a convenience store and a gas station. The dindu who bullied me I have no idea what's doing. He could be in jail for all I know.

it does happen but mostly in rich high schools.

Natural. I was bullied. Taught me how to stand up for myself and how to stand against it when they did it to my friends. These kids killing themselves over it are a reflection of society where everything done on social media is all the interaction they get. Then when faced with real life situations, they can't cope with it naturally. They'd rather kill themselves instead of just deleting their social media or develop new social skills.

Early. And. Often.

>gimme ur lunch money
>no one ever did this
what gives?

t. faggot

Doesn't mean he deserved it. You think he chose to beat the other kids up because it was more convenient than getting rid of his autism?
Imo, bullies deserve what they get as long as it's not serious

i was the bullied kid, but i was so stupid and autistic that i treated them and thought of them as my actual friends until my parents told me that they were bullying me years later when i mentioned it

Or he could be dead.

All we can do is learn from our past deeds user. Just don't raise your kid to be weak. My parents didn't, but it was confusing as all hell to defend myself only to get beat by the school and my parents if I went "too" far.

I was bullied, initially... I always cracked jokes the whole time and eventually they found it unsatisfactory to bully me and always befriended me in the end.

Did this like 8 times in 5 different schools.

I am 100% pro bullying. It teaches kids the social hierarchy early, and they in turn must develope a survival mechanism. Mine was humor, and in turn, social manipulation.

Kek, I was 6'2" so I never really got bullied regularly. Some kid did push me and make me trip over a bench, but I didn't fight back I was an autist who thought they would send me to prison or something. lel

I would also add that parents and siblings play a big role in suicidal-ness, or at least it did when I was there, my oldest sister bullied me mercilessly until I got older and grew up enough to tell her to fuck off. It wrecked me for a lot of stuff, turned me into a bit of an angry cunt too, but dad was always there for a chat and my other sister wasn't bad. Part of it can be that social media means a lot to these kids, but I think it has to do more with whether their parents actually care enough to make the time to get to know their kids as they change.

I was mostly bullied in elementary and middle school by boys for being an ugly girl. Others girls did not bother with me. Usually boys would make fun of me in groups with their friends. It was not physical except having paper balls thrown at me , cereal, etc.

When I got in high school they just ignored me/ left me alone.

Mostly in Jewish schools.

Just as all of Hollywood thinks we live rap culture, when it is the Jews they are surrounded by that is the rape culture they live in, same with bullying. Most American kids do not bully. but I can guarantee you if you got to any wealthy, Liberal Jewish school the bullying is out of control.

Bullying is merely our social pecking order that keeps people in line with society. The awkward kid didn't used to grow up to be a school shooter until the late 1990s when we started coddling them. They needed to be able to duke it out, and we always did. Yes, I remember going to my dad and saying I had a problem with a kid, and he did the father thing and taught me how to box. Hit the bully on the nose. Yes, he stopped 'bullying' me but I also stopped being the kid who would someday wear the black trench coat. Kid were supposed to be able to work it out with each other, and sometimes that meant after school and some bloody noses. Now they dont know how to handle conflict AND they don't know how to get in line with their peers.

yeah thats when it stopped lol, 8th grade i hit 6'

And you didn't do a school shooting because of them. They were your friends. They were

>Crimes such as assault, sexual assault, attempted murder, harassment, stalking, threatening is good for you, as well as mental trauma

I was always bullied but then they would either quickly just not pay attention to me anymore or want to be friendly with me because I just didnt care and played along with their shit

i mean looking back they did treat me like shit, but yeah i guess i didnt shoot up the school