How can one still hold eugenics views that abortions on people with down syndrome when Frank gives such a powerful speech
Man with Down Syndrome Delivers Powerful Speech
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>How can one still hold eugenics views that abortions on people with down syndrome when Frank gives such a powerful speech
Retards shouldn't be allowed to breed. End of discussion.
Wtf I love genetic defects now. I identify as a cis white male with 3 chromosome 21s per cell now.
what a meaningless speech, if all downies were aborted, science would not be affected at all
in fact, guy should have been aborted
OP is a master-bater
Downies are usually impotent anyway. Self-correcting problem.
hey bby
sorry for the ghost goal :(
I have down syndrome so i know more than anyone, we are a economic and scientific mericle for the medical community
meant for her:
itt: people that wouldn't exist if eugenics was a thing.
lel, get a load of that downy obeast in the back.
You're projecting user.
Eugenics would require the parents to be dead too. They're the one spreading defective genetics.
> hurr durr le eugenics boogey man xDD
downie detected
downie girl on the right looks like someone photoshopped her mouth and placed smaller copies over where her eyes should be
Most people here don't have down syndrome, most would still exist
nah, he might even be ok under eugenics since he seems quite intelligent.
hehe xD
>Make America Great Again
Literal retards are Trumpfags, can't make this shit up
holy fucking shit
Just because a potato can speak doesn't mean it should
>global downs syndrome foundation
not much of a foundation, is it?
Depends on what eugenics you're suggesting. Down syndrome has more to do with errors during meiosis than genetics. Like a lot of birth defects, the most important contributing factor is the age of the parents at conception, not their DNA.
They look the same as the senators.
literal orc
> Giving niggers a platform
> Giving women a platform
> Giving faggots a platform
> Giving retards a platform
America is fucked.
Yes, please birth more down retards and pay for them with tax payer money.
Everyone wins!
potato nigger
i wonder who writes his speeches? he spoke at several events and just reads
also, he's the downie who's handlers got offended when Ann Coulter used 'retard' as an insult
How come animals dont get down syndrome
fucking kek
Down Syndrome is a uniquely human genetic defect of the 21st chromosome. There are 3 instead of 2
They don't have a 21st human chromosome. They do have aneuploidy disorders all the time though.
Abortion kills niggers, communists and a vast ocean of human garbage. Dead tards are a mercy to the tard and society itself. Everyone dies. Enemies and useless eaters should go.
by definition a useful idiot
this guy kind of reminds me of bubbles fucking lmao
Blacks exist tho
chocorate ist good. scrooby doo-- so powerful.
he's not an idiot,he's quite itnelligent
My family adopted a chinese girl with down syndrome. She's thirteen now. She's the only reason I didn't kill myself when I was suicidally depressed. I love her so much.
>How can one still hold eugenics views that abortions on people with down syndrome
Because they are defective.
what's going on in her head Sup Forums?
What's her name? Po Tei-Toh?
I've said this before, but every downy has the exact same face. You can't even tell them apart.
It's like they're aliens or something. Like they unleashed this gene that would create their own kind so they could observe us from the inside, hiding their nature behind the fact that no one suspects a tard.
99% of Sup Forums is autistic though
So abortion should be illegal then?
Is that 56% man sitting behind him?
1. Mongoloid people are mostly impotent/won't breed anyways.
2. This Mongoloid probably has higher IQ than most Sub-Saharans.
As long as they don't cost society any extra money, and they don't breed, I don't see any problem with them. The problem is that 90% of them are completely dependent on others, taking up resources that could better the world.
yes, but gentlemen, this tiger
There are three people with down's in the OP and they are easily distinguishable.
You're a retard
Why do all down syndrome people have the same exact voice and face. Is this some sort of global cloning experiment gone wrong?
No it's Ling Wee-Tahd
What does that have to do with that?
I hope that mong didn't hurt anyone.
not a fan of Reddit Extreme but consider the following:
They shouldn’t exist. Down syndrome is curse on humanity.
Similar facial structure, similar build, similar behavior, similar speech (including higher likelyhood of stuttering), lower intelligence etc.
They have 47 chromosomes, humans have 46 and monkeys have 48.
I thought that was Sum-Ting Wong.
Change the cosmetic features - acne and hair - and you couldn't tell those 2 tards apart for a million dollars.
holy fuck did anyone even get through that
wait, so lefties are against abortion if there are genetic defects?
god its like watching a train ape
friendly reminder he has literally no idea the words he's saying, it was written for him.
t. soy boy
guy on the left there kinda has that amerimutt meme face
>the people pushing this particular final solution
are downs a fucking race now? Yes I'm prejudiced about people with an IQ of 40-50, jesus christ. Okay have your great life when you cost the state 10 million dollars over course of your life, and have the understanding of existence of a gorilla.
One thing that I find really sickening is the glorification and romantization of this disease promoted by their parents. "They are so cute", "so full of life" -- fuck off. If you want to take the financial and practical burden of these people, you are welcome. But you're not fucking going to, are you?
I get it. They are your children. As a parent, you don't want to let go. But you are NOT allowed to force the rest of use to suffer through it.
The absolute worst are those who are normally pro choice, but if the fetus might be a downie they are against abortion. Those people deserve death. I respect a "pro lifer" way more than I respect those morons.
can not unsee
Well that individual in the video has higher IQ than most sub-saharans though, ignore his stuttering and weird facial expression.
nonstop carnival music
Tards are useless. My store always hires them for cleaning spills and shit and throwing cardboard in the compactor and they can't even do this
Women that give birth to freaks should be sterilized at least. They might have healthy children that carry the inferior genes.
I've grown up around these sort of people. One persons speech isn't going to change my opinion at all.
his three points
>We are a medical gift to society for reasearch of cancer, alzheimers, and autoimmune dissorders
I would levy that people with those particular diseases are actually more important to research than your genetic failure.
>we are an unusaully powerful source of happiness
no your not, you creep everyone out. you people are allowed to get away with sexual assault and rape. The world would actually be a better place without you. you have the right to exist because if we can prevent your genetic problems society will be better.
>we are the canary in the eugenic coal mine
i dont he gets that reference but thats only a negative if your against eugenics. Honestly, everyone can agree if we could prevent down syndrome the world would be better.
on the subject of ethics, wouldnt it be more ethical to remove a drain on society rather than let it pull society down? When people like Bobby Lee were molested by a down syndrome man, wouldnt it have been better if that man didnt exist.
people with your genetic mistake do not understand their bodies or ethics in general. I can name a number of times from my time in the public school system were i witnessed a down syndrome student molest and grope female students.
>I am not a research scientist
No shit Frank, you have Down Syndrome.
Autists ≠ Retards
wtf is facebook bullshit doing here
kys OP
What is this from ?
Kind of makes me feel bad to see a retard that is more successful in life than I am.
is this the strength of national socialist philosophers?
The only miracle is how one could be born so retarded.
>you have the right to exist because if we can prevent your genetic problems society will be better.
you have the right to exist but if we can prevent your genetic problems society will be better.
>daring to put restrictions on what a woman can do with her body
Seriously though, I weep for the day when millions are aborted en masse and we have a massive downie population because they're illegal to abort. All the viable babies will be killed in the womb and nothing but genetic mutants and impotent retards will be left. This is the ultimate form of population control.
thank god it's not and I was born
what a wonderful existence I lead
Reminder that white people with downs syndrome are generally smarter than your average african nigger.
>I have downs syndrome
Checks out.
Down Syndrome? Notfound.exe
I don't understand.
These "people" make the argument that they have done amazing things even with their genetic problems yet fail to accept that they only really did those things because actual people basically handed them the opportunities to do so.
It's the same concept as a a person born with missing limbs growing up to be a nice person only because everyone treated them that way yet believe themselves to face adversity with a smile on their face.
Fuck that.
btw, what's up with EVERY downie looking the same? Even the niggers look identical. Does this point to a common ancestor? Is down syndrome the missing link we've been searching for?
Don't let an extra chromosome get you down.
it's all so goddamn sad
on one end you have heartbroken parents who love their children, and on the other end you have pretty much a trained ape who hardly understands whats going on, and everyone suffers in the end