Is Richard Spencer controlled opposition?
Is Richard Spencer controlled opposition?
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Yes. Stop fucking asking. Nobody likes him thats why he needs you faggots to post his face here constantly. So that the MSM can associate him with Sup Forums
Checked and noped.
He's a bit of a fag, but he's trying to do the right thing.
Without a doubt. His supporters always conveniently gets arrested during his publicity stunts. Everything that he touches turns to shit.
I don't think so, no. He's just a guy who is not afraid to put his rather radical ideas on the table, unlike Sup Forums.
Anyone who agrees with my talking points is a good guy as far as I'm concerned
Keep it up with your D&C tho
lots of rumors he's an asset of the you know who....
and the daily stormer too
yes, leaf.
>Spencer vs Duke
>The vigin nationalist vs The Chad Supremacist
Sup Forums and T_D are my table
If he takes ideas from here and promotes them, that is a very good relationship
I don't know who. Elaborate pls.
So it's just a coincidence then that everything he touches turns to shit?
That's not what the rest of this board seem to think.
I mean, how dare somebody actually show up and stand up for white interests eh?
Fuck off kike.
There's no doubt he's bad optics and his personal brand is irredeemable.
His willingness to tolerate flag waving Nazi larpers was the last straw for me.
no fuck off.
All he cares about is self promotion. What has he done for white people exactly?
Who cares about those fuckers. Focus on IOTBW leaf
No, He may screw up every once and awhile, but he's leading the way by fighting many legal cases that give the Alt Right the right to speak.
(((richard spencer)))
Except it doesn’t, and the AR keeps growing, and you do literally nothing except shitpost on pol and occasionally shitlord on twitter. Fuck off.
I changed my opinion, I think he's just a little fucky and very easy to call out as controlled of as d&c by the jews. He's for nationalism. But it doesn't really matter, fuck e celeb shit, the only people they preach to are already nationalists
I think he is a faggot operative. He doesn't even have testosterone. #ZioWhore
>That's not what the rest of this board seem to think.
cripplechan is thataway
I don't think Richard Spencer is controlled opposition, I think he is an idiot who is making our lives harder and doesn't realize it. He is giving the normies and the left ammo to use against us and give honest non-racist movements like the fascist movement a harder time. Checkout Marshal Ironsides video on this topic.
Fascism is inherently racial in nature you goof
lrn 2 shill
Gave them an actual alternative on the political spectrum.
What has anyone on Sup Forums ever done for white people in real life?
If he wasnt there they would find another idiot to try to scare the normies off with
IOTBW is the best thing to happen
Pic related.
Yes. And Mike Enoch is his handler.
>further empowering leftists in their confirmation bias is good
I bet you think electing Trump was good too.
Everyone and everything is. Thats the fun part.
No its not, read some material by actual fascists. "The Codex Fascismo vol 3" explains this. Read "My Rise and Fall" by Benito Mussolini who denied the importance of race. While those in the the fascist movement are often racist the movement is not nor has it ever been about race. There is a clear line between nazis and fascists and white nationalists and fascists. Anyone can be a fascist if you cant see that please read some history and look at some fascist sources especially from Italy Spain and Portugal around the 1930's and 40's.
It doesn’t matter if he is or not. It is litterally imposible for him to make it very far.
You are objectively wrong. Mussolini believed in European fascism and a common European race. Any European could be an Italian, but not anyone could be European.
Try again next time.
Leftists are a lost causes it's normies that matter and they all agreed with usnin regards to the 5 words.
This video is god awful. What the fuck is this fake accent and shitty distortion effect. This guy is an embarrassment.
The funny thing is that half the villains in that image literally did nothing wrong. Dr. Doom is arguably a hero.
No. You fucking kikes who make these threads are controlled opposition.
we have this thread like twice a day. yes he is. stop asking.
Normalfags don't care about anything but their jobs and their daily entertainment aka fix. And on that matter, millennials, who happen to be overwhelmingly leftists, are going to start assuming positions of power in government and companies.
Let that sink in for a second.
Whites outnumber the jews and their pets like 100,000 to 1. It is very possible, if we grow a spine.
Richard Spencer was against BREXIT.
Either he's a dumb faggot or just a pathetic attention whore who lives of a trust fund.
>Both are right
You are objectively wrong. "Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race." - Mussolini. I would put my money on that Mussolini was a little racist many people were during that era but he would have been no more racist than many Americans, Brits or French. Both Mussolini, Franco and Óscar Carmona all spoke out against Hitler's extreme views on race.
Does it really matter?
Also he married a Georgian Turk looking gypsy.
His kids will be less white than a Bulgarian.
Ricky the
R E t A R d
Anyone with northern European genetics can bleach someone with Turkic admixture back to Hellenic features
It's really not a big deal
He's a rich kid and a goof, but he has taken up the role of being the alt-rights spokesperson and he's successfully been pushing the overton-window in our favor.
The fact that there's a very dedicated smear-campaign against him with the shitty photoshop memes should tell you that leftypol is afraid enough of him. It doesn't matter whether they're funny or not when the intent of it is obvious, its an Alinsky tactic.
Yes, just stop fucking asking.
Anybody promoting White Nationalism or nazi shit is controlled opposition.
The mexican Intellectual is right. Every white identity advocate is a plant.
How can he be controlled opposition? He literally IS the opposition.
Maybe, but probably not. Concern troll shills are worse.
There is nothing wrong with white nationalism in the US if it is worded well. Nazi stuff is dumb though.
Controlled leadership. Lead you to your demise, and give your enemy talking points to beat you.
This "overton window" bullshit is an excuse for lack of actual accomplishments.
You have to go back
>Political discourse hasn't changed since Trumps candidacy
I fucking hate richard spencer so fucking much hes an embarassment. 100% controlled opposition
heres for race mixing and has an asian wife for god sakes
Yes, CNN and others Soros puppet organizations always prop him up and give him free publicity, i literally never heard of the dude until someone complained about him being controlled opposition.
His rise to fame wasn't organic, he was never famous on "right" sites.
pol changed more lives than you could ever possibly realize
>His rise to fame wasn't organic, he was never famous on "right" sites.
This is provably false
He's been known since at least the mid-200's
Please lrn 2 shill
also this
>Please lrn 2 shill
Learn to shill for who? How big of a fucking mongoloid are you?
No one knew who the fuck this retard was until he appeared on CNN, "stormfront" doesn't count as a "right" site if that is what you consider as "being famous".
yes I also agree, my fellow right wing pol-user
the man you are responding to is right and we both agree with him
I hope more people agree with us so a consensus can be established
Doesn't he work with Jared Taylor?
No way Jared Taylor is controlled opposition for the people that want to genocide us
you really should kill yourself at this point kike
he has worked with him.
Of course he is not controlled opposition. Sup Forums is filled with kike shills like OP.
Jared Taylor and Spencer are /ourguys/
Yes. Ever notice how Milo and Ben always get shut down when they're pretty much completely benign but nobody ever tries to stop Spencer from spouting his half-baked fanfiction?
>you really should kill yourself at this point kike
Learn to argue like an adult, maybe they should give you better instructions at ShareBlue so you don't look like a complete retard.
hey moarpheus your trolling is shitty please fucking KILL YOURSELF.
>nobody ever tries to stop Spencer from spouting his half-baked fanfiction
>when they're pretty much completely benign but nobody ever tries to stop Spencer from spouting his half-baked fanfiction?
This is total bullshit. Shapiro's events happened without any problem. Spencer's event was totally crowded out by protesters.
>There's no doubt he's bad optics
The guy understands optics (aesthetics) better than most people.
>His willingness to tolerate flag waving Nazi larpers
He doesn't you fucking tard. Anyone in the world could have attended Charlottesville. He's denounced this again and again.
How is he an alternative in politics?
You want to know some real shit? Like confirmed true? Richard Spencer is a serial philanderer that's cheated on his wife dozens of times. He goes to Alt-Right events and hits on any woman in the room until he gets laid. He is paying his wife to not divorce him, because that would look bad for the movement. Him and his wife barely talk anymore.
Stop knee jerking over muh Brexit. Like Catalonia, Spencer rejects futile infantile expressions of nationalism that have no lasting effect on the world. Brexit was nice from a Left VS Right standpoint, but it does nothing to curb immigration, advance British power, wake its people, wake the greater European world, etc. most of the people behind Brexit, when you actually look at what they say, are just civic nationalist cucks who think Britain can do globalism better on their own. Let’s be honest, Brexit probably won’t even happen anyway. The cucked Tories seem to do everything possible to delay and muck it up, and if labor gets back in power they will probably find a way to get another vote. Each year that goes by means less pensioners alive to vote Leave, and a more energized left to vote Remain.
This. None of us have the resources to rent out public spaces at universities like him. It's the same tactic leftists used in the 60s.
no , its dificult to reformulate a white nationalism,its trial and error,we have been the mayority but with so much change is inevitable .i hope in couple of year we have a solid base that represent our interest across the atlantic
Fuck off, Spencer is great.
Cheating on your wife and hiding it is not alpha.
He wants people on his side and will flip-flop on ANY issue to get people to join him. He will tell one person he wants an ethnostate through peaceful means and then tell another person he would do it through force. Whatever it takes to get them to follow him.
We never post his videos and never talk about his talking points. Also, /pol has no doctrine. The Media needs to fuck off with thinking their opposition is some small group of Richard followers. I've barely even heard him talk. I don't care.
He's a racemixing controlled opposition. He's not far right enough. In the world I want to see, he'd be put to death for being too far left.
A lot of people here will disagree with me though. I'll support less larpy goals that support my people, but Richard obviously isn't it. His blatant use of Nazi phrases, salutes, and symbols has made him impossible to associate with and be taken seriously. Mike Enoch and his lot too. These people aren't leaders of our movement, they inhibit it.
I will fly the Us flag and then when niggers burn it and Jews defend them, I will reveal it to normies until we have enough of them on our side, or until a shattering event form the left causes us all to push back.
I don't think he's controlled opposition.. he is just a really bad leader who always wants to be the center of attention.
It was the mainstream media that made him our "leader" after the Hillary speech, and our movement has suffered ever since. It would be best to ignore him and not to associate with him.
We do best without a leader... a million different voices on the internet.
Pretty much all of the anti-Spencer posters are leftypol shills. They arrange it on a discord and spam Spencer threads with posts about him being controlled opposition. It's meant to divide us.
He works for the rothschilds
No he's just a homosexual check numerals
Placing people on a hurtbox that turns them into either nazis who are unable to be politically relevant or civic cucks who do everything for the lulz and le based nigger is hardly an achievement.
So epic XD
White interests only, ethnocentric views.
Yes and then he begs for money though the organizations he managed to get allied with him. In private, with members of his group, all he does is beg for sheckels and talk about how this is the end of the movement if he loses the lawsuit.
He never "rents" anything. If he is invited to the collage, the collage foots the bill. Spencer didn't pay shit for going to that collage in Florida.
He's never called himself a leader. He doesn't try and be a leader. He just does his own thing, which is almost always a net benefit (Heilgate is the only bad thing he's been connected to). We need a public face if we want to be a mainstream movement, and I'd rather have Richard Spencer than a skinhead or an autistic neckbeard.
>claims to be right
>wants socialism for whites only
Gets the nigging a rigging
He's not a very good speaker. First, he has a faggy voice, and second, he doesn't redpill normies in a clear and concise way, like Jared Taylor does for example.
He spends most of his time attacking the "alt-light" instead of attacking our real enemies.
If he is going to be a voice for our movement irl, then he needs to learn how to use talking points that normies can relate to. The guy rambles too much in his speeches and youtube videos. He needs to organize his thoughts into talking points.
He also needs to get rid of the fucking tiki torches and shit like that.