Once we finish with the kikes our next target will be the Asians. They must be eradicated by any means necessary. Apart from kikes destroying us within which is our number one priority, Asians must be next on our list.
>Tied and bound, a puppy watches as other animals are beheaded in front of it in horrific footage of Indonesia's dog meat trade... which is feared to be spreading RABIES to humans
Asian dog trade
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Asian qts though man. And Asian Aussie girls have the cutest accents you sick bastard. I’m going to get me an asian waifu and you can fuck off
I lost.
Gas yourself kike
Stay away from other races, you fucking faggot. Why is it the moment you get a sliver of race consciousness, you want to go full white man's burden and "save" others from their own culture? Retards.
>Once we finish with the kikes our next target will be the Asians.
Japanese are the only exception. And even they are half-insect. Every other asian nation should be burned and salted.
user you fucking pleb. I don't want to "save" them. Ideally I want to nuke them
I say kill all of them except the Japanese. The Japs are at least humane and don't kill man's best friend. The worst they do is whales. If we eradicate the asians from SE and continental asia, the Japs can move there and finally stop being so crowded on their island.
not all asians , i love my nipponbros and they bring glorious bants to this board albeit they rarely visit - always delivering.
japan is godtier asian.
If you can't respect the rights of other races to exist, why the fuck do you think you can complain about Jews conquering you, retard?
Shut the fuck up you fuckin' faggot, we have much higher IQs than you bitch ass cracker Americans.
Japanese aren't even Asian, we're WHITE. KILL ALL ASIANS.
Gas yourself kike.
Only kikes push for exterminationism or any of that LARP shit. You're an irrelevant weakling fantasizing about destroying other races when yours is being stomped out in its homeland.
You lack basic empathy and ideological consistency, but you're complaining that they eat dogs.
>Japanese aren't even Asian, we're WHITE.
You wish. But you're close enough that you don't deserve another nuking quite yet. The rest of the slants do though.
>m-m-muh but it is okay when we kill cows
fucking cows, sheep, chicken and those sorts of animals were bred to be food. dogs on the other hand were domesticated for three reasons; guard, hunt and provide companionship. anyone that eat dogs is a fucking subhuman desu
some goes for cats but they kinda domesticated themselves instead
vietnam have no honor
Gas yourself kike for the third time.
>dub quads
Correct opinion and correct numerals, Turk.
Not an argument, you fucking loser. Have fun larping about nukes when you're not even allowed to own guns, Jew servant.
youre an okay roach , now convert to christianity and id let you sleep in my house.
I am ok with gooks and company eating doggos but hell I hate how is so brutal. Ffs its worse than halal or kosher slaughter
Finally Rabbi shekelstein fucks off.
It's just quads, newfriend. Don't hurt yourself
Not just dogs, all animals in China are pretty much fucked desu.
Worse still, they believe torturing the animals prior to death flavors the meat. So they not only eat animals civilized countries don't, they put them through grotesque maiming and torture as they slaughter them.
Gooks shall pay for crimes against doggos. How dare they!!!?? BAD!!!!
Just drop two nukes on every Asian country besides Japan and we'll be all good.
This is just the thin end of the wedge that vegetarians will use to try and poison your mind.
Dogs are animals and if Indonesians in Indonesia want to eat them, who are we to judge them? I love dogs but I would definitely eat a dog if I was hungry.
As long as they live good, kill them humane and eat all the animal I don't give a fuck. That dog meat festival torture shit is fucked up tho.
I agree.
Muslims can eat dogs but not own them?
Its called white mans burden nigger we have to save them from being retarded non-white mongrels
Maybe the Irish really are subhuman tier. "Better torturing dogs and cats than British." Fuck you.
That's some evil shit. Religious slaughter laws are put in place to minimize the negative psychological effects. To have a society that shuns that? Fuck....
If any of you were hungry enough you'd eat dog meat.
Yea asians is bad
meanwhile look what china factory made for their west customers
Quiet yourself vegetarian sissy. No one is falling for your ploy here. I will eat twice as much meat tomorrow because of this thread.
I advise everyone on Sup Forums to do the same!
Indonesians are mudslimes.
>Haha look I speak chinesese too can I join ur country?????? :DD
All I eat is meat. Kudos to you.
Keep JP and SK out of this
also, niggers, spics and muslims come before asians since they're a way bigger problem
The problem isn't that they eat dogs.
The problem is that they torture animals.
The reason human beings find this objectionable is that it signifies a lack of empathy, you don't want a guy that could torture a dog in your tribe because he might do the same to your children.
Hunting/slaughtering animals should be viewed as a duty, not a pleasure.
Oh so your objection to dogs is just based on hypocrisy and your hurt feelings. Lol.
explain this west fags
>Asian qts though man
Good point, what will white women do without cute Asian men
I have no objection dude. As long as they live good and die humane. Let them eat them.
>White girl with Japanese boyfriend
>people caring about animals
>yet they also eat meat
lol choose one you stupid faggots
literally braindead
Naw, fornication and masturbation (covetousness) ruin both the individual and society.
You need to take this seriously, it's your life on the line.
>not a shitskin
i don't care
This. It's just butthurt white bois, ignore them
People are fucked up what do you want? That, and chinks will sell anything!
This is the attitude you white bois should have. Take notes
このクソオカマ女郎、皆は手前に笑っているよ 囧rz〜〜
then which country theses sexdoll made for ?... I wonder
>china eat dogs
>west fag want to fuck dogs
all blame each other LOL
what a wonderful world
Providing an animal some quality of life, then killing it as painlessly as possible for consumption=providing an animal a nightmarish existence and tortuous death. You have the brain and soul of a nigger.
you can have them, i've got a yellow of my own
God is not a respecter of persons or nations.
Stop falling for the tribalism meme and fix yourself, I'm serious.
Go suck dog's dick fucking cumskins.
Cumskins BTFO
No empathy=not human. Pure and simple. You are literal insect-people.
Megasatan is a dog lover.
Guess he's an alright dude.
race mixing is degenerate no matter what but white woman / asian man doesn't bother me nearly as much as women sleeping with niggers. The fact that there are like 13 total white woman / asian man relationships in all of America probably has a lot to do with this though. Asians may be soulless insect people but at least theyre human, unlike blacks.
It's not the complaining, it's the acting on it.
Kikes act on their racist shit. We need to follow suit.
You get a pass because of Anime. Literally no other race is strange enough to produce that shit.
Uh, when she's more interested in eye fucking the camera than her dude, it means the dude is just a prop.
As soon as she realizes that shit ain't buying her social/"progressive" capital, she'll drop it and delete all evidence.