Make canada great again

Leaf poster wanted ideas for getting into politics. We were having a good discussion and got 404d. Discuss

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All I want is our country to get rid of liberalism. How can this happen?

things have to get much worse first

Easy, kick out Quebec and the Maritimes.

There is enough blue in Ontario and Chinese Columbie to have a real Conservative country.

Quebec and the Maritimes are the whitest parts of Canada, faggot.

I dont know user. It usually involves cleaning up your institutions, politics, etc. Its not easy. I wonder where leafposter went

Lot more minorities in Quebec than Saskatchewan.

What are the natives like in Canada? Here they live in drunken squalor. If someone were to reach out to that community to better life on reservations i think the indians would get behind someone

Outside of Montreal they're pretty white and the Maritimes are whiter than anywhere else.

>What are the natives like in Canada? Here they live in drunken squalor.

Same here.

>If someone were to reach out to that community to better life on reservations i think the indians would get behind someone

They likely know that reservations are actually worse than living in the city. Would be hard to trick them into moving there

Drunken squalor everywhere. They're useless people, they get free everything, and now they're learning from blacks how to play off of white guilt to get even more gibs.

you won't nigger it's just not possible lmao. the conservatives aren't even really conservatives and their up against

ik you guys like trump but realistically a trump style anti immigration, anti globalist PM will never happen

ex: acceptance of immigration in general, maritimes wanting neetbux, all the whites in rural ontario voting ndp/liberal

up against ndp/libs***

Quebec has to go. They are too liberal/socialist and are the reason why we have multiculturalism in the first place. Giving them a province and the ability to govern themselves as they please was a mistake.


Im not saying move them to the cities because they want to stay on reservations. I mean reach out in a way to better their community. Reservations arent much different from amish villages but amish have good rapport with others from outside for buisness and know its vital to their survival. They bake, farm, and learn trade skills where they have a purpose and small economy within their group. If indians picked up that practice their communities would improve

fucking idiot

Is quebec the california of canada?

They're being played and prompted by the left right now. A bit like the blacks in the US.

They're being shown everywhere to try and make us feel "bad" and guilty, but it's not working kek.

no british columbia is

Pretty much. They want to have their own laws and culture and see themselves as different than other Canadians. They constantly demand special treatment and threaten to leave if they don't get their way. Not to mention that they are borderline socialists.

You're thinking about Ontario.

Quebec is the most anti-immigration and nationalist province in Canada. But the federal government is trying to flood us with immigrants to dilute our unity and they literally all vote Liberal.

The Maritimes would go blue if it wasn't for all the EI sucking frenchies.

its backfiring desu
The neo-Jesuit SJW movement is just a cover for the primary resource extraction industries that rule the oligopoly that Canada is. Since Canada never actually bothered to force many existing native tribes into a treaty, they are aggressively asserting land rights over the Crown. And they don't like that.

Its important to get a new message to sway politics before it gets worse. Look at sweden, europe, and what wouldve been the US. California is a commie state but it was really close with big money being thrown into rural politics to put (their guy) in place in many cities

Religious accommodation is completely different than nationalism and immigration. Quebecois have no sense of national unity and are the biggest obstacle to eliminating multiculturalism in Canada.

lol remember when the ultimate merchant tried to Trump his way into PM?

we're so fucked

NDP Platform for 2019:

>15 min wage
>easier to make unions
>tfws now get same benefits/wages as native workers
>triple the financial supports available for low income workers (ie. give them subsidies and more tax refunds)

>add 2 new tax brackets for high income earners (meaning now you will be able to theoretically get taxed more than 50% of income if you make enough)
>increase capital gains tax rate by 25%
>add 40% tax on real estate worth more than 4 million
>no more corporate tax write offs
>increase corporate tax rate by 5%

>no more solitary confinement in prisons period
>no more mandatory minimum sentences
>no more mandatory fines/monetary penalties/fines
>prioritize community service over prison sentences
>reverse harper's amendments to the criminal code to restore pardons
>implement training for judges to avoid sentencing first nations to imprisonment
>ensure cultural assements are used for all black canadians before sentencing (ie. canada's history of discrimination is a mitigating factor in sentencing even for murder)
>judges receive anti-bias training for LGBTQI2S+
>decriminalize sex work
>decriminalize personal possession of all drugs

>all housing service providers must now ask clients about gender/sexual identities during intake and use client's preferred pronouns and name
>LGBTQI2S+ advocates develop competency training for RCMP/Border Services/Armed Forces
>end segregation of facilities (ie. toilets)
>Federal ID now shows "declared" gender
>Federal ID can now have a nonbinary gender option of "x"
>no more surgery on intersex babies so that they can self-identify at a later age
>no more blood/tissue/organ bans on men who have sex with men and mtf that have sex with men
>phase out coal entirely by 2030
>reduce carbon emissions to 30% of the 2005 emissions (so more like 70%)
>zero emission vehicle agenda = tax high emission vehicles, tax rebate on electric vehicles
>revamp building codes for green policies
>phase out fossil fuels subsidies
>add sales tax incentives on nongreen products
>dump more money into renewable energy
>build a renewable energy supergrid
>create a climate change action advisory governmental body

>increase first nations educational funding
>end 2% funding cap on first nations educational funding
>government take responsibility for indingenous language decline and make effort for revitalization

>ban street checks/carding by RCMP
>define and ban racial profiling (its already banned fyi)

>electoral reform to show a more diverse, inclusive and representive parliment

>increase funding for women affected by domestic violence

>complete repeal of bill C-51

>decriminalize possession of marijuana

>no more Kinder Morgan Pipeline
>no more Energy East Pipeline


Canada has no culture or identity. Quebec has its own language, culture, history and identity. They are way more nationalist than anyone else in this shitshow of a failed federation.

Well, Quebec passed a law banning burkas and niqab on public services (like the bus). They are the only ones trying to take some steps, but the federal government wants to appeal the law.

We love you Canada, you're going to be the #1 Global Power one day,don't listen the jew fattie from the south, hr secretly wants to invade you, they have no friends nor honor. Go Leaf

The language barrier in Quebec was a huge problem, our forefathers should have ground the French language out of the province with the heel of their boots, it's why we've gone to complete hell today

The native women comit more crime then the men. This is unique to Canada.

Quebec's nationalism is respectable but those fuckers hate working and rely on gibs. That province is heavily dependent of the the federal government and have politicians by the balls. I wouldn't mind too much if they actually had a good work ethic but they don't.

One thing i was discussing with leaf user about getting into politics is having media to back you up. Bannon being strategist was the best thing trump couldve done. He took it to the people. Live rallies, media to back him up without taking him out of context, pol memeing. He also tapped into the middle class without pandering endlessly to minorities but he did get with them to see why things were the way they are and has a plan to change it.

Kys anglo scum. All of canada's problems stem from Ontario.

There was a discussion on the radio earlier this week (in alberta) abut how there were 2-3 unemployed for every vacant job position, yet we are going to increase our immigrant intake.

Add further auutomation into the equation...

Wtf I wanted to vote NDP.

Holy shit, actually makes Trudeau seem semi sane.

>Canada has no culture or identity

Spoken like a true Frenchman. Every city and town has it's own unique culture. You're just not looking hard enough if you can't see it. Just because you guys hate islam and religion in general doesn't mean that you aren't all very liberal and welcoming to chinks and pajeets.

They do provide 20% of all income taxes to the federal. They provide more than Alberta. I think there was a big smear campaign by the medias at the last referendum in 95 and those perceptions stuck.

They paid 39Billions to Ottawa in 2009 and received 8Billions in equalization.

Only one that gives more is Ontario (huge population helps). 3rd one is Alberta with 36Billions.

Basicly those 3 Provinces along with BC makes the rest of Canada live.

If you look /capita, Maritimes receive like 1000$/person, highest equalization money in the country, but they have low population so the overall number looks better.

What kind of liberty campaign could someone run on that everyone could agree with? What speaks to people as far as the origins of canada and tradition of getting back to your roots? I think thats really why the world is so screwed. Everyone is missing this

>Every city and town has it's own unique culture
depending on which section of town you're in

in 50 years this wont be a country, but 30 countries. New somalia

Richmond is defacto chinese territory. Its already 54.6% Chinese - at least according to like 2012 statistics. City is at minimum 70% visible minority.

my old hometown in ontario is now approx 60% immigrant.

its disgusting frankly.

It's working in Manitoba dude. And our mayor tries to bait white guilt all the time

Well, every city might have, but here a whole province has its own collective culture and different language. It's not nearly the same.

I think the sanest thing to do would be to separate from Canada, so we can take our own interests in our own hands.

>Having nationalist values
What are you, some sort of Nazi?

Think of it this way. America is the last best hope for mankind. We're going down to keep them up.

They've been displaced and prejudiced against by. All thanks to precious white people, thanks!

Political wise Ontario is, geographic and landscape wise, BC.

We need to expose the revolutionary scum currently turning our k-12 public school system into a far left socialist SJW training camp

Is Quebec nationalism frenchie nationalism though?
Wouldn't they want to intentionally fuck up Canada?

where you from op?

Create a new conservative party, one that Atlantic provinces would actually vote for, you know instead of having the only "Conservative" party that is openly NOT conservative.

Its important to clean out all onstitutions. Even our judicial system in the US was politicized under obama. We actually have flyers warning about activist judges. Pathetic

A real center right pro middle class party would be competitive. A simplified winning mix would be:
>Pro-health care spending
>Hard on crime
>Cut useless social programs/fund useful ones like child care
>Support gay rights but cut out all the modern gender shit
>Don't ban Islam but cut all the laws catering to them/call Islamic terror what it is
>EI reform for season workers
>Cut immigration to a reasonable level
>Subsidize college/trade schools more
>Create a department against worker exploitation (this would destroy the movement for cheap foreign slave labor)
>End foreign home ownership and regulate the real estate industry

These are not my views as I am more right wing but these wouldn't be 'too extreme' for the average Canadian.

No, Quebec is the Texas of Canada.

Unfortunately our country is slowly becomming a shithole run by bleeding heart libtards. Trudeau got elected because he has nice hair.

I'd love for us to close our borders. Currently we are taking in way too many immigrants and bending over backwards to support them. Our fucking prime minister gave a fucking terrorist who killed an americam soldier 10 million fucking dollars! Like what the fuck?! Meanwhile we thousands if not millions of Canadian born men and women living on the streets without the basic necessities to live but hey lets just give 10mil to a terrorist and invite all his family to stay in our GREAT country.

Used to love my country but lately I can't stand it. Im salty as fuck at my country and its progressive far leftism.

How could le anglo ever compete
We're the most skeptical of all

The problem I have is all the government contracts Quebec wins, the corporations that win them are slower than the government itself. As an example SNC Lavalin would out of business if they were in the US due to how slow and inefficient they are.

We had quebec terrorists in the 80s when all the talk about separation was at an all time high. Worse thing they did was set off somw mail box bombs I think.

French people hate Quebec folks though.

Unfortunately I think this is correct


As a comparison in the USA to get into politics you need to have good business connections and basically have a very comprehensive list of capital and successful people help you.

In Canada its basically the same except they are all sell out looking to profit from selling ____ or are turbo liberal fundraisers nutbags.

>But the federal government is trying to flood us with immigrants
and it's working. Get me out of here.

What about bilingual Anglo-Francophone economical immigrants ? are you guy against those ?

Don't you have a country to build?

I really think that the average Canadian doesn't understand how far off the deep end the powers that be have gone. My mum didn't believe me when I told her about transgenderism and how saying "it's okay to be white" is a radical statement

Restez chez vous asti quvous mfaite rire taleur jtai en char pi g vue un sand nigger ak une veste d'hiver qui grolotait pis rendu che nous jparti faire une ride de bike en culote courte juss pour en voir tripper
T'es pas faite pour le climat reste che vs asti

Are you conservative? If so please come here and bring some Tunisian qts

There is nothing remotely conservative in any way shape or form about the Conservative party

gone are the days of ol' Jack

Quebec is much more nationalist than the rest of Canada, they're just not Canadian. Only Anglo Canada is Canadian. We should have let them go but we flooded them with immigrants who all voted no to separation so now we're stuck with them

The entire party needs to be torn down and replaced with an actual conservative opposition. And Scheer needs to khs

1) Vote Libertarian.
2) Have them win a few seats so normies realize they are a real party.
3) After winning a few seats and gaining popularity Libertarian party will run in more riding.
4) From here actual chance to win
5) Once Libertarians win election will cut all welfare and financial assistance for immigrants.
6) With no more gibs Canada no longer a desirable place to immigrate to.

>implement training for judges to avoid sentencing first nations to imprisonment
The nutty NDP will never learn.

People have no idea just how bad it's gotten and just how far gone we are. The damage is done. I used to have hope but at this point I don't give a fuck anymore. Burn it down to the ground. When there is blood in the streets and everyone is starving and being murdered by orcs maybe then Canadians will wake up.

>Make Canada great again

Canada was NEVER great.
Canada was a lowly province divided between the upper and the lower (Quebec). A lot of people in Quebec want to leave the confederation. Nova Scotia was decidedly against joining the confederation in the first place. It was an economic decision that we eventually got suckered in.
It wasn't even a country until the mid 1800s; I knew people born in the 1800s.
In fact, the economy was so shit post-confederation, that people actually left to go to the US, like my grandfather.

They are their own nation. They have a sense of unity with the Quebecois nation. Canada is a binational state, not a nation. Anglo Canada is a nation, Quebec is another nation. We're stupidly and pointlessly "united" under the umbrella state of Canada

I'm an jobless Engineer who speaks 4 languages and seriously considering a death trip to Europe to leave this shithole ...The economy is no good for other than olive-oil and dates low wage car parts workers, Tunisia doesn't need me right now, i could help much more somewhere else, i'm also feeling like i'm dying slowly and suffocating day after day ... being a highly qualified and unemployed is a really fucked situation


i worked directly for a ministry of aboriginal relations years ago
drunken squalor
huge on govt gibs
high expectations
they get a lot of money from taxpayers but it's not subject to FOI so a lot of retarded spending goes unchecked. loads of "muh racism" accusations if you question anything
govt office work isnt much different. negotiators are assholes with high expectations. exec are pushovers unless addressing lower staff and treat them like subhuman. the culture of entitlement is rife when youre in that world
i dont miss it

Honestly I hate Trudeau, but NDP has always been worse.

>our forefathers should have ground the French language out of the province with the heel of their boots
>implying they didn't try
Canada was ceded to the crown of England by treaty after the war. It was already a self-sustaining colony by that point, built by frenchmen over ~200 years of incredibly hard work. War always sucks for the losing side, but all in the transition of power went relatively smoothly; the queen was advised to let the locals run their own business while she reaped tax income, lest they revolt. Then spineless cucks from the south, having failed to prevent the american revolution and subsequent independence of the 13 colonies (fun fact : american revolutionary forces attempted to invade Canada though Montreal and failed miserably, repelled by a combination of English soldiers and French militiamen) fled with their tail between their legs to the only other colony on the continent that belonged to the crown of England : Canada. They then whined and bitched about not being given free land and other "legal" matters, so the queen of England split the colony in half and gave them what is now Ontario. This wasn't enough, so they kept bitching and whining, to this day, and have the fucking gall, the outrageous audacity to lay the blame for the disunity of this country and all it's assorted failures at our feet. The fucking state of Anglo-Canada, I swear.

>libertarian party

Go fuck yourself. Libertarians are just as cucked.

This is such a dumb fucking meme. Most of the immigrants areally attracted to Canada's stable economy and safety, not the prospect of welfare. Cutting welfare would make no difference

I swear if half this country burned down the other half wouldn't care.

Thing is, you'll need it worse than pre Nazi party Germany at this point. Canada has bigger problems than just the Jew.

Would you?

just go on the canada immigration site

it's a point system so being able to speak both eng and french helps

I watched the news a couple days ago and they claimed employment was up with thousands of new jobs all thanks to immigration, a commercial break later they were talking about the loss of 1000 jobs in the car plants in Oshawa and the loss of thousands of jobs from Sears closing. I'm sitting there thinking, what? Which is it?

Wtf is your problem

Sérieux mec ?? "sand nigger " , en faite , situ écrit comme un gamin de 4 ans, tu te compte comme nigger là etje pense que ç'est ça le cas.. i bet you didn't even finish high school, didn't you , je t'emmerde espèce de P.D, nik ta race.

you'll probably just get deported from europe sooner or later

if retarded algerians with zero skills can come here i bet you could

I just want a party that will stop selling everything to foreigners and build up infrastructure.

We have so many unemployed and "disabled" needing work but we just sell raw resources to buy them back at 10x the price instead of processing stuff ourselves.

Immigration is a band aid. The people who run this country only want to sell everything out from under you so the bottom line is in the black and they look good for it.

It's really quite scary to see how fast things are getting out of control with the public having no idea about it

Jai meme ete au Cegep lneg des sable
Jecris comme jparle pour tu comprenne a rien
Reste che vous meme ma mere tough plus l'climat

More jobs were created but the employment rate went down

Vote Sheer