gentle reminder to my fellow poltriots not to engage (((d&c)))
Gentle reminder to my fellow poltriots not to engage (((d&c)))
There are a large amount of Ameri-muts though. You can be confident in yourself and know you are purebred white. You would only be offended by le 56% face if it represented you...
>mutt bants
>must be the jew
zero self awareness.
it's fucking hilarious, it helps stigmatize shitskin race mixers as something undesired so i am 100% okay with it
I agree with this. Lots of spics post on here, they need to fucking leave
>56% white
>44% stranger things
Sure man, it's the jews... XD
It hurts my national pride, and many people seem to use it to antagonize all Americans. However, I suppose this is a fair and constructive way to look at it as well.
Thats a weird way to start a amerimutt thread
>in exponential decline
Rip amerimutt
I can assure you that I do it for free.
I can't believe people can't take a joke.
>mfw I live in a country with this many thin-skinned faggots
>eternal anglo
>poo in loo
I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. Burger never really had much impact.
t 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
>inb4 Amerishart mods move thread to r/banter/
This, but it crops up and derails every fucking thread. Don't get me wrong, some of the pics are funny, but jesus.
This one's bretty good. Had a hearty chuckle, thanks.
...but very efficient, OP must be a sneaky jew himself :)
Notice how all of the european population on Sup Forums are jews?
Mongrels are retarded. huh.
>Burger is against the amerimutt meme
wewus maxmus
Come on, don't bully the mods. I'm sure that with their jobs they get paid better than you ever will.
>Horizon signal.
Hey white man. Just insert some of this DNA into you. It was how you were always meant to be. Don't ask questions.
>tfw bully amerimutts and get paid by Soros for that
Living the dream
>don't you dare talk about miscegenation
nice try, niggerkike. get out of my america.
>Fucking Eurocucks!!! Enjoy being raped by Ahmed you Muslim fags!!! Haha what kind of KEK would allow their race to be replaced like that?
>Aren't you 56% white?
when will Europeans figure out a better face?
Not pissed off desu
>keep calling everyone else non white for years
>Finally get called out
>"G-guys stop,its not cool"
Hm... I wonder who is behind this thread...
>America the Great
let´s put our differences aside for a day to bully amer*c*ns
>A disappointing lack of murders.
Too white. Not enough African Americans.
>For a day.
It's been constant for about two weeks now.
Ameritard mods banned me for posting this 2 days ago
I think OP is secretly trying to spur the creation of more of them
I think they're funny as fuck desu
i dont understand why you bash the burgers for bein 56% when you guys are trying as hard as you possible can to join the 56% club, are you a hypocrite?
I know, maybe the 'for a day' wasn´t necessary
I'm 1/64th german
O Sul é meu país
Khazars are the OG mutts. This is all projection.
Yes, I prefer to be spanish anyways
Best one yet.
>needing that many text to reply toa literal mutt face meme
not gonna bully you too much for that, writing that much must have been challenging
Still far away
I don't know about you guys but amerimutts are pretty funny
Like clockwork.
The meme is partially true, but there are parts of America that are overwhelming white in a real sense. I mean you probably won't find too many Americans with completely English, German, Swedish, etc. ancestry unless they're first generation, but you'll still find a lot of people with entirely Western/Northern European ancestry. For starters go to the Midwest, the rural parts of the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast and you'll see there are actual white people. Even **some** rural parts of the South are still very white.
Goethe wasn't a Bavarian.
can u at least stop accepting the shitskin refugees at rates that will ensure you are in the 56% club before the end of this century?
then u can make fun of us burgers without looking like hypocrites
also germany has many poles and if they al left then germany wouldnt even be 90% white
Jfc have some self awareness. This is why people hate us
>excluding Turkey
>US has always been the melting pot of the world
>yuropoors wanted to be us so bad that they ruined the home of white people
Not to mention that the US still has the most white people of any country on earth.
>be European
>be mixed European
>be place other mixed Europeans live
>not called shit even though your entire genetic makeup is white
Yeah, that's sounds like pilpul to me. "YOU'RE NOT PURE" when you're 100% white. Fucking kikes.
It might actually be the Jews fault that you're not white, thanks to mass nonwhite immigration
>stars and bars
Woah, so this is the power of shilling
Who is your favorite Amerigoblin?
Fuck off he's a little kid in an awkward phase
>has no idea what MENA is
You must be mentally deficient to think it's funny. Leftist tier.
2% is pretty good
>it's fucking hilarious
>Had a hearty chuckle
>Best one yet.
Anyone else noticing this repetitive pattern?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ah thats funny, that pic's got me rolling.
Middle East/ Near Asia.
With Turkey included in "Europe"
Meet Guandalupe Smith
Gentile reminder*
>With Turkey included in "Europe"
>Europe (excluding Turkey)
>Amerimutt reading comprehension
Yes i noticed they must all be jews and shills for finding something that makes fun of americans funny
Kys the world dont revolves around americans not everyone loves you,now get used to it brazil 2.0
>funny pictures mocking the mongrel status of a large number of Americans causes butthurt.
That one?
embarassing reading comprehension from the 44%
0.02 cents has been deposited in your wife's son's account. Thank you for your dedication valued ShareBlue employee!
Holy shit is that based stickman?
>Europe excluding turkey
>Turkey's not in MENA
>Turkey is not a real country
>Sees flag
Ah you poor cucky cretin.
56% white 44% stranger things
The left can't meme.
Nigger Nigger Nigger. Send hillary to jail.
Top kek retard
In all seriousness now, Turkey needs to be balkanized, between Greece, Syria, Armenia and the Kurds, majority of it going to Greece.
fucking who draws all of these? it's amazing.
haha kike redditors try to force a meme hahahahahaha
Its you who start all the wars over in me, we try to help because we have morals. You just close your borders , eat bigmac and claim bavarian phenotype (while looking like Guandalope Smith)
please start posting this shit on instagram. needs to get popular with normies like the memeballs did, plus it'll actually get people to look up how white the country is
56% White
100% American
>im an 18 year old eurocuck who has no idea about anything
Stand up huwhite man
I hate francomutts more desu
OP was in earlier thread crying about le 56% .
I believe the answer to le 56% is to develop both friendly bantz and vicious retorts.
100% degenerate
> saving thumbnails
eurocucks everyone
nazi's were half turkroach