>humanity would be doomed without white people
Humanity would be doomed without white people
No, humanity wouldn't exist anymore.
Who started this meme? You do realize humanity existed before white people right?
Flawed logic from the god damned nigger retard.
Success breeds jealousy
By “would” you mean “will”. Let’s keep pretending like Whites aren’t about to be a minority in the nations their fathers built and died for.
Skin worshiping white people are a disgrace, honestly you might as well be kikes. It wasn't our pigmentation that made the west. It damn sure wasn't white people's intelligence. It was hard work and diligence gained from Christian doctrine.
>niggers would starve without white people
>obama recieved nobel peace prize
Sounds pretty unbiased.
your kind didn't even came up with the wheel let alone a written language
your people are a joke on the scale of human achievement
yes white people made the world you enjoy today and without them it would inevitably go to shit
south Africa and Zimbabwe are just the tow most glaring example
>I can recieve the Nobel Peace Prize by bombing third worlers into oblivion with drone strikes
Really activates the almonds
>africa is the pinnacle of human civilization
bow down to your bbc lord WHITEY!
Yeah that sounds about right. Where would you niggers get your gibs if there wasn't whitey to give them to you?
.Humanity (or the quality of being a human or humane) Is an English word (old french roots, and latin) created by white people to describe themselves generally. Ammendments to this definition might have been a bit hasty...Certainly we are all people, but the specific blend of early homo-sapien and neanderthal dna is what technically defines Human as originally intended by the creators of the words/concepts
if it wasn't for white people we would still be using sticks and stones
lol, that's literally as wrong as you could possibly be about it. That's like saying up existed before the y axis.
Correction humanity would be doomed without Jesus and he wasn't white either.
yeah and african societies are the pinnacle of evolution.
Fucking /thread right here. Whites have essentially defined what it means to be human and black people are trying to catch up and imitate it hoping to produce the same material results without understanding the intellectual work to get there.
If you're referring to the Out of Africa Model you should know the man who came up with it is also it's biggest critic too. He basically says there is enough evidence for saying man came out of Africa AND man evolved differently and went to Africa.
I'm not even going to say for sure, but even if our ancestors were all black, why the fuck did they leave Africa and some stayed? There was an obvious rift between the peoples there to say something was different and more advanced with one group and the other was content at it's current stage.
Also just a reminder most BLM flag posters are just white and/or Jew dudes trying to troll. They're always posting cuck stuff too. It's like the flags whole sthick now. No one uses that flag who isn't baiting/trolling.
Do blacks literally communicate in gifs and buzzwords? Jesus